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My first impressions

The menu:
- Easy to use, I like it.

- very newcommer friendly movement (IMO)
- very fast and great control
- I am not sure if there is anything to master, except for the laser. The control is so easy that I thought I play this game since years.

- Instahit weapons seem to be to strong overall, compared to all projectile weapons. The antilag system works so great, that i.e. the electro primary is dominating. Regardless, the electro primary feels very nice with the antilag system. It is very smooth and I never have the feeling that it misses when it should hit.
- It is very hard to hit projectile weapons with the aircontrol and such a fast movement. Crylink(to slow) and Hagar(to random) felt pretty useless in most situations. But of course, after 5 games I am not to used to the weapons and especially the projectile weapons are the ones to master.
- I like the fact that the weapons differ a lot more now from each other.

Armor/Health system:
The nexuiz system is gone, the normal FPS system is here. It is maybe better to balance, but nothing which stands out.

Current balance:
I feel like the fights take to long for such a fast game. Sure, you have now more time to get in a better positions while fighting and play more with tactics. But I am not sure if it is possible to kill someone now who got very good +backwards skills and aiming on maps like stormkeep. The average damage of all weapons is maybe a bit low/You run out of ammo when you dont pickup extra ammo for the weapons before you can kill someone.

- The new teleporters look amazing. I love em, even I cannot telefrag anymore Big Grin Whatever, they are perfect for a fast game and a eyecatcher!
- Still a lot of textures are missing, but overall it is looking good.

- The Panelhud is just amazing. This is something I miss in qlive. Did I mention its awesome? Awesome!
- settings/misc/advanced settings is nothing new for nexuiz players, but still a great thing and a huge help for all new players who like to see all settings.

So thats it. I will play some more games these days and hope I can help out a bit with the weapon balancing if that is wanted. Great job so far Smile

(09-02-2010, 01:41 AM)Bundy Wrote: Regardless, the electro primary feels very nice with the antilag system. It is very smooth and I never have the feeling that it misses when it should hit.
Imho, antilag system could only apply to hitscan weapons.

electro primary is a hitscan weapon. And if it is not, it feels smooth regardless Big Grin

Rocket Launcher is probabaly the best/most powerful weapon out of the projectile weapons, I agree hagar still needs working doing to it.

As for the crylink, I think when your actually in combat it isn't too bad, perhaps the hexagonal shot is going to be too slow for stopping a FC/fast moving player but in actual combat it is good, but current secondary should be able to help at the moment will keep a closer eye on this and when a lot of games have been played when a beta comes out, but for now the hex-shot was made slower refire and pretty strong bundy, so you need to time your shot's a little but it's one of the better weapons if you can use it (is great defensively and for corridors Smile ).

Thanks for the positive feedback anyway.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


me likes , but im sure i need more practise , but , rocket gun is , well , a bit lame , im not sure if i can explain very well , but i try jumping with it (not flying) and it suxs , the grenade launcher works wayyyy better(for jumping). , the rocket seems to be weak , maybe too weak.......
also as im running it feels like im pushing through treacle , all seems slow , (yer yer , strafting to go faster , booo!)
basicaly i feel grounded , i cant see much movement in the air , so far...
is this a 2d game , or 3d? Tongue
btw , im drunk as im typing this.
what im trying to say is dont drop 2.5.2 movement too soon , but im sure what the devs are thinkin , ill get used to it. , i hope

i hope...


- Movements is hardly slower than Nexuiz 2.5.2
- You don't need to strafe to accelerate (if you didn't strafe in Nexuiz, then I really fail to see why Xonotic seems slow to you, btw)
- Xonotic is not Nexuiz, we won't be using a copy of the 2.5.2 physics

Well.. I don't really know what I should think bout it.

The Graphic is very nice. I like the Teleporters too, but the gameplay.. mhm....

Imo the gameplay should be more like Nexuiz. The Xonotic project is a replacement (successor) of Nexuiz, but its much slower than nexuiz. The movement is.. oO wtf, a lil bit too easy IMO.

Personally I think that we don't need another copy of Quake3, we need a better Nexuiz. Otherwise I think there will be more Nexuiz-Players than Xonotic at the end Big Grin Because many guys will stay at the basics.

+added: The CPU usuage is.. WHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAA O__O'' What the fuck. The build takes more CPU-Power than CounterStrike:Source oO Hopefully the final will be less Performance killing :>


... and sorry for my english Big Grin

I am disappointed with the current build. The maps seems generic, the weapon changes (except the shotgun and electro) irritated me. I feel as though Xonotic should try less to be a different game from Nexuiz, and more of a successor. I don't want an entirely different game, honestly. Everybody left the Nexuiz forums because of the issues going down with Illfonic, not because they want a different game. I agree that the physics feel slow, and the rocket/laser are much less useful, in a bad way.
[Image: jngsiggy.png]

(09-02-2010, 01:41 AM)Bundy Wrote: Movement/Physics:
- very newcommer friendly movement (IMO)
- very fast and great control
- I am not sure if there is anything to master, except for the laser. The control is so easy that I thought I play this game since years.

I don't agree, CPMA-style strafe turning is not exactly the norm Tongue but you probably are already used to it from... for example, CPMA
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BizzyBeaver, the git build has a larger system footprint because of uncompressed textures. Surely affects memory, not sure about CPU though?
Also, it's NOT slower than Nexuiz. And try updating and recompiling, the physics have changed from NoQWBunny-nexbased to NoQWBunny-xpmbased (more acceleration at lower speeds)

Already creepy.

The Question who i'm asking myself is: What the hell is that?
In Germany, we would say 'Thats Hartz4 Quake'.. Replace the Hartz4 with the word for 'no working people' in your language. Thats not Nexuiz. Thats a cheap copy of Quake3.. If the gameplay will stay like this, the Nexuiz-Community has a better future then the xonotic-project!

My bad impressions:
Laser got too low 'bump'
Rocket doesn't make less area damage
Movement is.. *barf!*
Electro: O_____o''''?! Wtf -.-'
Gameplay GAY))

Good impressions:

I got a lot of hope at the beginning of the xonotic project.
Now i'm.... as sick as a parrot.

Hopefully some things will be change.
... and sorry for my english! Big Grin

[Image: BBanner.jpg]

"Laser got too low 'bump'", as I said before this is a wished change, to restrict vertical movement freedom. Mappers were having a hard time with vertical structures, you know?
All your other bad impressions will be in the beta, and that's a GOOD thing, as the beta will give us feedback from a larger population and bring solutions. Don't set the bar too high for a beta, really. It allows us to adjust things before the first "real" version.

Do feel free to add depth to your criticism and propose solutions. If you feel instant messaging could make it easier, you can come on irc: #xonotic on Freenode.

I tested the git build, I compared it with Nexuiz. I'm not a dev so I'm not biased, and I don't know any portion of the cfg. Xonotic movement is faster. I was having a great time sailing through stormkeep. No issues with movement. I do feel like laser jumping lost some of its power, but I'll have to have some time to test it. I did have issues with inexplicable framerate loss from dynamic lights. I'm sure they aren't that much of an issue...or are they? I got the same hit from "flash approximation lighting" as well. I think the handling of light's needs to be...sped up?....something like that.

Laser jumping did lose power, but the technique has also changed. You have to jump THEN laser, Nexuiz was just slow with projectiles.
Dynlights have always been a performance sink, but I don't know why they would have a bigger impact in Xonotic... I'll ask divVerent.

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