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Mapping beginner course live stream this Friday, August 20th

Hello everyone [Image: emot_smile.gif]

This is my first posting here and I'd like to quickly introduce myself before I get to the topic of this posting. I'm a professional 3D artist since 2012 and wouldn't be doing this today if I hadn't started to make maps for Quake 3 in 2006. You can find my art and tutorials on my website. I've recently discovered Xonotic and am now madly in love with this game. Expect some content from me in the future [Image: emot_smile.gif]

Now to this thread's topic:

I will be live streaming a beginner mapping course for Xonotic this Friday, August 20th, starting at 10:30, Central European Summer Time. The course is expected to last between 4 and 6 hours.

The course is hosted and sponsored by and will be streamed to codinglab's website at

I will answer questions from the live chat during the stream [Image: emot_smile.gif]

The course is going to cover the following topics:
  1. Xonotic and editor download and setup
  2. Navigating the editor's viewports
  3. Creating basic geometry
  4. Cutting and skewing brushes using the clipping and vertex tool
  5. Creating curved surfaces with patch meshes
  6. Applying and aligning textures
  7. Adding spawn points, weapons and ammo
  8. Lighting with point lights, spot lights and skyboxes
  9. Creating a jump pad
  10. Creating a moving platform
  11. Compiling a level
  12. Performance optimization with detail brushes
  13. Creating waypoints for bots

Hey, will this be stream be saved so that it's viewable in the future?

Hi, welcome aboard! Nice to see a fellow creator joining!
I'd also like to invite you to join our discord:

This sounds great Victor, thank you, and welcome to Xonotic!

(08-19-2021, 01:39 PM)Dr. Jaska Wrote: Hey, will this be stream be saved so that it's viewable in the future?

Yes, it will. The guys from will save it and also reupload it it to YouTube.

(08-19-2021, 03:20 PM)_para Wrote: Hi, welcome aboard! Nice to see a fellow creator joining!
I'd also like to invite you to join our discord:

(08-19-2021, 03:22 PM)gazby Wrote: This sounds great Victor, thank you, and welcome to Xonotic!

It's great to be here, thank you both for the warm welcome Smile I have joined the Discord. Somebody has already announced the stream there, that's awesome!

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