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Name Change

try this nickname - Beagle no. Kotaku wait. Beagle

Don't worry, I'm not going crazy.

Please take a deep breath and read those messages again. As far as I've seen, the people in this thread are trying to help. Well, except maybe Ch4mp, I don't know that one. If he's teasing you, he should know better. He had me change his nickname very recently.

Of course people will tease you a bit. You'll notice they also tease me, but I know they mean well. They certainly do not want to make me rage. I've known those people (again, except Ch4mp) for quite some time, so you can trust me on that.

So yeah, I'll change your nickname back. And please don't hesitate to ask me to change it again.

And to the other people watching this thread: let's be nice and welcoming. This is a learning experience, which can be embarrassing enough as it is Smile

IceCoffee is now Beagle is now Kotaku is now Beagle.

(EDIT: Cheers, Halogene! Great post.)

I agree with GAYLOGENE))
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

I won't change it again Smile

I hoped for some negative reputation points, oh, whatever.

You might as well close and lock this thread too.

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