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[SOLVED] turning on spectator chat in duel, and disabling overkill

Is there a way to turn it on? Sometimes I see a newbie come in, and I want to tell him that he can curve his rockets or something like that.

Also, if a server is in overkill mode, how do I turn it back to vanilla? I try a lot of "vcall vanilla vcall xonotic vcall endmatch" over and over and it eventually works, but I'd like to know what exactly I'm doing.

Mode switching is usually implemented by aliases defined by server admins that are made voteable. Therefore there's no consistent command to be used. Instead, you should look at the server MOTD (perhaps it contains instructions), or use the comand "vhelp" to get a list of votable commands.

As for spectator chat, that's a server-side setting. The cvar controlling this is g_chat_nospectators.

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