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Young Cuizi, Bonjour from SnailEaterz Country !


I'm Cuizi. aka (HxC_Cuizinier, nsb_Cuizi, PGP_Cuizinier, SnailEater, Cuizi, PGP_QZ, Qz, ...)
[Image: x2_13dedc3.jpeg]

I played Nexuiz for Yearz.
I was on lot of ladder and nexuiz tournament. But still weaker than Kojn, Green, Bundy, dIM, etc, etc ...

While I would not have been able to compile Xono on my mac, you will find me on DM nexuiz servers , especially on DCC Plain.

I want to say hi/salut to all people who know me and all the players met in-game.
"Bonjour à tous les frenchies surtout ! =)"

I hope Xonotic will succeded as Nexuiz is.

I'm a web developer, if I can help to something... (I "try" to make video too)

Ps: I still speak English very bad. Sorry, I eat Snails.

[Image: quils-pensent-vraiment-pays-L-1.jpg]
Awesome, did Qz show you that ?
Nexuiz : I Reach the top5 of the ladder (even top3 I guess). Top1 French for quite some time (when active) of ladder. Top5 of some tournaments (if I remember well)

GG sir and welcomes.
"the best trolls are indistinguishable from idiots"

Les Français ... très sympa =). Qui a pris la photo?

Hey Cuizinier Big Grin

(09-24-2010, 05:08 PM)GreEn`mArine Wrote: Les Français ... très sympa =). Qui a pris la photo?
La photo viens du twitter du vrai Cuizinier, le rappeur. Pas moi =)

Hey Rad, see ya on 1on1 soon ! Need my Soylent =)
Hey Greeny and Bundy ! (Damn, I have no chance win to on Xonotic then)
Awesome, did Qz show you that ?
Nexuiz : I Reach the top5 of the ladder (even top3 I guess). Top1 French for quite some time (when active) of ladder. Top5 of some tournaments (if I remember well)

Sup? Tongue


Cool! Very nice to have you here!

Welcome to the Xonotic Forums Wink
[Image: 788.png]


Hi Cuizi, nice to have you back! Idea

Seems you will be able to compile Xonotic soon (see other thread). Just come to #xonotic and the fine folks there will help you out. While you do be sure to stop by in #nsb.nexuiz so we can discuss Machete Big Grin

cu around Cuizi

We fixed it yesterday already, dim Tongue

Hey Mirio, Friskydingo, rainerzufalldererste, Fisume ! Thanks for the welcome.

@dIM : for sure =)
@Mr.Bougo : Thanks =)

I tested xonotic for the 1st time yersteday. This game just f*cking rocks.
To all the Xonotic dev : Thank you, now I'll be f*cking less productive in my work.

Nexuiz low.cfg average FPS : 60. Xonotic med.cfg FPS : 200.

Cuiz is back M*therF*ckers =)
Awesome, did Qz show you that ?
Nexuiz : I Reach the top5 of the ladder (even top3 I guess). Top1 French for quite some time (when active) of ladder. Top5 of some tournaments (if I remember well)

Hi Cuizi,

Glad to have one more french 1v1 player.
We then have doubled the french staff.

See you dans les parages. Smile

(09-27-2010, 04:01 AM)Rage_ATWM Wrote: Hi Cuizi,

Glad to have one more french 1v1 player.
We then have doubled the french staff.

See you dans les parages. Smile
Ha ! At least a (putain de) Fr0g here !

"Compte sur moi pour être le 1er Français sur Xonotic =). Comme sur Nexuiz, je ne me laisserais pas faire"

If I got some money and If there is more than 2 xonotic 1on1 french players, I'll pay a french 1on1 dedicated server. (warning : Two big "if" in the sentence)
Since the version 1.2.1 of Nexuiz, I'm waitin for a damn 1on1 french server...
Awesome, did Qz show you that ?
Nexuiz : I Reach the top5 of the ladder (even top3 I guess). Top1 French for quite some time (when active) of ladder. Top5 of some tournaments (if I remember well)

Welcome back! Always room in here for another ex-PGP player :-)

Hey Kyre, glad to see ya !!!
Ok, there is dIM, Greeny, Kyre and me, where the f*ck are Voci and Stryky ? ^^
Awesome, did Qz show you that ?
Nexuiz : I Reach the top5 of the ladder (even top3 I guess). Top1 French for quite some time (when active) of ladder. Top5 of some tournaments (if I remember well)

Salut et Bienvenue!

Enfin j'arrive à practiqur mon Français! Je suis Britanique.. (don't be too harsh) Smile

(10-22-2010, 06:35 AM)Spyz Wrote: Salut et Bienvenue!

Enfin j'arrive à practiqur mon Français! Je suis Britanique.. (don't be too harsh) Smile

"Enfin j'arrive à pratiquer mon Français ! Je suis Anglais.." (We don't say "britanique" even if it's correct)

Bonne chance =)
Awesome, did Qz show you that ?
Nexuiz : I Reach the top5 of the ladder (even top3 I guess). Top1 French for quite some time (when active) of ladder. Top5 of some tournaments (if I remember well)

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