(07-17-2013, 05:23 PM)tbutlerPBL Wrote: I am in the Seattle area and looking to host some Xonotic games. I am not a technician and need to have someone who can help me with the technical knowledge and equipment to have a shared server or maybe a VPS. Anyone know of a good company up here?
Well depending on your budget and if you don't mind higher ping look at servers from OVH.ca they are cheap look at
http://proof.ovh.net/ for ping and select teh BHS DC When I started I had a VPS from NFO servers and they have Seattle servers/IP's which would make the ping quite low for you.
Setting up the server os is not really hard if you can follow instructions and basic Linux commands. You'll need an FTP server (not really required) and a http server if you want to host the maps or host them on Dropbox (I've never used this method)
If you don't plan or running any other services and scripting languages like say PHP the server can be secured pretty easily.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]