Hello, i have a Bulldozer FX 8120 and Xonotic only use one of the 8 core and i have extreme lag when playing, so will Xonotic will be able to use multi core CPU?
Post rest of setup, especially video card.
Here my spec :
AMD FX-8120
AMD Radeon 6950
That should be enough to run it at max settings no?
Please help us help you by giving more information
Are you experiencing actual lag, (related to your connection to the servers, which is hardly influenced by your system) low framerate or stutters?
Which executable are you using, on which OS?
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa
Since people have successfully run this game on much weaker systems (that includes me), I highly doubt it's single-threadedness that is the problem.
What would be ideal, is to post contents of config.cfg file here (it can be found in xonotic/data). Blind guess would be that some of the settings (relief mapping, decals on models) are just hardcore performance killers, no matter the machine. Eg. I run relief mapping on E8400 + 4850 without issues, but not decals on models, as it causes severe slowdowns.
I'm using xonotic-x64.exe on Windows 7 Pro x64.
I dind't find the config.cg in xonotic/data so i've disabled relief mapping and decals on models and the lags are almost gone but when playing with a lot of bots my framerate get down to 40fps.
What is the decals on models effects?
08-15-2012, 01:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2012, 01:05 PM by Mr. Bougo.)
I vaguely remember things working better at one point by setting the core affinity so that Xonotic only uses one core. I think that can be done in the task manager by right-clicking the process or something. Can you give this a try?
config.cfg can be found in your user directory. To know exactly where, open the console in Xonotic (shift escape) and type which config.cfg
When i type config.cfg i get "config isn't anywhere"  and i search in my user folder there is nothing about xonotic.
About the core affinity i don't really see a difference when i chose only one core.
I know that making a game or an application multithread can be really hard especially if the engine is not design to it but it would be awesome to have a fully multithread game because it will make multi core cpu less warm, when only one core is fully used it get warmer than 3-4core at 25%.
08-15-2012, 01:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2012, 01:37 PM by Mr. Bougo.)
CPU is hardly the bottleneck in Xonotic as far as I know, graphics are.
Anyway, this is really weird. Do you type exactly "which config.cfg", and is the exact message you get "config.cfg isn't anywhere" ? (You said "config isn't anywhere"). Can you try the command saveconfig in the same console and tell me what that does?
Oops forget the .cgf sorry here the config.cfg
Code: bind TAB "+showscores"
bind ENTER "+jump"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+jump"
bind 0 "weapon_group_0"
bind 1 "weapon_group_1"
bind 2 "weapon_group_2"
bind 3 "weapon_group_3"
bind 4 "weapon_group_4"
bind 5 "weapon_group_5"
bind 6 "weapon_group_6"
bind 7 "weapon_group_7"
bind 8 "weapon_group_8"
bind 9 "weapon_group_9"
bind BACKQUOTE "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "+hook"
bind f "+use"
bind g "dropweapon"
bind i "+show_info"
bind m "+hud_panel_radar_maximized"
bind q "weaplast"
bind r "reload"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind u "+con_chat_maximize"
bind v "+button8"
bind w "+forward"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind z "messagemode2"
bind TILDE "toggleconsole"
bind BACKSPACE "dropweapon"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"
bind ALT "+showaccuracy"
bind SHIFT "+crouch"
bind F1 "vyes"
bind F2 "vno"
bind F3 "spec"
bind F4 "ready"
bind F5 "menu_showteamselect"
bind F6 "team_auto"
bind F7 "menu_showsandboxtools"
bind F10 "menu_showquitdialog"
bind F11 "disconnect"
bind F12 "screenshot"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind KP_INS "messagemode"
bind KP_END "+userbind 1"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "+userbind 2"
bind KP_PGDN "+userbind 3"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "+userbind 4"
bind KP_5 "+userbind 6"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "+userbind 7"
bind KP_HOME "+userbind 9"
bind KP_UPARROW "+userbind 10"
bind KP_PGUP "+userbind 11"
bind KP_DEL "messagemode2"
bind KP_SLASH "+userbind 13"
bind KP_MULTIPLY "+userbind 12"
bind KP_MINUS "+userbind 18"
bind KP_PLUS "+userbind 17"
bind KP_ENTER "+userbind 16"
bind MOUSE1 "+fire"
bind MOUSE2 "+fire2"
bind MOUSE3 "togglezoom"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MOUSE4 "weaplast"
bind MOUSE5 "+hook"
bind JOY1 "+crouch"
bind JOY2 "+jump"
bind JOY3 "weapprev"
bind JOY4 "weapnext"
bind JOY5 "+fire2"
bind JOY6 "+fire"
bind JOY7 "+zoom"
bind JOY8 "dropweapon"
bind JOY9 "menu_showteamselect"
bind JOY10 "+show_info"
bind JOY11 "+showscores"
bind JOY12 "+con_chat_maximize"
"_cl_color" "0"
"_cl_name" "Dorian"
"_cl_playermodel" "models/player/gakmasked.iqm"
seta "_hud_panelorder" "3 6 15 12 9 10 5 14 0 7 4 11 2 1 8 13 16 "
seta "cl_allow_uid2name" "1"
"cl_backspeed" "540"
seta "cl_damageeffect" "2"
"cl_decals_time" "10"
"cl_forwardspeed" "540"
"cl_maxfps" "60"
"cl_maxidlefps" "60"
"cl_minfps" "60"
seta "cl_playerdetailreduction" "0"
"cl_sidespeed" "540"
seta "cl_startcount" "43"
"cl_upspeed" "540"
"con_chat" "9"
"con_chatrect" "1"
"con_chatrect_x" "9001"
"con_chatrect_y" "0.708333"
"con_chatwidth" "0.449583"
seta "crosshair_alpha" "0.750000"
"crosshair_size" "0.300000"
seta "g_configversion" "7"
seta "g_maplist" "g-23 courtfun lightspeed glowplant dance newtonian-nightmare hyperspace solarium techassault red-planet space-elevator stormkeep runningman nexballarena q3dm17ish leave_em_behind xoylent afterslime darkzone drain"
seta "g_maplist_index" "11"
"gl_picmip" "-2"
"gl_texture_anisotropy" "16"
"gl_texturecompression" "1"
"gl_vbo" "1"
"hostname" "Dorian's Xonotic Server"
seta "hud_configure_teamcolorforced" "1"
seta "hud_damage" "0.550000"
seta "hud_damage_fade_rate" "0.750000"
seta "hud_dock_alpha" "0.100000"
seta "hud_dock_color" "0.354497 0.380952 0"
seta "hud_panel_bg_alpha" "0.500000"
seta "hud_panel_bg_color" "0.866667 1 0.918519"
seta "hud_panel_bg_padding" "5"
seta "hud_panel_chat" "0"
seta "hud_panel_radar_bg_alpha" ""
seta "hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha" "0.5"
seta "hud_powerup" "0.5"
seta "menu_maxplayers" "32"
seta "menu_slist_showempty" "0"
"prvm_language" "fr"
"r_bloom" "1"
"r_coronas_occlusionquery" "1"
"r_depthfirst" "2"
"r_drawdecals_drawdistance" "500"
"r_drawparticles_drawdistance" "2000"
"r_framedatasize" "16"
"r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping" "1"
"r_glsl_postprocess" "2"
"r_motionblur" "0.500000"
"r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows" "1"
"r_shadow_realtime_world" "1"
"r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows" "1"
"r_shadow_shadowmapping" "1"
"r_subdivisions_tolerance" "1"
"r_water" "1"
"r_water_resolutionmultiplier" "1"
"showfps" "1"
"skill" "0"
seta "timelimit_override" "8"
"vid_conwidth" "960"
"vid_height" "900"
"vid_samples" "4"
"vid_vsync" "1"
"vid_width" "1440"
With your setup you should be able to play with one gazzilion fps. The only thing I can think of is that there is something wrong with the drivers of your videocard.
And btw you should definetely play online, much more fun
08-15-2012, 09:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2012, 09:51 PM by hutty.)
try ...
turning off bloom
realtime world lighting (only effects maps that abuse it (like red planet))
anyways ... you say there is an issue with many bots on the screen at once ...
I believe that the cpu IS the bottleneck when animated models (and particle effects) are involved (and lots of bots = lots of models ...)
try messing around with the model lod ... that should bring down the lags
for decals on models ... some map elements are listed as models instead of basic map stuff (like the green crates ... or light fixtures ... or half of xoylent)
apparently there is a bug where when a scorch mark hits one of these models it makes the game lag alot ...
08-16-2012, 01:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2012, 01:50 AM by Cyber Killer.)
Wait, what? Since when 40fps is too low? Yeah, it should be more on that machine, but a man's eye can't see (on the average) >23fps, so anything >30fps is way fluent, and there is no physical way to see more than your displays refresh rate which is most likely 60Hz (so 60fps).
edit: ok, ok... when the eye got used to a computer screen than it can see around as much as the refresh rate, especially in fast paced games. Either way 40fps is good imho.
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie
Right now we don't really have much information about how your system is performing so can you please follow this thread to run 'The Big Benchmark':
Then we will have some ideas with where your system compares. Here is a list of some results:
tZork posted there a system with a Radeon HD6700 which your system should beat be quite an amount so this is what you should compare with.
I'm at least a reasonably tolerable person to be around - Narcopic
- AMD FX-8120
- Stock at 3.1Ghz with turbo boost disable
- 8 core
- 8GB DDR3
- Windows 7 Pro X64
- 64bits
And here the log file of the big benchmark :
the-big-benchmark.zip (Size: 190.77 KB / Downloads: 2)
08-16-2012, 08:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2012, 08:44 AM by edh.)
To paraphrase your results a little:
OMG: 154
Low: 147
Medium: 133
Normal: 129
High: 117
Ultra: 108
Ultimate: 78
This is some way behind some of the other systems listed in the wiki page I linked too with similar graphics cards, especially with the lower quality settings which would show some sort of processing bottleneck rather than graphics bottleneck. Something is not running very efficiently here. While turning the settings down may seem logical, it doesn't fix anything, its just a workaround.
You may want to have a look through this config thread I made previously, disabling compositing may be a good area to start but some lower level work may also pay off:
I'm at least a reasonably tolerable person to be around - Narcopic
(08-16-2012, 01:48 AM)Cyber Killer Wrote: Wait, what? Since when 40fps is too low? Yeah, it should be more on that machine, but a man's eye can't see (on the average) >23fps, so anything >30fps is way fluent, and there is no physical way to see more than your displays refresh rate which is most likely 60Hz (so 60fps).
edit: ok, ok... when the eye got used to a computer screen than it can see around as much as the refresh rate, especially in fast paced games. Either way 40fps is good imho.
Offtopic: The difference between 30-60fps is HUGE. You can absolutely perceive it. And 23fps is abysmal to play. It's less visual perception and more in input response. There's a reason some *serious* gamers still carry around CRT's for the massive refresh rate: because it does make a difference. IMO Yes, 40fps is too low. I really only like playing if I'm getting 80+ consistently.
On topic: I've said this before but Xonotic just seems like a very inefficient game. I'm (obviously, as this thread shows) not the only one that gets less-than-expected performance with this game on a decent rig. But that's not always the case.... very inconsistent issues for some. But it's also only 0.6... so... can't complain too much.
Look at my rig for comparison. At the time I ran Core 2 Duo E8400 + 4850, obviously far weaker system. And results?
OMG: 230
Low: 215
Medium: 197
Normal: 189
High: 167
Ultra: 107
Ultimate: 97
Yours for comparison:
OMG: 154
Low: 147
Medium: 133
Normal: 129
High: 117
Ultra: 108
Ultimate: 78
That's incredibly odd. Or maybe FX really is THAT bad of a gaming processor, as reviews suggest?
In fact FX are pretty bad with game and software non multi threaded.
And i remember that the E8400 is an excellent CPU.
08-17-2012, 03:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2012, 03:06 AM by edh.)
(08-16-2012, 04:51 PM)Roymustang16 Wrote: And i remember that the E8400 is an excellent CPU.
Rather good, but close to 5 years old. Your 1 year old CPU should beat it even on a single core, clock cycle to clock cycle basis. In addition, the FPS gradient across the detail levels does not appear a pure CPU limit. If it was a pure CPU limit then all the detail levels would give the same FPS. The gradient is fairly weak which would point at a CPU related limit but not a pure CPU limit. This could mean something like the graphics driver running into a CPU limit rather than Xonotic itself. As suggested before, disabling compositing on Xonotic might be a good area to start if this is the case.
Rafallus is getting pretty middling performance there whereas you are getting something much worse. Disabling compositing for Xonotic may give a big speedup but I still don't think it'll close the gap.
I'm at least a reasonably tolerable person to be around - Narcopic
When you say compositing do you mean aero? I disabled it and i don't get a better framerate.
08-17-2012, 08:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2012, 09:51 AM by Rudi.)
Edit: got about 230 fps in omg and 110 with ultimate.
Phenom2 X4 925 2,8 Ghz, nvidia Gtx460
The FX is not a that good gaming prozessor compared to the latest intel, but it definitely IS faster than most cpus of a older generation! even in single threaded apps
I guess it's not the cpu!
Nyov got similar results as yours with a 6970gfxcard. And the 6000+ Cpu is as fast as my PII 925 in single threaded applications. (I know that because I upgraded form a 6000+)
It's a gfx driver issue i think.
![[Image: 11436.png]](http://stats.xonotic.org/static/badges/11436.png) |
(PLAY/Drunk/Rudi_Aut ^^) |
09-01-2012, 04:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2012, 04:42 PM by FruitieX.)
(08-16-2012, 04:18 PM)JayWalker Wrote: [quote='Cyber Killer' pid='47385' dateline='1345099726']
Offtopic: The difference between 30-60fps is HUGE. You can absolutely perceive it.
More off-topic, I perceive a HUGE difference even between 60-120 fps. After getting used to playing on a 120Hz monitor, 60 fps almost feels like a slideshow, seriously! It's not placebo, I can tell in a second if my monitor is set to 120 Hz or 60 Hz just by moving the cursor around.
IIRC around 200 fps is where the human eye will stop noticing a difference if you ramp the framerate up further. (can't find source for that)
09-03-2012, 09:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-03-2012, 09:05 AM by MirceaKitsune.)
Darkplaces isn't multi-threaded? I thought it supported multi-core processors for years  Of course it runs very well for me as is, but if this feature was added it might run even faster. So although I can't complain of its absence, I surely support the feature.
It *is* multithreaded, but not very much.