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Okay, what, for the love of god, am I doing wrong this time?

Uploaded all maps to another server.
Players still have black maps.
Even my little brother who downloaded the map fine yesterday is now having THE EXACT SAME MAP as black, when I didn't change anything.
All files are still online.
Server.cfg file set correctly.
This is so frustrating...
// A setting needs to be surrounded with " if it contains special

// characters like space, semicolon (seperates commands) or starts

// with
// (begins a comment for the rest of the line or next
// semicolon).  While just "" means 'no/empty setting'.

// Everything has some sensible defaults so you do NOT really need to

// change anything.  But here are some settings you SHOULD change to

// make it 'YOUR' server.  IF so remove the // from the line start and

// change them to your liking.

sv_public 1    // 0 if the server should not be on the public servers list

//sv_status_privacy 1    // 1 hides IP addresses from "status" replies shown to clients, 0 shows them. Enables players to identify wellknown punks on your server OR is a thread to anonymity.. depending on your point of view :)

hostname "[NL]TLP's Xonotic Server - EVERYTHING VOTEABLE (Default Bots = 12) [MAP MIRROR ADDED]"    // this name will appear on the server list (the $g_xonoticversion gets replaced with the current version)

sv_motd "If you have black maps, please download Cortez´s mappack from\n Or Google 'Xonotic Map Pack' for it, it's the first link. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience!\n\n Votable commands:\n Gamemodes: ctf, ca, infection, freezetag, assault, keepaway, nexball, domination, keyhunt, rune, arena, lms, onslaught\n Mutators/Settings: minsta, timelimit, nobots, addbots, infammo, warmup, sv_fbskin_green, sv_fbskin_orange, sv_fbskin_red, sv_fbskin_off, g_nix, low_gravity, def_gravity\n\n Enjoy!"    // this message (unless "") is displayed to players on connect

maxplayers 9999    // number of players allowed on the server

port 26000    // the port used by the server

//log_file "server.log"    // server console output will also be copied to this file. This: "${serverconfig}.log" uses variable substitution to make the logfile have the same name as your config file with .log appended which is useful if you run several servers

g_start_delay 15    // delay before the game starts to let players join the server first

// List of maps to play on the server.  Set to "" to autodetect (which would enumerate ALL maps.  Maps that don't support the current game mode will be skipped, so you don't need to remove them here.

g_maplist ""

g_maplist_shuffle 1    // 0 always selects the next map out of g_maplist (but then better set g_maplist_votable 0 below to prevent repetitive votes), 1 will select random maps each time

g_maplist_mostrecent_count 3    // number of maps that have to be played before a map can be repeated

// LIMITS: how long a match will last before the next map starts (-1 means use the map default, 0 = unlimited, please note that the variables fraglimit/timelimit can NOT be globally used for this but only DURING a match is being played)

//timelimit_override -1    // global timelimit for all maps and gametypes

//fraglimit_override -1    // global frag/point limit for all maps and gametypes

//g_ctf_capture_limit -1    // frag/capture limit for CTF
//capturelimit_override -1    // capture limit for CTF

//g_domination_point_limit -1    // frag/point limit for DOM

//g_runematch_point_limit -1    // frag/point limit for RUNE

//g_keyhunt_point_limit -1    // frag/point limit for KH

//g_lms_lives_override -1    // lives for LMS

//g_nexball_goallimit -1    // goals for NEXBALL

//g_ctf_win_mode 0    // CTF win mode: 0 = caps only, 1 = caps + points as tie breaker, 2 = points only

//g_ctf_ignore_frags 1    // set to 1 to ignore kills except for FC kills

// TEAMS for key hunt (change this to 2, 3, 4 to set a fixed keyhunt style)

//g_keyhunt_teams_override -1    // teams for KH

// GAME MODE: what type of server do you want to host?
// possible values: dm (deathmatch), tdm (team deathmatch), dom (domination), ctf (ctf), rune (runematch), lms (last man standing), arena (arena), kh (keyhunt), as (assault), ons (onslaught), race (race), nexball (nexball)

gametype dm
// Some settings you MIGHT want to change.  Again IF so remove the //
// from the line start and change them to your liking.

//net_address    // ONLY change this if you have problems with your server. Specifies the network interface used by the engine.  Set it you one of you internal IPs

//rcon_password ""    // you can use rcon if this password is set.  you need to set the same password in your client if you want to issue rcon commands

//rcon_restricted_password ""    // put here the password for a "restricted" rcon user (see below)

//bot_number 0    // number of bots to add

//skill 1    // the bots skill level

minplayers 12    // add bots if less then that number of players playing. MAKE SURE ITS LESS THEN maxplayers or people will get blocked by bots!

bot_prefix [CAT]    // prepend this to all botnames

//bot_suffix ""    // append this to all botnames

g_maplist_check_waypoints 0    // set this to 1 to skip maps without waypoints if there aren't enough players to play without bots

g_maplist_votable 6    // number of maps to vote between.  set to 0 to disable the map voting screen (please enable g_maplist_shuffle above when this is enabled, or votes will be repetitive)

//g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2    // number of suggestions to accept using the suggestmap command

g_maplist_votable_abstain 1    // when 1, people get a "don't care" selection in the vote screen

g_maplist_votable_nodetail 0    // when 1, people can't see how many voted for what (to thwart abusive "influential" first votes)

//sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto"    // players can vote for those commands or use them if they are masters. You canm also add 'g_grappling_hook' for hook voting, and 'sv_fbskin_green sv_fbskin_red sv_fbskin_orange sv_fbskin_off' for fbskin voting.

//sv_vote_master_commands "movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink"    // add commands masters can use if logged in or elected. You may want to put 'kickban' here, so masters can keep out punks. It may be good to also put "sv_status_privacy 0" then...

//rcon_restricted_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick kickban \"sv_cmd bans\" \"sv_cmd unban\" status \"sv_cmd teamstatus\" movetoteam_auto movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink"    // commands for the (stronger) rcon restricted

//sv_vote_call 1    // 0 will disable the normal voting

//sv_vote_master 1    // 0 will disable voting to become master, good if you prefer to use the master password instead

//sv_vote_master_password ""    // when set, vlogin PWD will allow people to become master to run master commands directly using vdo

//sv_vote_majority_factor 0.5    // 0.666 will require a 2/3 majority instead of a regular 1/2 one

//sv_vote_simple_majority_factor 0    // 0.666 will win votes by a 2/3 majority of the VOTERS (not the players!)
// note: to JUST support simple majorities, set these two factors equal

//sv_maxidle 0    // idle time in seconds after which players will get kicked

// Some more advanced settings.  You probably are not interested in changing them at all.

//sv_ready_restart 0    // 1 to allow players to restart the map when all of them press the ready button

//sv_autoscreenshot 0    // 1 will force a screenshot for all clients when the map ends.  Useful for competitions or the ladder.

//g_antilag 0    // 0 to disable the antilag feature, 1 and 2 use different methods

//sv_maxrate 1000000    // limits client connections to this rate in bytes/seconds

// see Docs/mapdownload.txt for more info

sv_curl_defaulturl    //fallback download URL

//sv_defaultcharacter 0    // 1 will force a specific model for all players

//sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/nexus.zym    // this model will be used

//sv_defaultplayerskin 0    // this skin number will be forced for all players

//sv_defaultplayercolors ""    // you can even force player colors here (16*shirt+pants)

//g_fullbrightplayers 0    // 1 to make players fullbright
//g_fullbrightitems 0    // 1 to make items fullbright

g_balance_teams 1    // 0 will show players the team selection menu after joining instead of automaticly putting them on the smaller team
g_balance_teams_force 1    // 1 to automaticly balance teams even during a game

//g_ban_sync_uri "" // sync bans using this ban list provider (disabled by default, uncomment this line to enable)

//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here (if not set, your bans are just sent to the sync URIs, but no bans are retrieved from there)

// "Obvious" mutators that are allowed on a "pure" server

//g_minstagib 0    // set to 1 for MinstaGib
g_weapon_stay 0 // set to 1, 2 or 3 for different weapon-stay modes (1 = traditional, 2 = no ammo but allow throwing, 3 = ghost weapon stay)

// WARNING: anything below this line makes your server "impure"!

// enable some mutators you'd like

//g_cloaked 0    // set to 1 for transparent hard to see players

//g_grappling_hook 0    // set to 1 to enable the hook (allowed on "pure" server in MinstaGib)

//g_jetpack 0    // set to 1 to enable the jetpack (allowed on "pure" server in MinstaGib)

//g_laserguided_missile 0    // set to 1 for laser guided missiles in the RL

//g_midair 0    // set to 1 to make only midair damage count

//g_vampire 0    // set to 1 to give players the damage they cause as health

//sv_gravity 800    // for low gravity, set this somewhere between 50 and 400

// select AT MOST one of these arena mutators (if you didn't select g_minstagib)

//g_nix 0    // set to 1 for No Items Xonotic

//g_nixnex_with_laser 0    // set to 1 to always give players the laser in NixNex

alias dm    "gametype dm;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings:g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias tdm    "gametype tdm;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings:g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias ctf     "gametype ctf;        g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias ca     "gametype ca;        g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias freezetag    "gametype freezetag;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings:g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias assault     "gametype as;        g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias keepaway     "gametype keepaway;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias nexball     "gametype nexball;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias domination     "gametype dom;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias keyhunt     "gametype kh;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias domination    "gametype dom;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings:g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias rune     "gametype rune;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias arena     "gametype arena;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias lms     "gametype lms;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias onslaught     "gametype onslaught;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"

alias dom "domination"
alias kh "keyhunt"
alias ons "onslaught"

addvote dm
addvote tdm
addvote ctf
addvote ca
addvote freezetag
addvote assault
addvote keepaway
addvote nexball
addvote kh
addvote keyhunt
addvote dom
addvote domination
addvote rune
addvote arena
addvote lms
addvote ons
addvote onslaught

alias minsta "toggle g_minstagib;g_weaponarena 0; restart"
alias nobots "minplayers 0; bot_number 0; say To re-enable bots, please vote for 'addbots'"
alias addbots "minplayers 12; say To disable bots, please vote for 'nobots'"
alias infammo "toggle g_use_ammunition; restart"
alias warmup "toggle g_warmup; restart"
alias g_nix "toggle g_nix; restart"
alias low_gravity "sv_gravity 50; say To use normal gravity, please vote for 'def_gravity'"
alias def_gravity "sv_gravity 800; say To use low gravity, please vote for 'low_gravity'"

addvote minsta
addvote timelimit
addvote nobots
addvote infammo
addvote sv_fbskin_green
addvote sv_fbskin_orange
addvote sv_fbskin_red
addvote sv_fbskin_off
addvote warmup
addvote g_nix
addvote addbots
addvote low_gravity
addvote def_gravity

(03-12-2011, 05:29 AM)TheLastProject Wrote: sv_motd "If you have black maps, please download Cortez´s mappack from\n Or Google 'Xonotic Map Pack'

if you just used the file which you download with this link, then there is no need to wonder. i zipped all pk3s. you have to unzip the file, then is xonotic able to notice the maps.
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

(03-13-2011, 12:22 PM)Cortez666 Wrote:
(03-12-2011, 05:29 AM)TheLastProject Wrote: sv_motd "If you have black maps, please download Cortez´s mappack from\n Or Google 'Xonotic Map Pack'

if you just used the file which you download with this link, then there is no need to wonder. i zipped all pk3s. you have to unzip the file, then is xonotic able to notice the maps.
As you can also see in my code, I uploaded all of them on another server, and added to server link in it.
At least, I hope I put it on the right place, lol. And I unzipped it in my directory. However, for some reasons, I'm the only one who can see it, other players get your awesome maps as black maps Q_Q

Perhaps you have to use double quotes...
sv_curl_defaulturl ""

another possibility is to use a curl_urls.txt file:

Just place a file called curl_urls.txt in your data folder and add a line:

You can add several lines for mapdownloads.

(03-13-2011, 05:33 PM)ItsMe Wrote: Perhaps you have to use double quotes...
sv_curl_defaulturl ""

another possibility is to use a curl_urls.txt file:

Just place a file called curl_urls.txt in your data folder and add a line:

You can add several lines for mapdownloads.
Guess I'll try using double quotation marks then. The weird thing is, the last player trying to access my server (my gf) told me that something was being downloaded, but it became black after all =/
The weird thing is that such stuff, for some reason, only seems to happen at my server, and not at any other servers =/

But okay, I'll give it a try. Thanks for the tip.

Pickup server has also black-maps problem. But I could play perfectly on your server.
Moved to Mepper

So...What happed ,Did it work ?
A solution to this would be fine since i have the same problemDodgy

sv_curl_defaulturl "http://blablabla"
or add a curl_urls.txt file

please post your server config, if it still fails Smile

added the address without quotes and THAT seams to work

it works for me with and without quotes...

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