(05-15-2014, 01:52 PM)Micha Wrote: Interesting that his main concern against arena shooters is the lack of progression, like a level up system. Do people only play games to level up? Sounds absurd.
But maybe he's got a point there.
What he's talking about is the idea of constant rewards along with your progression.
The genre that really encapsulates that is RPG's, with you gaining XP and weapons and items and leveling always, how can you NOT feel rewarded? and this works well for RPG's, because you must grind and play them so much. the rewards is the thing that keeps you playing for such a long time.
Now, with more and more integration of RPG elements into freaking EVERYTHING, people have become "addicted" to that sense of constant reward through XP and new items and such. They don't notice progression in skill or aim as much as they do the useless XP gain or stat leveling, because that's the thing that pops up on the screen. So it has kind of become a neccesary thing to provide that kind of reward system, as TB points out, even in classic shooters, they have had to do this.
I hope UT4 does not get dragged down by this. I agree with TB, this kind of system can detract from the game as a whole quite a bit, and i look forward to seeing the UT community(ies) start to shape the game.