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Is there an anti-camp code?

I know in some mods of Quake 3 there is a so called "anit-camp" code: you camp for a few seconds and you lose health. If forces you to move.

Is there such code in Xonotic?

The game mechanics of Xonotic already force players to move, you're pretty much at a disadvantage if you sit still in one place and let enemies pick up all the health and armor spawning elsewhere in the map. Unless of course you'd consider adding anti camp to Instagib, Overkill etc.. That being said, I don't know if there's code for it.

(09-26-2014, 11:32 PM)Smilecythe Wrote: The game mechanics of Xonotic already force players to move, you're pretty much at a disadvantage if you sit still in one place and let enemies pick up all the health and armor spawning elsewhere in the map. Unless of course you'd consider adding anti camp to Instagib, Overkill etc.. That being said, I don't know if there's code for it.

Try these but I think they are kinda annoying.

cvar g_campcheck is "0" ["0"] damages campers every few seconds
cvar g_campcheck_damage is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
cvar g_campcheck_distance is "1800" ["1800"] custom cvar
cvar g_campcheck_interval is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Sorry but the console shows "unkown command g_campcheck"

Yeah, campcheck was made into a mutator in the development tree since 0.7. In 0.7 you don't need to enable g_campcheck, because it doesn't exist as you point out. Just set the damage, distance and interval.

But I can't set the damage, distance and interval neither. They are all "unknown command"

Ah, you're right. It's an LMS-only feature in 0.7, and the cvars are named g_lms_campcheck_*. It won't work in any other game mode.

Then you are doing it wrong.

Just set g_campcheck 1 and it works already in any mode.

EDIT: Mirio, even in 0.7? I can't find any reference to campcheck in the 0.7 source code.

Apparantly not. (Can we have 0.8 already Tongue)

zwz update to autobuild. Wink

What does "autobuild" mean

(09-27-2014, 02:38 PM)zwz Wrote: What does "autobuild" mean

Are you using GIT version of the one from the front page dl? Not sure if that matters.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Well there are anticamp commands for specific modes (LMS)

g_lms_campcheck_damage is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_lms_campcheck_distance is "1800" ["1800"] custom cvar
g_lms_campcheck_interval is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_lms_campcheck_message is "^1Don't camp!" ["^1Don't camp!"] custom cvar

Any idea to enable this in other game types?

(09-27-2014, 09:25 PM)zwz Wrote: Well there are anticamp commands for specific modes (LMS)

g_lms_campcheck_damage is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_lms_campcheck_distance is "1800" ["1800"] custom cvar
g_lms_campcheck_interval is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_lms_campcheck_message is "^1Don't camp!" ["^1Don't camp!"] custom cvar

Any idea to enable this in other game types?

with the server running just type in apropos campcheck into the server console this should list the cvars. If you start yor szerver in tmux or screen.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

end user: Um, that will only list the cvars that zwz already listed in his post. And zwz is using Xonotic 0.7.

zwz: Read above. There is no campcheck in Xonotic 0.7, except in LMS mode. It's an LMS-only feature in 0.7.

Autobuilds are zip files much like those on the official download page, that contain the development version of Xonotic. That makes it an early preview of 0.8. They are made automatically every day, hence the name.

Try running Xonotic\misc\tools\rsync-updater\update-to-autobuild.
This will overwrite 0.7.

Only do that if you need autobuild. And make sure you don't have any data in your install directory, because you will lose everything!

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