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Long time player, first time poster

Hi there, Xonotic community. I've played Xonotic (or as it was known when I played it most, Nexuiz) on and off for about the past 6 or 7 years.
I mostly played on the [esk] minsta/hook CTF server way back when, although I like to play deathmatch now because it's a lot more challenging (not to say I'm very good at either -- I'm not).
Figured I'd actually become a part of this community by joining these forums, after so long, since it's one of my favorite games even though I don't play it nearly as often anymore.

I doubt anyone will recognize me, except for Mario maybe if he frequents the forums and VertX because I recently met him in-game and invited him onto a friend's TeamSpeak, but I used to go by Ninjap00 and papermen in Nexuiz/Xonotic, if you remember those names.

Hey there Slick Butter, and welcome to the forums!

I slightly remember the name papermen, from my times of playing on esk back in Nexuiz, even though I am an EU player. Good to see you here Wink
[Image: 9214.png]

Nice to meet you Smile I think I actually remember playing with you, I used to go by Talcom in Nex, so you might have seen me. Your name looks really familiar.

Anywho, hope to see you play soon, I still play minsta ctf so hop on the regulars/LMNT servers some time c:

Papermen sounds really familiar, might of been in DCC deathmatch a couple years ago or something. Do you play vanilla as well?

Vanilla? As in regular deathmatch as opposed to minsta CTF? Yes, I do. A lot more now than before, though.

And thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone.

Welcome! Enjoy yo'self.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Me too Long time player since 2013 and joined the forums the next 2 years Sad Anyways Welcome to the Forums!

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