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State exam 1/3

Some of you might wonder why I haven't contributed anything yet to the project. For those who don't know, I tell now that nowadays I'm learning hard for my state exams at the university, so I can't map.
But don't worry, it'll all be over soon. Wink
Also, it seems afterall my hard work and learning became fruitfull. On tuesday I took the test, and I've passed with a phat 174/200 points, and that gives me a 4 Big Grin
Two more exams are before me , but the hardest part (imho) is accomplished Big Grin
Stay tuned!
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

Cool! Congrats and keep it up!

...but I thought you only had to defend your thesis now...? Are you studying something different on the side? o.O
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Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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Thx Smile

No, that's only one part of my "absolutorium". I still have an "exercise" exam before me (where I have to make medicine just like in a pharmacy), and an oral one.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

Excellent! Now but a few puny steps remain and we can execute out evil plan and... oh shit this is public :O

Congratulations m8.

Oh then good luck and I hope you don't have to take the medicine you are throwing together :o) better test it on the jury first Xo)

BTW, if you find the time, could you please update the map pool on DCC's plain delight? Weapon balance and skill level and people over there are really great, but it is really annoying to play the same maps over and over again...
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


Well done and good luck on your next two exams.

Oh wait.

May one congratulate to the next step? When was it proceeding again? How're you doing?
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


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