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[SUGGESTION] Using Mediafire to host maps and such.

I'd like to mention Mediafire as a host for uploading maps, textures, etc...

Mediafire is different to other online hosters, in that it allows for unlimited parallel downloads. There is also no bandwidth-limit per day in downloading.

The upload limit is 200MB, but as far as I know the biggest map in the game is RedStarRepublic5, at 60MB.

When I say there there are unlimited downloads for free users, it does mean that you have to visit each page separately and click the download link.

If you want to bulk download as a free user, the uploader will have to provide all the links and you'll have to paste them in a download manager, like jDownloader.
Do be careful with that. As I said: unlimited parallel downloads, which means if you start em all at once, they'll be hogging your bandwidth.
[Image: di-712770583645.png]

Please do not use mediafire. Its awful.

Use Omploader, and just remember to keep track of your stuff.

I've uploaded files >1gb to that without trouble.

Sep, MediaFire isn't awefull, it's great Tongue

Also, it looks like you can't register on that site. So, nobody will be able to keep track of all their uploads... unless you store the links in a text-file Tongue
[Image: di-712770583645.png]

If I can store my links on a text file, anyone can!

(03-22-2010, 11:49 AM)Sepelio Wrote: If I can store my links on a text file, anyone can!

Sep, you're riding a farmers chariot while you could be riding a high-speed car. Tongue
[Image: di-712770583645.png]

if i remember right , the server admins have trouble with links to mediafire , rapidshare etc . it has something to do with people not being able to download maps from ingame because the link requires a captcha . i could be totally wrong about that but i do know that using mediafire is bad .
I have no signature . That is all .

(03-22-2010, 10:08 AM)Sepelio Wrote: Please do not use mediafire. Its awful.

Use Omploader, and just remember to keep track of your stuff.

I've uploaded files >1gb to that without trouble.

please do not use mediafire
please do not use omploader
please do not use rapidshare
please do not use any other crappy hosting site

Grassy is right, Xonotic game servers will not be able to link to these sites. Please host maps only on HTTP or anonymous-enabled FTP servers with somewhat normal addressing. Try signing up for a free website or something. If your map is good enough there will be a central repo for map hosting of official Xonotic content. If you'd like to have something hosted that's good quality and ready to run on a server and still can't find hosting let me know, I'd be willing to help. I'm not subscribing to this thread so pm me here or on irc.
[+] MaKR [smooth+o]

I don't like mediafire because it's a. difficult to batch download links, c. requires far too much clicking, and d. is unattractive. Best solution is, as grassy said, http hosting.

Omploader is fine, you can download the map directly from a server with wget for example. Mediafire is very annoying though.

What MaKR said.

FTP/HTTP and in game Peer-2-Peer map sharing.(Tongue)

I can't stand mediafire and filehosts like that. is very good for sharing maps (for now).

But keep in mind that we're planning on doing our own hosting for maps/pics in the future.
We're planning a map repo system that will likely utilize mirrors as well as a map browsing interface with rating/reviewing from the community. That's further in the future though, but -z- already has a basic starting framework for that. It's a very neat project that would help out mappers and server admins alike.

and we'll soon do a (similar to

(03-22-2010, 07:23 PM)Ronan Wrote: Omploader is fine, you can download the map directly from a server with wget for example. Mediafire is very annoying though.

wget != curl

Xonotic uses curl for package downloads, therefore wget working is not a positive assurance that it will work. Here's how it works:

user does:
[vcall] chmap <mapname>

server does:
map <mapname>
sv_curl_defaulturl "" <-- is a guess, but will be similar to that address

user has no map, so user's client assembles:
sv_curl_defaulturl + <mapname> =<mapname>.pk3

If curl does not work the Xonotic client will not be able to download maps automagically. Secondly, all the maps the server uses that are not official default included maps will need to be in the same folder. The server admin would have to rcon sv_curl_defaulturl for each specific map if they are not all in the same directory on the same server.
[+] MaKR [smooth+o]

as already stated omploader is fine also

mediafire and the like :(


we are talking about sharing data with the community, not hosting a maps repository.

When someone provide a link working directly with wget, curl, or a browser without javascript, it's fine for me. So far omploader is convenient, mediafire and rapidshare are not.

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