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Turning off pogostick

I just tried on DMs European Votable git server, and it was fine for me.
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kojn: if the only argument is that it is more difficult, then you sure won't be content with being able to turn it off clientside.

However, we want to give a consistent FPS gameplay experience, and because of that, it'd really be a bad idea if the server can override something as important as that on the client (see Mepper's complaint above, which has not been resolved yet).
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Mepper I dunno, server never had bunnyhopping off, perhaps clientside bug, like cvar becoming 0 for old clients or so?

This is why I asked Mepper for the value of that cvar.
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Well, Div, I don't know, just shot down my cp, now on my phone Tongue

But when I noticed I had that I just updated my autobuild and found a button to get normal bunnyhopping on. So it's not a problem for me. But I was afraid new players would also have that, and think it is normal and dislike the game. But if other players don't have it it is not a problem. Some things in my Xonotic are a little weird Tongue (Demos are not in demo list nor in a fie on my computer, so are my maps, I don't have a dlcache map, I think I deleted it, so it was in my trashcan, but I emptied it, but I still have my maps. I can only find maps, screenshots etc. when using search in my documents. Then I find them. Bug one problem was.solved with todays new autobuild! I saw the names of players really strange if they used special letters, but not any more!)

Ah, so you had THAT other option wrong in your config too.

I really have no idea why these wrong defaults ended up in your config, but you're not the only one.
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I do have one idea. Did you maybe once copy a Nexuiz config.cfg into Xonotic?
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I could have done that maybe. But I deleted my whole.config.cfg a few months ago, and nothing happened. Config was totally empty, but I still got all my keybinds etc. But I don't think I copied my Nexuiz config.cfg, since I have different keybinds etc. there. I don't know what I did, and I think the only solution is deleting everything and download again.
But my parents are planning to let the whole harddisk be cleared and put win7 on it, because the cp has quite a lot of problems, and just can't update. So I'll redownload everything then.

Or did you ever get the "invalid basedir" screen (which is black with some font, where you can only quit)?
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Back to the topic: I think it is very helpful to have the option to switch the pogostick off. I even have to agree with kojn, it's much more challenging, if you move without pogostick. In my opinion such an option is attractive for oldschool players, which are used to move and jump by pressing the spacebar at the right moment. But in order to gain new players, pogostick should be switched on by default.

I still would say that this should STAY a client side option, and servers should NOT be able to enforce it. No "skill" and "challenging" blabla any more please.

Which also means that everyone who turns it off basically cripples themselves.

BTW: Even without pogostick, you do NOT have to time the jump right! Just press it any time before you land again... THIS is why it's not challenging at all!
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cl_movement_track_canjump 2 ? Tongue

With pogostick off, bumpy terrain and stairs DO take skills to "ride" correctly. And some are just impossible.

(09-16-2011, 12:19 AM)divVerent Wrote: Or did you ever get the "invalid basedir" screen (which is black with some font, where you can only quit)?

Yes, I actually had sometims a computerlanguage screen, saying something like (but then in Dutch): blabla error, press any key to quit.

(09-16-2011, 03:43 AM)divVerent Wrote: BTW: Even without pogostick, you do NOT have to time the jump right! Just press it any time before you land again... THIS is why it's not challenging at all!

Then I would say there is a 'fault' with the pogostick off option then if that is the case.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


That's how it always was though - even in Quake.
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I haven't played quake (QW) for a long time, however I have played Q3 not so long ago, and it doesn't work like that in that, but ok cool.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


I am VERY sure it is like that at least in Q1, OpenArena (also Q3A engine), and Quake 2.

Basically: Hit jump, quickly release jump, press jump again, wait - the player will jump again once he hits floor. No exact timing needed.

Adding to this: even way older id software games did this, e.g. Commander Keen.
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The Bot Orchestra is back! | Xoylent Easter Egg | 5bots1piano
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