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How to Hijack a LAN Party

So i was invited to a LAN Party last Sunday. I showed up with zero intent of pitching Xonotic. It was the first time i have played with this group of people in a few years. They wanted to play Modern Warfare or some game like it. So i sat down in one of the rooms and started catching up with some old friends, they asked me what i was up to. I began to explain my interest in Xonotic, while this was going on the people in the other room we playing MW or BFBC2. After showing a few screenshots and explaining physics they wanted to play. So i setup a SMB share and in 5 mins we were playing. Then the forth guy in our room ditched the other game and joined ours. 10 mins later the people from the other room came over to see what all the noise of us playing was about. 5 mins later i had all 8 people playing Xonotic. Profit! The game literally sold itself.

So from there we play tested the shit out of the game. 4v4 CTF, every map. 8 player DM every map. We played for 3 hours before people even wanted to take a break. I was a blast. So everybody wants to get together again play some more. So although things are bit rough on the internet. I'm please to say the game was a smash hit at a LAN.

A thought, i had to spend a bit of time explaining how each weapon work to people but once they got the hang of it they really got into it.

hopefully next time you will have a more polished version for them Wink

that's pretty awesome. I would love to do that sometime.
Master of mysterious geometries

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I plan on getting some of my friends to try Xonotic next time we hang out. Dunno how successful it will be since none of them are really into fast paced FPS's like me :/

Simply one of the most epic threads around Smile
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

What a cool story, nice to read this!
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Sounds awesome, can only imagine how much everyone will like it when it hits it's 1.0 release, it will most likely be heavily improved by that point.

Oh wait.

Yeah, when I showed them how to move around Space Elevator they were blow away, and really wanted to play. Half way through the night, i showed them Hook+Minstagib, and their heads exploded.

Nice! I was playing around on tZork's vehicle testing server yesterday. Fun fun fun. Things be coming along nicely.
Hey, want to learn to map? You might want to start here and here!

the same thing happened with me, too!
I was on a lan where we actually played dota and in a break, i pulled xonotic. like dota, xonotic is a raw skill game as well and it was instantly liked. we played for several hours straight, tried new maps etc.. great game !

Nice. Seems like people like Xonotic after all.
But why aren't anyone playing online? Where's the PR -z-? Big Grin
A new beta build would spread some news around the internets.

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