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(The title was not a typo)

Anyhoo, Hello everyone, I'm Enke. I've been playing Xonotic for a couple of weeks now. I hope I can stay on friendly terms with everyone here, and I hope that I'm not an annoyance. I'm very excited to meet and speak with the developers and players of such an excellent game.

A little bit about me: I am a teenager. I like retro games and Dwarf Fortress, as well as almost any roguelike game I can come across. I don't have many friends, but I'm still pretty happy. I go to a very small school. I like to spend my time daydreaming in a fictional universe of my creation. My real name is not Enke.

I don't plan on posting much, unless I feel I have something good to say.

If you have a question for me, please ask. I will attempt to answer you. If you have a problem with me or my actions, please tell me, and I can attempt to better myself and fix what I did wrong.
Again, I look forward to meeting and getting to know all of you. Cheers!
I'll send a valentine to me out of self-pity for myself *Sigh
Now selling signature antivirus. Buy yours today!
I play a FLOSS alternative to Minecraft called Minetest. Check it out here

Hello, just come to #xonotic.pickup (IRC QuakeNet).

(01-21-2014, 10:51 PM)Mirui Wrote: Hello, just come to #xonotic.pickup (IRC QuakeNet).
I'll definitely check it out! Thanks!
I'll send a valentine to me out of self-pity for myself *Sigh
Now selling signature antivirus. Buy yours today!
I play a FLOSS alternative to Minecraft called Minetest. Check it out here

Hi and welcome! I don't yet see why you should be an annoyance, but you can bet on people telling you here, should you start becoming one :o) Until that is the case, no need to worry at all, the Xonotic community is widely regarded as a very friendly one.

If you started playing only a couple of weeks ago, you might be interested in the Newbie Corner, you might find some interesting tips and tricks there around the gameplay, movement and weapon usage. Happy fragging!
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

(01-21-2014, 10:51 PM)Mirui Wrote: Hello, just come to #xonotic.pickup (IRC QuakeNet).

True dat, guys there always glad to help newcomersSmile
<machine> dude, i know i suck Smile
<OHSNAP! Mossepo> but you dont like finko-suck, u have potential to be good
Diomedes: Finko: You are the most intelligent guy in this community.

Hi! You seem nice! I can't wrap my head around DF.

(01-22-2014, 03:33 AM)Halogene Wrote: Hi and welcome! I don't yet see why you should be an annoyance, but you can bet on people telling you here, should you start becoming one :o) Until that is the case, no need to worry at all, the Xonotic community is widely regarded as a very friendly one.

If you started playing only a couple of weeks ago, you might be interested in the Newbie Corner, you might find some interesting tips and tricks there around the gameplay, movement and weapon usage. Happy fragging!
Thanks! I've already read the Newbie Corner posts, they were very helpful.

(01-22-2014, 04:57 AM)Finko Wrote:
(01-21-2014, 10:51 PM)Mirui Wrote: Hello, just come to #xonotic.pickup (IRC QuakeNet).

True dat, guys there always glad to help newcomersSmile
I'm adding it to my list of channels. :-)

(01-22-2014, 03:17 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Hi! You seem nice! I can't wrap my head around DF.
Heh, thanks. I'm more of a cynic, but I try hard to hold that down when I talk to others. No need to make others miserable as well.
I'm still a newbie at DF, barely logged 100 hours.
I'll send a valentine to me out of self-pity for myself *Sigh
Now selling signature antivirus. Buy yours today!
I play a FLOSS alternative to Minecraft called Minetest. Check it out here

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