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Let's get ready to rumble

Hey guys!! Kinda hyped to be here. Came across Xonotic and had to test it, it was GREAT fun! A big fan of competitive quake and this is pretty much the same, if not even more awesome Big Grin

I have been competing in CS:GO for over 2 years but I have literally lost all my motivation for that game. So I just started playing Quake and now, hopefully, Xonotic. I am a big fan of competitive esports and I hope to start competing here ASAP, as I feel very comfortable with the engine as it is. It's a pleasure to be here, this community seems to be so nice and I can't wait to get to know the people here. ^^ I also love forums in general btw.
Those who are interested can find my most notable attendances over at

Seeya around!

Hi and welcome! Nice to see you joining the competition straight away.
I suggest you to join #xonotic.pickup channel on quakenet. It's where our competitive community usually hangs around and arranges games.

(02-20-2018, 12:20 PM)morosophos Wrote: Hi and welcome! Nice to see you joining the competition straight away.
I suggest you to join #xonotic.pickup channel on quakenet. It's where our competitive community usually hangs around and arranges games.

Will do, thanks!!

Get comfty playing 1v1, because apart from couple draft games now and then, there's hardly any team competition going.
Also if you like watching stuff, here's some world cup commentary vods from 2016:

(02-22-2018, 08:49 PM)Smilecythe Wrote: Welcome!
Get comfty playing 1v1, because apart from couple draft games now and then, there's hardly any team competition going.
Also if you like watching stuff, here's some world cup commentary vods from 2016:

Lol thanks dude. I kinda switched from CS:GO to Quake because I hate team based competitive esports. So yeah ill literally only be playing 1v1. xD

Thanks for the video, I'll be sure to check it out.

[Image: 38443.png]

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