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The subject of Xonotic have a story came up in the channel and after about half-hour of talking random nonsense I came up with a little something.

Before I share, I should note that the actual style of Xonotic hasn't been chosen so this shouldn't really be taken seriously.

At most, this is what I could come up with while being tired out of my damn mind.

In the midst of control for territory, blood continues to be shed.

Be it for personal gain or an ulterior motive, every person seeking control takes part for their own reasons.

Law and justice have no meaning amongst those fighting.

Since the advent of adequate technology standards for life has been slowly been increasing.

Technology, in all its wonders and magic, cannot stem the most basic thought and instinct.

Murder rates began to climb extraordinary rates being the highest in centuries.

But it wasn't murder these people were committing, it was base instinct for survival.

Arenas, or territories they became known as, were set up with matches pitted against others.

People from all over came to either participate or to watch as others fatally fought it out.

Needs were fulfilled, killing continued, satisfation of death rose from fresh corpses.

Territories remained not only as a fad, but also for one's own escape from life.

hey this is not a bad premise Smile

I think its pretty cool as well. I have only one question... where does nexball fit in all this haha?! Could start the campaign with nexball (some of the soccer maps). When one team begins loosing they get mildly upset and whip out rocket launchers and hlacs. They proceed to literally obliterate their opponents.

Now that we have a clean transition I'm all for it Angel

It's a base generalization. It isn't suppose to explain individual aspects of the game itself.

It's meant to be short and simple explaining the game in whole. The concept is difficult to grasp.

The mention of "arena" could meen a type of blood sport..... so would nexball be a blood sport? Also what are we going to call Nexball? Xonball doesn't seem to cut it.....
[+] MaKR [smooth+o]

It seems unfinished to me. Also, too similar to IlNexuiz (arenas, fighting, blood shed, etc.). I think that a backstory should avoid using arenas as a premise.

Roanoke: Feel free to start tossing ideas here. If it feels unfinished, maybe you can add on to it.

Using "arenas" is a best bet as a generalization. However, it probably is overused as an idea.

Anyone is welcome to just start coming up with their own ideas. The one thing I'll ask is to not make the idea in itself absurd or completely unbelievable. It has to make sense in a realistic fashion.

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