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Updated the track, same link location. Still disregard the beginning and other stuff mentioned in the first post. More notes there.

Link to track:
Original post/notes:
Negative, I am a meat popsicle.
Announcer mic check and forum thread.

(11-17-2012, 05:22 PM)bitbomb Wrote: Updated the track, same link location. Still disregard the beginning and other stuff mentioned in the first post. More notes there.

Link to track:
Original post/notes:

Sounds good Smile

Though I would love it if you sort of enhanced the whole stereo/panning effect of the track a bit more, it slightly feels like mono untill 1:33, good stereo synth overthere Big Grin

Also, the new part you made sounds cool, it's a good variation to add, but somehow the square bass feels off tone when 2:05 starts.

I listened a few times to that part, and noticed it was indeed the correct tone, but it sounded half a tone higher when I was not focusing on it. Try to listen and see if you hear the same. Best solution would be to detune it a tiny bit to the lower side when that part comes in I think, dunno if it bothers others as well, maybe I'm just tired Tongue

I noticed I uploaded the wrong version of Erebus ready for playtesting, this is the correct one, now in a pk3 just like Mr.Bougo told :}

Dump it in Xonotic\data\ It will replace stairs.ogg (track in StormKeep).
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

(11-17-2012, 07:23 AM)bitbomb Wrote: Here's tonight's new work in progress. Don't mind what is currently the intro, that's got changes coming up. So much that doesn't work.

I wanted to keep going on this one but somehow it suddenly became 7am. Also don't bother critiquing the sound of the drums, they need adjustment. I'm concerned it's too foreground, but need a second/third/tenth opinion on that. Figured I'd post what's there now before I go messing things up out of paranoia. Always look forward to opinions, both negative and positive.

EDIT: Updated. Still disreguard the beginning and some other excuses above. Also now there's a short pause at the end of what's basically arranged so far, the part after that doesn't have a place in the flow yet but it'll most likely end up in the arrangement.

Low pass filter on the pad (its a bit trebly) + double it up with a low sine wave with a bandpass filter raising 400-1000 area.

Liking the type of snare before 00.40 sec mark would recomend it as your main snare.

Needs some feels to help transition between sections e.g. white noise with automated low-pass cutoff filter is pretty basic or a double time drum breakdown for 1 bar or cut everything except the lead for 2 bars and apply echo the come back with the full arrangement again. (some ideas)

Thanks guys. I appreciate the input. I guess I was too vague before about how arrangement, finishing touches, flow, and details are the last items in my process. The past few comments were suggesting things I already said I have not gotten to yet. No need bothering with details when, in early stages. the track is so malleable (everyone works differently). Sometimes a track in the basic composition stage WIP mixdowns can be are almost unrecognizable from the first mixdown to the final version. Most often though, fussing with transitions and finishing touches when the track is still coming together is just asking to have to axe them, since changes in structure/arrangement/etc suddenly make those finer details completely inappropriate, since they were built for a moment that's now completely different or no longer exists.

What I'm looking for when I post fetal phase WIPs here is whether the general flavor fits gameplay. If so, I will finish out the basic composition phase, flesh it out, and start polishing, crafting transitions, etc. Everyone works differently but I always assumed most people didn't go anywhere near stuff like that when a track is so young. It's like glazing a sculpture before it's finished, then deciding you want to make adjustments and have to sand the glaze off (or however glaze is removed) and glaze again. Weak analogy.

But all this is beside the point The fact that things I haven't done yet make up most of the what you guys think should change tells me that this is a track that feels like it'll work. So I'm going to go ahead with it, and I REALLY look forward to suggestions to candidate final versions. Thanks a bunch, guys!

TL;DR: The WIPs I post are sketches. Expect no transitions, effects, arrangement, or polishing. That all comes later on. Just looking to see if the general feel would fit Xonotic, thus making the track worth finishing.

.Danny. I half agree about the snare, the problem is the main snare is WAY too dramatic. Specific drum sounds are speed-crafted when I start a track just to give me something to begin composing around. I noticed pretty early that the main snare was overbearing in several ways but I will focus on crucial details like that as the song progresses. Thanks for your very attentive ears!
Negative, I am a meat popsicle.
Announcer mic check and forum thread.

Well I can I would listen to the track whilst playing xonotic. Its just got the right kind of vibe to it if that helps. What I would add though and this is a 4 to the floor house kick. Think it will make the feel for xonotic that much more tense if that what you're going for.

I'm going to prepare T1 (it will have a name soon) and Erebus for submission now, should be in the thread complete with source (vst configs, live set, and samples) in an hour or so Smile

In the meantime working on an atmospheric/brooding track.
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

Done submitting em, you can now use both tracks in your maps:
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

Hi folks!
It's been a while since I posted anything here.
But I've got back to playing Xonotic recently - I got sick, can't do any work, so why not kill some people?
Soon I've closed the game and launchced LMMS to try some new music.

And here's what I've made.
It's a house/chillout track with some disco and trance elements:
Chill The Chook Out (v. 04)
Ogg Vorbis looped for Xonotic. I gotta work on this more, but if you like it, I'll fix the track and deliver sources.
You can immediately see who's work has inspired me.

PS: good bassline can be heard even from laptop speakers (try it! no kidding!)
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

Oh, and I've just stared a heavier track:
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

(12-04-2012, 06:32 AM)unfa Wrote: Oh, and I've just stared a heavier track:

Could you do a version of that one with a gater or some rythmic stuttering on the bassline? I think it'll sound wicked Big Grin

I mean the sort of stutter effect I tend to put in my tracks :>
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

Chill The Chook Out .. awesome ...
although its a little on the simplistic side ... more detail in some of the repeating parts would be nice ...

Track I did yesterday. Forgive the quality I wanted to upload it really quickly before I left for college and unfortunately I couldn't wait.

Looking for feedback as I'm planning on working on it some more when I have time.

(12-04-2012, 03:08 PM).Danny. Wrote: Looking for feedback as I'm planning on working on it some more when I have time.

I really don't like the instruments.

(12-04-2012, 03:08 PM).Danny. Wrote:

Track I did yesterday. Forgive the quality I wanted to upload it really quickly before I left for college and unfortunately I couldn't wait.

Looking for feedback as I'm planning on working on it some more when I have time.

It's a bit too psychedelic and random for my taste. Some parts are cool though, for example that part from 1:37 on, it has potential, and the one from 2:43 on.

If you leave out the rest, and focus on fleshing out those two parts, with variations here and there and new instruments (bassline), it could become a nice track, really :]
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

(12-04-2012, 04:24 PM)s1lence Wrote:
(12-04-2012, 03:08 PM).Danny. Wrote: Looking for feedback as I'm planning on working on it some more when I have time.

I really don't like the instruments.

All of them of just some? Please elaborate. Also I personally think all of them need more work to hone them down a bit so yeah. The portamento saw synth from 0.16 has got the exact style I'm going for so I'm going to leave that be except for chice of notes.

(12-04-2012, 04:41 PM)Archer Wrote:
(12-04-2012, 03:08 PM).Danny. Wrote:

Track I did yesterday. Forgive the quality I wanted to upload it really quickly before I left for college and unfortunately I couldn't wait.

Looking for feedback as I'm planning on working on it some more when I have time.

It's a bit too psychedelic and random for my taste. Some parts are cool though, for example that part from 1:37 on, it has potential, and the one from 2:43 on.

If you leave out the rest, and focus on fleshing out those two parts, with variations here and there and new instruments (bassline), it could become a nice track, really :]

Thanks for the feedback, will go over it again. One question when you said psychedelic and random did you mean the arrangement or the instruments themselves. Being specific helps.

Btw this isn't intended for xonotic. I set out to do a moombahton track initially but I think in retrospect I might make two tracks from this one. One with the sections Archer recomended and the rest of the sections for a more hard dance track.

Not much time recently, made some adjustments, figured I'd post the latest WIP mixdown. The beginning still isn't the intro, the last bits after the pauses don't go with this, those are just ideas that ran away with me, had to jot them down for something else. Reigned in the drums a bit, adjustments/additions here and there, but haven't had a solid chunk of time to really work on it. Anyway, link:
Negative, I am a meat popsicle.
Announcer mic check and forum thread.

* chooksta is chilled out now

awwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

ty unfa Smile


[Image: 227.png]

(12-07-2012, 01:32 AM)chooksta Wrote: * chooksta is chilled out now

awwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

ty unfa Smile



Got new tunes?

was going to last night , but something with breasts distracted me....

possibly tonight


[Image: 227.png]

(12-08-2012, 03:27 AM)chooksta Wrote: was going to last night , but something with breasts distracted me....

possibly tonight



Well hope you had success. NO rush with the tunes. Big Grin





[Image: 227.png]

(12-08-2012, 11:06 AM)chooksta Wrote:






sounds trippy Smile slightly scared and paranoid after listening to it too. ooh er


work in progress ran out of ideas a bit as to if I should add anything.

Hey guys,

After quitting music for years, I recently installed Reason and felt how good making music is.
So here is my first soundcloud entry.
Just a "practical class" downtempo song, to get down to Reason.
Feedbacks and suggestions are warmly welcome.

I plan to do something very much more xonotic-related.

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