red-planet now supports ctf!
Using the same map file, red-planet can be played in dm and ctf modes, depending on game mode. (As of yep the .mapfile needs to be updated to include ctf)
List of major changes
- Supports ctf with textures changing depending on game mode (uses gametypefilter and func_wall)
- large _skybox giving terrain detail
- most 'sticking points' removed especially at doors, also using func_clientillusionary on any small details
- many details added
- many bug fixes
What is left to be done
- .rlights file needs updating to include blue base
- most entities in blue base need to be reverse (doors, teleportes ect)
- some brush fixes which uses gametypeflters to stop players entering the blue base in dm mode
- onslaught functionality
- would like a combined terrain texture in terrain01x that uses rock01 and sand04 (sand04 is the best looking imo)
- more quite door sound (really needed)
- more sounds
Please leave any feedback, and report unmentioned bugs accordingly
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