Thanks for reporting the error, I'll fix it now.
As for the easter egg, I'm opposing it, simply because:
-it doesn't hit the required quality level to be an official map (not even one for that purpose)
-and it features various copyrighted materials
-mapinfo will be fixed.
-That is no overlapping, I've just put the monitor model there, cheap and fast way to make a good TV screen
-The gift conveyor can't be helped, as func_trains can't crush players
-no need for riffle, as there's a Nex on the map (however, it's a bit hard to reach, and a bit hidden too)
-The playerclip is there for two reasons: to prevent players to go to the top of the map, and to make reaching the Fireball harder. That's a superweapon after all.
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."