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UT Style Translocator, is it possible?

UT Style Translocator, is it possible?

Just wondering if a Developer or someone can tell me if it would be possible to have something like UT's translocator, or even if it's possible to code/do in Xonotic?

Was just thinking this purely for DOM because a) it's not really played properly at the moment so there is no set standard for this gametype and b) There is currently no DOM specific maps ..but I hope this will change and that we get atleast a few (3-4) DOM specific maps for 1.0 Release.

I mean I would love to see such a tool just to see how it would work in the gametype with the current physics, would also be interested to see what old UT player's who play Xonotic think.

I'm more just throwing the ball around to see if it's actually possible to code really Smile So, erm yea is it possible to do? :p
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


its called rocket flying , and alot faster my funky english friend.

f,,k copying another game , but i do like the idea.

call it shiftopia , or nowimhere


(02-18-2011, 08:00 AM)chooksta Wrote: its called rocket flying , and alot faster my funky english friend.

f,,k copying another game , but i do like the idea.

call it shiftopia , or nowimhere


To copy or not to copy, that is the question.. Personally i think we should take the best ideas from our fav games and make xonotic the craziest of them all.. Pure madness. Translocator would be fun Big Grin
He can talk the talk, but can he caulk the caulk?

I am not sure, but what is the Translocator?
Is it this melee weapon in UT, which can be used for higher jumps?

It's a translocator :p

It's like a personal teleporter device, you can't shoot weapon when you use it, but with practice it's quite easy to predict where someone will translocate fire's a disc/teleporter that you can see fly through the air.

This shows a vid of it Smile

Eventually once you go so high, it take's AGES to get any higher, as you start falling faster then you get translocate up Smile

and in use here in a CTF game.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


From my !very! limited exposure to the game code I believe this could be done, any weapon that is not a "hitscan" weapon already fires it's ammo as an entity. All the programmer should have to do is that when the user right-clicks(?) he is teleported to the entity's location.

Hopefully someone more experienced can confirm or reject my hypothesis.
[Image: altfx01.png]
Thanks JulianaStein!

It sure is possible (quite easily even) -- porto code already is very capable of this

Should it be done? Personally, I don't think so... It's ripping off another game and I'm not sure I like it that much anyway... But I have little experience in UT3, so hard to say if it's even worth it.

Ok, now I know what it is, but do we need this? We already have the Porto-launch... (dont know the exact name).
Maybe we should improve this at first Wink

It acts completely different to the porto launch Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Technical difficulty: trivial. Do i think this "weapon" belongs in Xonotic? No, i would not like to see it - even as a mutator. Why? It sees to fuck up maps even worse then Nexuiz laser or the grappler. We already have very fast physics, high push power weapon moves, a portal gun, grappling hook, jetpack, dbl/ramp jumps ..... we really dont need another way to complicate game-play (and if we do, at least let it be a bit more imaginative then 1-1 copy. like having to hit a enemy player and swapping place or telefraggin her/him)

Go suck on a lemon tZork Tongue
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


I practically live of the stuff Wink Besides its a valid point, that theres already a ton of movement tools.

fair enough, but I wanted to know mainly if it was feasable, no harm in having a go trying it though Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


I haven't been able to figure out how to use the porto-launch yet... possibly something closer to this idea would be a bit easier to figure out. Not that ease of learn-ability is our goal.
Proverbs 25:8 Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame.

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