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About me?

I live in the glorious US of A, although I do have a dual citizenship (Russian).

I don't own any consoles - I play games on my laptop.
I'm not too heavy of a gamer, hence my weak hardware.

Actually I'm pretty bad at Xonotic/Nexuiz, but I have almost beat the (2.5) campaign, stuck on the race level.

I listen to techno when I'm gaming, when I'm not, I listen to Dream Theater and Tool.

Kurt Vonnegut is a favorite author of mine, but I read a lot of random books, currently reading War and Peace (for Russian Lit. class not my own free willl), and Catch - 22.
Haruki Murakami is another one of my favorites in terms of authors.

Favorite movie is Sin City, other movies I liked are Memento, Clockwork Orange, 28 Days Later, Pi, Trainspotting and so on and so forth.

Nerd side:
I run Arch Linux, can write hello world in C, Java, and a bunch of other languages, but I only ever used (for anything realistic) PHP scripts, which I used to try and run a comic website, which is down by now.
I ended up getting my hands on, as the previous owner gave up, but I also gave up about three days later.. (if anyone wants the domain it comes with free hosting from lifelesspeople)

Not too good of a GPA this year, pulled it up to a 2.9 (unweighted)
I'm took AP USH, AP Bio, and a bunch of honors junk.
I scored 2210 on the SATs, but critical reading score was 670, so might retake.
SATIIs were 760 bio, 750 math II, and 710 for US History.

General Life:
I'm 17, entering my senior year of high school, and I'm sick of the place.

Also I should be on IRC under the same nick.

what a full of information "hello" post Big Grin
Memento is also one of my favs, great movie.

Anyway, hello and have some fun here
<Halogene> ok "n1" means "nice one"
<Halogene> "gl" means "good luck"
<Halogene> "fu" means "wow that was wickedly nice that frag"
Frogg on Instagram

Well you certainly disclosed a lot of personal data. Big Grin Anyhow, welcome to the forum!

Edit: oh, and yes, memento indeed is a great film.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

I started War & Peace in Dutch for the fitfh time last week. This time I made it to page 32. I'll get there some day.

I can write Hello World in JavaScript.

Trainspotting is one of the best films ever.

Search YouTube for "nexuiz racetrack" and you will find a bunch of videos showing different ways to complete the map under the timelimit. Watch, learn, practice and once you beat it you will be a faster and thus better player than before. If you're into being competitive. If you're not, hang out with the PeaceBrothers at #pb.xonotic Smile

Welcome to the forums Smile
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

Hi Nareth, welcome to the community Big Grin

[Image: potato-headz5rt.jpg]

yo nareth
I never finished the campaign... xD (never tried Tongue)
This message was written with 100% recycled electrons!!! Angel
No trees were destroyed and no animals were harmed.


Welcome to the forum Nareth. Smile

Memento is indeed a good movie.
A funny thing: If you have the DVD, you maybe have an alternative cut where all scenes are put in the chronoligical order.
Then, the movie becomes drastically much less interesting...

Finishing that race level will help you with your movement. For improving on the DM side you can run a local server and make the bots like level 9 or something (whatever "assassin" grade is, "godlike" is too hard for me at least).
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

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