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[CTF] jenseits_m1

[Image: c3xqvasjt3sp9fze8f0n.jpg]
Map: jenseits (ctf/dm/tdm)(Nexuiz and Xonotic compatible, but see below)
Author: accident_216

About: This map is a re-imagining of the "TransZ (CTF)" (aka transzctf or transctf) level for Nexuiz that was made by "Z" back in 2007. Since neither a license nor a .map file was included in the original transzctf package, I made "jenseits" from scratch. The original .bsp was not decompiled. Nevertheless, with the exception of two minor changes (detailed below), all the dimensions except for the skybox boundaries should conform.

Why a remake: The original map consisted of two physically separated bases with a connecting teleport, which could be camped or tele-camped into a stalemate. Most players suffered or caused suffering with this bottleneck, and Dokujisan listed the level on his 2009 map fix-up list ("Some connector between the bases OTHER than a single teleporter, maybe make it like gasolinepowered"). For my part, I had been most disturbed by the total lack of ammunition for the Hagar.

New vision: In "jenseits" there is now a second teleport, which establishes a new route between the bases. The teleport is a spinning bar located between the two tallest blocks on the level. This new teleport leads to an equally new "neutral zone" platform where there are alternating power-ups to be had. This adjustment is intended to allow camping stalemates to be broken without ruining the visual isolation inherent in the original concept.

Other changes: The lower nex and hagar were replaced by a mortar and a rocket launcher, respectively. Ammo for both new weapons was added along with shotgun shells. Visual cues were added to teleport areas. Since shadows were unequal under the old twilight skymap, I switched to daylight. The new stairs and a minor expansion to the area on the right facing the lower teleport were added per Dokujisan's wishes for HoCTF.

Amusing problem: Some players have increased their brightness and gamma so as never to miss an opportunity to see and kill you on dark maps. This 10-15% of the player base has been finding that my switch to a sunny skymap is nearly blinding when they look at it. For everyone else, enjoy them missing shots at you when you're in the air.

Not a bug: I added a spinning teleport shader script before I had a texture for it. I liked the visual effect of the "texture missing" default so much that I intentionally re-created the effect by making new textures that imitated that look.

Xonotic: In Xonotic preview 0.1.0, I found no issues with missing textures. All areas that are accessible with laser hopping in Nexuiz are also accessible in Xonotic, but taller objects may require the player to hop on an intermediate object first.

Download: permanent location (on RapidShare).


Looks cool! Nice work. Smile

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