I've noticed A LOT of performance improvements in places I've previously had issues in and the audio issues I've previously experienced are gone now. The new defaults seem to be a lot more sane this time around and I love the new models. Cosmetically I'd say that the only bad looking model in the game now is the crylink (looks low poly, though cool otherwise) and there are certain weapons that do clash a little with the overall look of the game (shotgun and electro in particular). I think the next major thing that this game needs is to have the machine gun switched out with a lightning gun and to have all of the ammo in the game re-allocated so that it is split evenly among the weapons. Content wise it was nice to see some more maps added as well as a couple of new tunes (about friggin time on that, given the amount of music available we really shouldn't be seeing tracks recycle the way they currently are). If the team REALLY wanted to go all out, it would be cool to see some more terrain maps with vehicles and jetpacks that would promote a more Tribes-style CTF game as this game and it's predecessor have done that style of play very well in the rare instances that it has been tried. After all of those suggestions it may be a good idea to simply scrub the bots as a loss if no one can get them competent and figure out another way to get players ready to duke it out online. I can see this being one hell of a title come the tenth anniversary of it being initiated (which is sooner than you think... this kicked off in march of 2010, we're in 2017 now), will probably be the best multiplayer shooter by then.
Oh wait.