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Duelmap concepts

Hello there,

I'd like to gather some tips and suggestions concerning the two duelmap-layouts I added below. They both are only layouts, 'in-depth' has not yet ammo placements and too small rooms. On the other hand, I put more time in working on a proper layout for the second one.

Anyway, I would like to hear some opinions and suggestions to improve the layouts of both maps and hopefully they are somehow good Wink


Just put them into ~/data and start by typing 'map MAPNAME' into console.
Critics, hints, etc. are welcome!

I will try and have a run around these and get back to you Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


I tried them out ... cold_spot is defiantly the stronger one

for both of them ... I noticed on the top layer the sky is low and makes an invisible ceiling ... from what I have heard players generally dislike these ... I suggest you either make the ceiling visible ... or make it at least taller than a laser-jump

there area in cold_spot ... bye the electro would be a good place for a ladder.

besides that they are fine ... a little tight ... but fine

Thanks so far!

Quote:there area in cold_spot ... bye the electro would be a good place for a ladder.
I think you mean a way to get up to the little place over the electro. The thing is that I wanted it to be only accessible from the A50 so that you would need to go back or laserjump up.

The reason for the low and invisible ceiling is just the fact that I was too lazy to build one for this pre-alpha layout test. Tongue I will build a fitting ceiling/make it visible and I'll make it higher as well.

What I somehow dont like about both of them is that both maps are pretty enclosed so I still need a bigger version of both maps.

ok my thoughts.

Cold spot:

Love the half of the map that has the mega health. It has a good flow to it, and the item placement works. Im not fond of the half with the strength, mostly because the upper level walkways on the sides seem like they are not needed. I think you could eliminate them all together.

Also, you seem to have items in every corner. I'm a big fan of having groups of items so the player doesn't have to focus so much on finding them when they are needed. That probably works fine for a DM, but for a duel it seems like too much of a chore. You have plenty of armor and health shard, which is great. Perhaps take those 25 healths that are scattered around and put 1 at the end of each string of armor shards. My ideal is that a player that is not in control can get a decent amount of armor and health in a few areas. I think stormkeep did this well in the area by the crylink. Then put the ammo in groups together, rather than having them so spread out.

A few other things, the teleporters seem unnecessary. I think the map works well without them. And the dark corridors could stand to be just a bit wider. Idk if it's the textures, but the well lit spots are really bright. It gives it a snow blind effect, which is the reason skiiers wear tinted goggles. Way too bright for pleasant gameplay.


Has great potential. I'm not a fan of the nex placement(i think that would be a better spot for a mega), but that might just be my preference. I think this would be a great map for telelporters. I had an idea for one when I was running around, in the dark area facing the mega health. it would allow people out of control to teleport in and take a pot shot when the mega respawns.
[img][Image: xonotic20120509131624-00.jpg][/img]
The other end of the telporter could be somewhere out of the way on the other side of the map, perhaps below the hagar.

Another thing, the jump from the mortar platform to the area with the armor shards is too difficult, imo. I haven't figured out circle jumping yet, so i can't make the jump. I try to maintain momentum, but it's just an awkward spot. My suggestion is to extend the ledge from the armor shard platform out a little.

Idk if you want to hear this, but I have a suggestion for weapon placement. I'd put the nex in the top middle areas with the armor shards, and put the mortar on the platform above the 50 armor and jump pad(right before the current mortar platform). Then I'd have a mega armor on the current nex platform.

One last thing, the rocket room is much too dark.

Overall, i think both maps have great potential. I would love to see them polished up and then given a proper Xonotic theme.

note ... about the electro ladder thing

i can get to the electro going the "wrong" way while bunnyhopping because the ramp pushes me up ... it a little aquerd and doesn't work all the time... if you don't intend for players to go that way I suggest taking the ramp out

hutty: the ramps basically symbolize the position of a little trickjump to reach another height level without laserjumping. I'll adjust the ramp to the electro so that you cant just get up there by walking or bunnyhopping.

Thank you for the response, W4RP1G. About the item and weaponlayout I get your point and I'll care about that a little later on. Just keep in mind that any placements are ideas/suggestions right now, I didnt think about a final placement yet. Additionally, I didnt put any lightspots on the map yet so dont wonder about dark rooms Wink

Quote:Another thing, the jump from the mortar platform to the area with the armor shards is too difficult, imo. I haven't figured out circle jumping yet, so i can't make the jump. I try to maintain momentum, but it's just an awkward spot. My suggestion is to extend the ledge from the armor shard platform out a little.
Indeed, thats probably the hardest jump in that map. I thought about this as well, but a circle jump should do the job.

About the teleporters in general I'm not sure yet what to do. I'd like to see some more opinions on that. The upper sidewalk on 'cold spot' is there to connect the upper levels on both sides of the map, imo it is quite nice, though very linear.

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