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Poll: Which track should be included in the next Xonotic release?
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Cry Link
1 5.88%
15 88.24%
No Time Flat
1 5.88%
Total 17 vote(s) 100%
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[concluded] Vote for 2015 Xonotic Soundtrack Competition

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Thank you so much for everyone's participation and support for The 2015 Xonotic Soundtrack Competition. We have three entries this time, ordered alphabetically as below:

1. Cry Link by BuddyFriendGuy
2. Nanite by Archer
3. No Time Flat by machine!

You be the judge! Together as a community, we will decide which track(s) to include in the next Xonotic release.

Everyone, please go to each link of the tracks and read what each musician has to say about their pieces, and then vote for ONE track that you think should be included in the next release. If the top two tracks have comparable votes, we can consider including both.

Suggested judging criteria (feel free to voice yours here):
  • Does the music go well with Xonotic game play?
  • Does the music enhance the feel of the game?
  • Is the music fresh enough to be added to the current pool of the tracks?
  • Can the music be used somewhere in the game besides where the composer originally saw fit?
  • etc.

Feel free to voice your opinion here! Participants, feel free to discuss with the community here, too!

Please cast your vote by 23:59 Saturday September 19th. After that time in all time zones, we'll do a vote count to decide the winner.

Forum admins, could you make this thread sticky and the competition one non-sticky?

Thanks to everyone. The voting is now concluded, and we have:

Cry Link: 1 vote
Nanite: 15 votes
No Time Flat: 1 vote

And the winner is...

Nanite by Archer!!

Congratulations Archer! Nanite will be included in the next Xonotic release! We will be in contact for more technical details.

We also thank BuddyFriendGuy and machine! for submitting their pieces to support this competition. And of course big thanks to everyone for supporting the idea and participating in discussion and the voting itself.

Till next time! Until then, happy fragging!

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