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oh god

Did Michael Bay direct this?

So much effects.

Overkill is not the default Xonotic gameplay though. Big Grin

Thank you for sharing! I would recommend to use effects less often, and less intensive ones, too. And I agree with Mirio, if you could somehow make it apparent that this is overkill game mode and not default gameplay, that would be much appreciated :o)
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Looks like a Call of Duty "montage".

Wow.. just.. god.. T_T
I'm sorry but.. holy crap... theres so much wrong with this.

-This isnt default Xonotic AT ALL and should be stated somewhere.
--mostly modern military shooter style weapon models
--Halo like player models (tho thats not too different looking from xon style, correct me if that model is actually in the game LOL)
--using a MOD gametype without clarifying

-The editing/gameplay does not show Xon's fast paced gameplay AT ALL.
-Fragmovie sounds cooler than Montage
-overuse of effects
-hud should mostly be disabled if ur not showing raw gameplay (IMO!)

I don't want to be a flamer but stuff like this just makes a game look like garbage. I don't want Xonotic to look like garbage. Sad

+Some kills were nicely synched with music
+ 4:3 is cool
I see potential, with a bit of vanilla frags, more careful use of effects and better music. Smile

(03-28-2014, 10:21 AM)machine! Wrote: Looks like a Call of Duty "montage".

worse than a cod "montage"

did you make this too

I like it Tongue although Dub Step is the bastard son of Speed Garage and should be taken out back and shot.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

I likey this mod


Some of the comments are a bit harsh.

Less effects and slow-mo next time, try to include more frags then primarily just the nex/railgun weapon, more combinations frags etc.

For the record, Overkill is a really good/fun mod to play which is why people play it..
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


(03-29-2014, 07:21 AM)kojn^ Wrote: Some of the comments are a bit harsh.

Less effects and slow-mo next time, try to include more frags then primarily just the nex/railgun weapon, more combinations frags etc.

For the record, Overkill is a really good/fun mod to play which is why people play it..

Yah when I firest read it was like huh are they gonna cut his balls of now too?

Well not everyone sees the game the same way what I saw here is his representation of how he sees the game which seems to fly in the face of those who see it differently.

Yes there was little too much slow mo and not enough "frags" but if you look at way Overkill plays it feels much slower then say normal Xon death match in small arenas.

Plus look at his YT profile he's just a kid and its a good start from a creative mind so I say ef everyone and make do your own thing because then its not your thing but someone else idea.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

I totally agree, no need to start flaming but rather acknowledge the work that has been put into it. It's a good start, I for one have not made a better frag movie so far.

This community has a reputation of providing constructive critizism, if I may remind everybody :o)
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

Daux, watch and learn from Halogene and kojn...

Dezeptix, thank you for sharing! I appreciate the effort behind the video Smile
You might not know, but as other already stated (duh) this is the Overkill mod for Xonotic, but you might not knew that when you made your video. It would have been nice to state that somewhere. Well, maybe next time Wink
Also, I just second what others said before: I recommend you to use next time fewer effects! You know, sometimes less is more! Smile
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

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