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Hello there,

Talionis is a North American clan. If you were familiar with the NA clan scene awhile back you probably remember Inferno and ReVolution. This clan is the combination of the two clans because there was only a couple active people in both clans. So we were like, lets merge the clans then we can have an active clan! and just like that. But we've been around for awhile so yea.

Our members from what I remember (a lot of off and on active people in both clans)

Agama <--me.....
jean luc
Ulysses s s

Thats all I can remember...

Wait! Me, Scorpion, and Ulysses also have a sub 2v2tdm/ca team called Epopee. And if you were in the somewhat recent European 2v2tdm tourney you would know us, because we did fairly well.

We're on #xonotic.talionis

and we aren't recruiting....Thank you.

Agamallamalime. Feel free to contact us any time to arrange a match, tips, practice advice, free drinks, etc...

and I forgot to mention our youtube channel!

We will be doing one more commentary for nexuiz BEFORE xonotic is released so expect that maybe monday next week at the latest. It will be on final_rage and its a pretty good match Big Grin

its fun to watch ur uploadsWink
more pls!

Hello Talionis team! Smile

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