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May I suggest (this is the suggestion box after all :p) that the HUD and menu system takes a different direction from nexuiz? The nexuiz menu system is sorta big and clunky. I think Xonotic could have a more minimalist and modern looking HUD.

[Image: sig2.png]
Check out my site:!

IIRC there was someone working on a kind of scriptable adjustable HUD.. so we'll have to see were this goes.
I'm not sure about the menu. Maybe someone will pickup the suggestion, but i like it because its different from other games and IMO quite usable.
Real signature is still in production!

(03-23-2010, 07:33 AM)esteel Wrote: IIRC there was someone working on a kind of scriptable adjustable HUD.. so we'll have to see were this goes.
FruitieX and DiaboliK (

(03-23-2010, 07:54 AM)sev Wrote:
(03-23-2010, 07:33 AM)esteel Wrote: IIRC there was someone working on a kind of scriptable adjustable HUD.. so we'll have to see were this goes.
FruitieX and DiaboliK (

I'm actually not really feeling the panel HUD. What about something so minimalist that you have almost 100% of the screen dedicated solely to the actual action.

Let me show you with these quick mockups. These would go in the corner of the players choosing. I imagine the final ones having a glossy look and being rounded, kind of like iPhone loading bars i guess… I'm working with 150px x 10px on these images..

Full health:
[Image: fullhealth.png]

You get some bonus (extra above 100, which, like in Nexuiz, counts down to 100 to keep itself balanced at 100, or in other words, the blue slowly disappears):
[Image: fullhealthwithbonus.png]

Your bonus takes some damage (the red damage slides in from the right side, the sits there for a sec to show how much you took, then slides toward the left side of the damage indicator and leaves behind blank space where the blue was removed):
[Image: bonusdamaged.png]


[Image: lessbonuspng.png]

Next, after your bonus health has gone down, you are left with full health again. then you take some damage:
[Image: fullhealth.png]


[Image: damagetaken.png]

Instead of the green disappearing like the blue, the red damage indicator leaves behind a bit so you can see where your health level is at in proportion to the whole bar.

[Image: withdamage.png]

you take another hit, and the cycle continues

[Image: moredamagetaken.png]

kind of like other huds in other games i guess..idk Tongue

for ammo, i think a small pic of the ammo type and a number, stack the ammo types one of top of the other and put them in another user-selectable corner. allow the image of the weapon to be on the left or right of the text so the player can have the image on the side closest to the edge of the screen, in case they're OCD about aesthetics like me. Big Grin

so yeah, thats my idea for the hud…of course a number could be displayed on either side of the health bar too, but it would work best on the "dead" side so it wouldnt move if the bar got longer from picking up extra health...

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