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[not-really-a-release] Unsealedtrial in GIT

Hello there,

some months ago I began working a bit on Morphed's unsealedtrial vehicle map, fixing some technical issues (like caulk brushes overlapping with the terrain, which is what caused black splotches here and there), adding some details to the bases, having a visible boundary of the map (just a simple wall, but hey), having nice alpha shadows and stuff. Nothing spectacular, really.

[Image: qs0pqt9zezj84fy46_thumb.jpg]

[Image: kofzis9r4zlytkwcgrx1_thumb.jpg]

[Image: ztquvsrbra5yrf4xtvta_thumb.jpg]

This work resides in the branch savagex/unsealedtrial-by-morphed

I'm bringing this up because I haven't found time to continue work on this for literally months, yet I guess that the improvements already made may make this version preferable over the old unsealedtrialbeta version that's still in rotation on the usual servers. So let's call whatever latest autobuild a "release" ;-)

Also, obviously, it would be nice if someone could continue work on this.

Looks cool Smile

Will check today, and I'll see what I can do with the "wall" terrain.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

Please, modify bases in a way, that vehicles are unable to get inside, specially SpiderBot. I have seen many 20 min stand-offs with guy who has flag and sits in corner in the SpiderBot.

One thing that would I'd love to see in this map is HD terrain and rocks and of course more detail in the bases. Dynamic weather and lighting that changes with time would be incredible (I know these are hard to implement though). Wink

Map is boxed-one, add more stuff and engine will choke. It should be more like valleys and cliffs.

Quote:add more stuff and engine will choke

Yeah, the last suggestion I made is far too demanding. But better textures and details won't be taxing at all. Smile

Damn you Savage, i just did more or less the same things to this map! xD Oh well, ill port over anything interesting to this branch instead (and one of those things is stopping vehicles from getting into bases).

Oh sorry tZork, I wasn't aware you were tinkering with this map as well... then again perhaps I win because I started like one year ago? ;-)

how about ... instad of a wall at the end ... you make a void ... and have a nice cliff edge at the edge of the world (kind of like the whole place is on a big rock pillar)

then add some other rock pillars in the skybox entity for decoration ...

and some moving clouds while you are at it

The one thing I dislike about this map is the lighting ... it makes the grass all icky ... why not make the grass the lushest green possible ... that would add some color to xonotic ... ... ...

just suggestions ...

(06-23-2012, 08:27 AM)hutty Wrote: how about ... instad of a wall at the end ... you make a void ... and have a nice cliff edge at the edge of the world (kind of like the whole place is on a big rock pillar)

then add some other rock pillars in the skybox entity for decoration ...

I second this. It breaks the feeling that I'm playing in a world and instead an amateurish game. No offence but this NEEDS to be implemented at some point. I'm frankly surprised this map was ever released as part of the 0.6 build considering its quality in comparison with other maps.

(06-23-2012, 08:27 AM)hutty Wrote: how about ... instad of a wall at the end ... you make a void ... and have a nice cliff edge at the edge of the world
This sort of does that. It begun as a Unsealedtrial remake, but got so different during development i gave it a new name.

This is by far my favorite vehicle ctf map in xonotic.

It seems like new players have a hard time adapting to the tactic of directly camping on the flag with the spider/crab to protect it, so often all it takes is one player on the team being willing to do this constantly.

but then the flag carrier cant cap because the silly spider camper isn't paying attenetion to whats happening behind him ... and is literally in the way of the flag

(07-07-2012, 11:37 PM)hutty Wrote: but then the flag carrier cant cap because the silly spider camper isn't paying attenetion to whats happening behind him ... and is literally in the way of the flag
Nonsense. Collision with team members will make sounds and you're facing the base 50% of the time to shoot harassing enemies anyways.

The biggest fun you'll have as a flag-camping spider is insinuating that you're leaving or have left the flag just to jump on it right in the moment the enemy snatches it, squishing them. Tee-hee.


just some comments:

About spider camping on flag:

It is fine to camp on the flag. if you disallow this people can do quick caps using racer / by feet.

About the map:

The changes you did are fine to me. But i also have some further "requests". Tongue

Atm the map is not symmetric. For eg the hill is only accessible from the blue side --> Blue can do racer jumps on the roof of red, red has no chance doing the same on blue without driving over the whole map and ascending the whole mountain.

The arch in front of the red base is placed in a way to allow very easy racer jumps onto the flag platform --> very quick caps without a chance for the defenders. On the blue side the arch is placed different --> you have no straight line to the flag so racer jump is harder. Same problem exists when standing on top of the platform with spider and defending --> you have different viewable/attackable areas.

The items are mirrored around a line. When i walk up the stairs to the red flyer platform the tag and hagar are swapped when you walk up the stairs to the blue platform. Which requires you to think all the time in which team you are again Tongue

So it would be nice if the map would be mirrored around a point in center of the map (so rotated)

But all in all the map is still very cool.

Best regards

I suppose Unsealed Trial 2 can be discussed in here too. Screenshots:

Also, I present to you the latest in xono-tactics: double vehicle flag camping:
[Image: Aw3l3.jpg]

3 words: LOL!

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