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Xonotic on Slashdot

If anyone missed it, Xonotic got slashdotted:

The comments focus mostly on licensing considerations but it definitely spreads the word about the project. It would be interesting to know how the traffic spiked when the article went up.

Well the webserver almost died on that one but now is doing fine again, thanks to tChr intervention ..

It would be great if we could have a publicly accessible Google Analytics account. This way, anyone with marketing skills can analyze the traffic/referrers/keywords and provide input. It would also be fun to watch Xonotic grow. Perhaps we should start a new forum for marketing ideas.
Latest obsession.

Yes It was some good hours the site was DDoSed
(un)Fortunately it had not made his way to Gizmodo.

We have an analytics account.
But we're not going to be making it public. If anyone with marketing skills wants to get involved in analyzing the traffic, send me a PM and welll chat. I'd welcome the help.

I discovered about the birth of Xonotic thanks to that article. Cool
Ciao Smile

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