06-19-2010, 08:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-19-2010, 08:40 PM by MirceaKitsune.)
Yeah, the wonderful new panel hud got merged today
Since this was one of the things I was impatient to do once it was in, I set up an Unreal Tournament 2004 HUD config for it. Of course it's just as similar as it could be to UT's... I like that style so yeah.
I put it in a config file. Link 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?jcjlgylzvyu | Link 2: http://upload.ps/kjj7niti252h/hud_wicked...k4.cfg.htm | If you don't wish to download the file, you can make a file with the extension .cfg in data, and add the lines below to it. In Xonotic, open the console and write "exec myconfigfile.cfg":
![[Image: 8o4q70xtlbdh2pc6nem_thumb.jpg]](http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/8o4q70xtlbdh2pc6nem_thumb.jpg)
[EDIT] Make it even more UT-ish

I put it in a config file. Link 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?jcjlgylzvyu | Link 2: http://upload.ps/kjj7niti252h/hud_wicked...k4.cfg.htm | If you don't wish to download the file, you can make a file with the extension .cfg in data, and add the lines below to it. In Xonotic, open the console and write "exec myconfigfile.cfg":
seta "hud_bg" "border"
seta "hud_bg_alpha" "1"
seta "hud_bg_border" "6"
seta "hud_bg_color" "0.15 0.15 0.65"
seta "hud_bg_color_team" "0.750000"
seta "hud_bg_padding" "2"
seta "hud_chat" "1"
seta "hud_chat_bg" "border_chat"
seta "hud_chat_bg_alpha" "0"
seta "hud_chat_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_chat_bg_color" "0 0 0"
seta "hud_chat_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_chat_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_chat_pos" "0.010000 0.560000"
seta "hud_chat_size" "0.320000 0.330000"
seta "hud_configure_bg_minalpha" "0.25"
seta "hud_configure_checkcollisions" "1"
seta "hud_configure_grid" "1"
seta "hud_configure_grid_alpha" "0.15"
seta "hud_configure_grid_x" "0.01"
seta "hud_configure_grid_y" "0.01"
seta "hud_dock" "dock_small"
seta "hud_dock_alpha" "0"
seta "hud_dock_color" "0 0.1875 0.4375"
seta "hud_dock_color_team" "0.700000"
seta "hud_engineinfo" "1"
seta "hud_engineinfo_bg" "border_modicons"
seta "hud_engineinfo_bg_alpha" "0"
seta "hud_engineinfo_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_engineinfo_bg_color" ""
seta "hud_engineinfo_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_engineinfo_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_engineinfo_framecounter_decimals" "0"
seta "hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage" "1"
seta "hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage_instantupdate_change_threshold" "0.5"
seta "hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage_new_weight" "0.1"
seta "hud_engineinfo_framecounter_time" "1"
seta "hud_engineinfo_pos" "0.750000 0.900000"
seta "hud_engineinfo_size" "0.080000 0.030000"
seta "hud_fg_alpha" "1"
seta "hud_fontsize" "11"
seta "hud_fontsize_spec" "16"
seta "hud_healtharmor" "1"
seta "hud_healtharmor_bg" "border_healtharmor"
seta "hud_healtharmor_bg_alpha" ""
seta "hud_healtharmor_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_healtharmor_bg_color" ""
seta "hud_healtharmor_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_healtharmor_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_healtharmor_flip" "1"
seta "hud_healtharmor_mirror" "0"
seta "hud_healtharmor_pos" "0.010000 0.910000"
seta "hud_healtharmor_size" "0.140000 0.080000"
seta "hud_inventory" "1"
seta "hud_inventory_bg" "border_inventory"
seta "hud_inventory_bg_alpha" ""
seta "hud_inventory_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_inventory_bg_color" ""
seta "hud_inventory_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_inventory_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_inventory_onlycurrent" "1"
seta "hud_inventory_pos" "0.850000 0.910000"
seta "hud_inventory_size" "0.140000 0.080000"
seta "hud_modicons" "1"
seta "hud_modicons_bg" "border_modicons"
seta "hud_modicons_bg_alpha" "0"
seta "hud_modicons_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_modicons_bg_color" "0 0 0"
seta "hud_modicons_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_modicons_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_modicons_pos" "0.430000 0.080000"
seta "hud_modicons_size" "0.140000 0.080000"
seta "hud_notify" "1"
seta "hud_notify_bg" "border_modicons"
seta "hud_notify_bg_alpha" "0"
seta "hud_notify_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_notify_bg_color" "0 0 0"
seta "hud_notify_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_notify_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_notify_fadetime" "3"
seta "hud_notify_flip" "0"
seta "hud_notify_info_top" "1"
seta "hud_notify_pos" "0.670000 0.560000"
seta "hud_notify_print" "0"
seta "hud_notify_size" "0.320000 0.330000"
seta "hud_notify_time" "10"
seta "hud_powerups" "1"
seta "hud_powerups_bg" "border_powerups"
seta "hud_powerups_bg_alpha" "0"
seta "hud_powerups_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_powerups_bg_color" "0 0 0"
seta "hud_powerups_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_powerups_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_powerups_flip" "1"
seta "hud_powerups_mirror" "0"
seta "hud_powerups_pos" "0.860000 0.460000"
seta "hud_powerups_size" "0.130000 0.080000"
seta "hud_pressedkeys" "1"
seta "hud_pressedkeys_bg" "border_modicons"
seta "hud_pressedkeys_bg_alpha" "0"
seta "hud_pressedkeys_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_pressedkeys_bg_color" "0 0 0"
seta "hud_pressedkeys_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_pressedkeys_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_pressedkeys_pos" "0.440000 0.710000"
seta "hud_pressedkeys_size" "0.120000 0.090000"
seta "hud_progressbar_alpha" "0"
seta "hud_progressbar_armor_color" "0 0.6 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_fuel_color" "0.6 0.6 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_health_color" "0.6 0 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_nexball_color" "0.7 0.1 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_shield_color" "0.6 0 0.6"
seta "hud_progressbar_strength_color" "0 0 0.6"
seta "hud_racetimer" "1"
seta "hud_racetimer_bg" "border_timer"
seta "hud_racetimer_bg_alpha" "0"
seta "hud_racetimer_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_racetimer_bg_color" "0 0 0"
seta "hud_racetimer_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_racetimer_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_racetimer_pos" "0.610000 0.010000"
seta "hud_racetimer_size" "0.260000 0.090000"
seta "hud_radar" "1"
seta "hud_radar_bg" "border_radar"
seta "hud_radar_bg_alpha" ""
seta "hud_radar_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_radar_bg_color" "0 0 0"
seta "hud_radar_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_radar_bg_padding" "-3"
seta "hud_radar_foreground_alpha" "0.800000"
seta "hud_radar_pos" "0.840000 0.060000"
seta "hud_radar_rotation" "0"
seta "hud_radar_scale" "4096"
seta "hud_radar_size" "0.150000 0.230000"
seta "hud_radar_zoommode" "0"
seta "hud_score" "1"
seta "hud_score_bg" "border_score"
seta "hud_score_bg_alpha" ""
seta "hud_score_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_score_bg_color" "0 0 0"
seta "hud_score_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_score_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_score_pos" "0.410000 0.010000"
seta "hud_score_size" "0.180000 0.050000"
seta "hud_showbinds" "1"
seta "hud_showbinds_limit" "2"
seta "hud_skin" "wickedhud"
seta "hud_timer" "1"
seta "hud_timer_bg" "border_timer"
seta "hud_timer_bg_alpha" ""
seta "hud_timer_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_timer_bg_color" "0 0 0"
seta "hud_timer_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_timer_bg_padding" "0"
seta "hud_timer_increment" "0"
seta "hud_timer_pos" "0.890000 0.010000"
seta "hud_timer_size" "0.100000 0.032520"
seta "hud_vote" "1"
seta "hud_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha" "0.75"
seta "hud_vote_bg" "border_vote"
seta "hud_vote_bg_alpha" ""
seta "hud_vote_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_vote_bg_color" ""
seta "hud_vote_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_vote_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_vote_pos" "0.350000 0.820000"
seta "hud_vote_size" "0.300000 0.110000"
seta "hud_weaponicons" "1"
seta "hud_weaponicons_accuracy_yellow" "40"
seta "hud_weaponicons_bg" "border_weaponicons"
seta "hud_weaponicons_bg_alpha" ""
seta "hud_weaponicons_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_weaponicons_bg_color" ""
seta "hud_weaponicons_bg_color_team" ""
seta "hud_weaponicons_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_weaponicons_number" "0"
seta "hud_weaponicons_pos" "0.170000 0.950000"
seta "hud_weaponicons_size" "0.660000 0.040000"
seta "hud_width" "560"
![[Image: 7968np2dnuiztuie8iw_thumb.jpg]](http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/7968np2dnuiztuie8iw_thumb.jpg)
![[Image: itc8e3f9vlhzczln8od_thumb.jpg]](http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/itc8e3f9vlhzczln8od_thumb.jpg)
![[Image: ukkxms8pkgxovuzvjef2_thumb.jpg]](http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/ukkxms8pkgxovuzvjef2_thumb.jpg)
![[Image: j70o8s9u1fwnuf0ji3gy_thumb.jpg]](http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/j70o8s9u1fwnuf0ji3gy_thumb.jpg)
![[Image: 8o4q70xtlbdh2pc6nem_thumb.jpg]](http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/8o4q70xtlbdh2pc6nem_thumb.jpg)
[EDIT] Make it even more UT-ish

![[Image: okm1cgjy8m6auiccodt8_thumb.jpg]](http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/okm1cgjy8m6auiccodt8_thumb.jpg)