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The State of the Xonotic Team

I am not sure whether or not to be concerned about this, but it seems like we are losing a considerable portion of the Xonotic development team.
The Xonotic team at the beginning was small enough as it was then and with Tzork leaving amongst others I was wondering if there was anything being done to replenish the Xonotic development team?

I wouldn't want the team to become small enough to the point of causing the current developers too much stress and have them abandon the team.

In other words, has there been any concern relating to this issue and if so what can be done about it?

Well, one way would be to get lots of support by getting Xonotic lots of publicity (without waiting for v1.0) so more people would be interested and thus join the dev team...

Team Xonotic is simply evolving. People come and go for various reasons. Isn't everybody a member of the team after all we all contribute something to the game.

Warsow took 7 years to reach version 1.0!

The team that made (old) Nexuiz/Xonotic has always changed over time. Developing a game costs a lot of time and effort, and not many people are able to do that for years, in their free time. So I can perfectly understand that tZork stops with developing, there still is a normal life, which should always be more important.

Old developers go away, and new come. Look for example at the amount of active mappers now, I've never seen such a big flood of maps coming. Maybe in a few months that has stopped, but some new guys start working on the code.

It will just take a long time until this game hits 1.0, and there is only one way to speed it up, help developing yourself.

Samual's signature describes perfectly how the Xonotic development works:

"Do it yourself, or stop complaining"

P.S. A big thanks to everyone who helped or still helps making this game. You guys are awesome!

"P.S. A big thanks to everyone who helped or still helps making this game. You guys are awesome! "

Indeed, as long development on this game continues, I don't really care how long it takes for it to reach 1.0. I just don't want the Xonotic development to stop altogether.

One guy leaves and you think that the whole developement will stop? Seriously...

As said above, people join and leave in the long run and the core developer team changes all the time, this happens almost in all of the big projects - commercial or non-commercial. I understand why tZork left, but it surely is normal life and you can't assume that one guy who has give so much of his/her effort in free time could give it to the infinity. I surely respect what tZork gave to the project, but I'm sure that there will be someone who could "replace" him.

And of course, as Mepper referenced to Samual's signature: "Do it yourself, or stop complaining"

It was not just one guy though, fruitiex is an example of another developer who had to leave as well,
but still your points are well taken.


If you think tZork can be replaced by anybody else, you clearly don't know him. Neither personally, nor his coding skills.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

I sure am glad that it's not the web team members that are leaving Smile

C.Brutail: I guess that's why he put "replace" in quotes. What I think he meant is fill the gap in numbers.

the issue is many of us are a little out of the loop on exactly how many people are developing ...

tzork ... one of the more talkative devs (aside from samual) leaving makes the world seem like its ending for us forum people ....

as for replacing ... i don't know ....

as for me ... I cant code very well yet ... I am actively getting better ... but im not big-project-ready yet ...

(09-24-2012, 04:21 PM)Squigger Wrote: It was not just one guy though, fruitiex is an example of another developer who had to leave as well,
but still your points are well taken.

FruitieX will come back after he has finished playing with his RK-95 in the Finnish army. By the way, does anybody know how long he should be there: 6, 9 or 12 months? I was 6 months there myself.

(09-24-2012, 04:55 PM)C.Brutail Wrote: @Exitum:

If you think tZork can be replaced by anybody else, you clearly don't know him. Neither personally, nor his coding skills.

(09-24-2012, 04:56 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: C.Brutail: I guess that's why he put "replace" in quotes. What I think he meant is fill the gap in numbers.

Yup. There might be a big loss as a professional coder or person like in every team/company/whatever, but the show must go on.


(09-26-2012, 12:01 PM)rocknroll237 Wrote:

Gotta love that Queen Big Grin

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