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Music makers' ressources

TLDR? Read the bottom line.

As some of you might remember from long gone times, I mentioned I was working on a song or some kind of music or let's say audio signals thrown together in a custom way. Soooo, I finally am getting somewhere close to releasing something to the public so that it can be torn apart by nasty critiques.

But this community has grown somewhat dear to me and before I feel I can do something cruel as releasing my homebrew stuff to you, I still need to tweak that little something I am working on a bit. To polish it up adequately I'd require some more sound and effect sources. In case this is relevant, I am working with Garageband, since I wasn't able to get Jack started on Ubuntu Studio 10.4 :o/ Garageband is somewhat of a limitation, but it proved to be quite a good tool to start off with if you don't know what you're doing (which I don't).

So the bottom line (here it is): I suggest we collect links to places where music makers could find ressources for producing songs that are suitable for releasing music under GPL. I am thinking of samples, effect plugins, virtual instruments and the like. Only requirement should be that the content would be compatible with/releasable under the GPL.

Another bottom line (but the more relevant is the one above): I didn't find a music related (sub)section of this forum. Should there be one?
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Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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go 4 it!!!

yer sounds and shitz is always welcome

also get talkin to the nerds who make tunes (like me) and everyone should start doin little projects together , etc

also the devs could , maybe pawn some little challenges 4 us music nerds too!

(i did try a music comp , but yer uhhh....)
(lets just say it was well recieved, but little support)

at the end of the day just make/do what ya love and if it gets picked up then SWEEET! , if not dont let yaself get dowwwn , just keep ROCKIN!

and yer the critics are a bit lame , but they do bring some , er , umm




Thx for the encouraging words, but the tune just isn't ready yet. Some parts of it are already quite the way I intended them, but other parts lack that special something that I have right in my head. It is all in there, but I just don't have the ressources (like sound files) for getting it out of my head. Having only the software instruments of the standard Garageband install and my stage piano, I lack all those fiuuush and clink and boom effects (and also cool E-Guitar sounds...) that make an electronic tune go OMFG. So if you do have any ressources that are definitely GPL compatible (because if I can't release it under GPL, it's not worth the trouble in the first place), then I'd be very happy to get to know them.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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look there:

Oh cool, that might help. I'll browse the ressources linked over there. Thanks, mate!

Edit: but if the content is licensed under the creative commons license, am I then allowed to make a derivative work from that and release it under the GPL?

In particular, the freesound page says I am free to use it but if I create derivative works then those must not be used for advertising anything else than the derivative work. Then I can't release it under GPL, can I?

The freepats content is licensed under CC 3.0, does anyone know if this is compatible with the GPL?
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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any help you want halogen , just pm me mate , u can send tha tune to me to look at , whatever mate Big Grin
same goes 4 everyone too!


Thx, I will come back to that. Could take me some time, though (because I want to finish implementing my ideas first).

Looking at the desired genres my draft doesn't really match these yet, it rather goes into the direction of the song that's on soylent space in Nexuiz SVN (dunno, maybe even 2.5.2) and the Nexuiz Main Menu song. Though it isn't as good by far (yet) :o)

But maybe I can make something more appropriate after I have finished that one. Let's see.

Edit: If I only had more spare time...
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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regarding cc + glp

compatible as long as the cc allows derivates + commercial use
meaning its gotta be

cc-by (attribution)

hey Halogene, it's nice to know you're making track/s for the game!

Please take a look at our licensing page, any doubt you have just ask here.

At this time we're documenting everything in our wiki, although I like the idea of creating a Music subforum just to have a bit more organized discussions.

In my opinion that competition had way more contributions than I expected, but it's natural that it wasn't an overwhelming amount as we don't have a lot of music artists in our community. However, I'd like to make a second competition soon in order to gather more candidates for the main Xonotic theme.

If you feel like composing you can always take a look at our maps in development, it'd be ideal to have tracks that fit the map's settings/ambient.

thanks, mand1nga - the more I look at the requirements the less I feel confident that my ideas will meet anyone's expectations... I seem to tend to complexity with each of the instruments having its own distinctive role. Anyhow, I decided to finish that thing and give it a shot.

Up to now there is nothing else than Garageband's standard software instruments and analogue recordings of my stage piano in there, so licensing should not be a problem yet. I'll go through the licensing stuff (also thx lopho) once I start adding those spooky effects but for now I'll concentrate on finishing the main structure and theme.

Don't hold your breath though, I have very little spare time, even though I currently have kind of a creativity flash.

I need a synthesizer for this... a stage piano is good at everything else than electronic sounds... (but I love that thing all the same)
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

Hmmm after spending quite some time on the legal page of the Xonotic wiki and searching half the web for this software license agreement that I agreed to when installing GarageBand (found it eventually) I still wonder a bit if I may release that thing under the GPL. It says on the legal page of Xonotic that

Quote:there is absolutely nothing wrong with using, for example, expensive VSTi plugins for your work, as long as you still share the project file containing the settings for that VSTi plugin I assume that a midi score using a proprietary GarageBand software instrument would suffice as source, even though I can't provide the software instrument with it. Am I right?

I am nearly finished, even without "third party" effects/ressources. I am still working on making it loop nicely, need some link passage from end to start. Stay tuned!
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

i suppose another way , is to just record ya midi stuff to another trak , and use the result to send , because if ya made it from scratch , then itr shouldnt matter if ya rendred it to a trak



Mmmh I don't think it would be that easy to circumvent legal licensing restrictions (if there are any in my depicted case), since the original source would still be the software instrument that I used...
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

personaly i think all software devs would like us to release muisc made by their software , maybe we should go ask some , i dont know if we would get a response , but lets go ask em anyway , could be interesting....

i say we get a big company and a few smaller companys to give thier thoughts

me go looks and goes ask a few of them , see if u guys can find any/thing

hey does this game even have credits in it?

sorry , but i dont think ive ever looked Sad

will now Big Grin

I already inquired from Apple but I don't really expect to receive a qualified answer.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

i dont understand the cc, gpl stuff with regard to music and sound. what does this mean? how is the kosher-ness of music verified? who gives the blessing to the butcher?

Well, I follow a less savage approach to music making and try to leave the butcher out of the process but indeed I'd like to know whether I am required to include the proprietary software instrument with the sources if I want to release a midi track under the GPL. After what I've read on the wiki I suppose not, but it would be nice if anyone who knows could confirm if I understood that right.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

it is not required to include the software instruments, only samples, project files, and maybe midi files.
you can make an anology to opensource software like so:

the tool to make the software can be closed source, as it self is not included in the software itself.
so you can make open source software with, lets say, visual studio, although visual studio itself isnt open.

so, if you make music with for example cubase or ableton or with some proprietary synthie the music itself can be "opensource", although ableton/cubase/vst isnt.

Thanks, lopho. From a technical perspective I don't really understand the difference between a sample and a software instrument - especially for software instruments that actually don't do anything but playing a different sample for each key pressed, like the standard drum sets or sound effects "instruments". But I guess that's only a way to define and distinguish things for legal matters and doesn't necessarily have to make sense.

Since I am not using any third-party samples (as in analogue audio file bits) I should be fine, then.

I hope to find some time this weekend to finalize everything, maybe even replace some midi scores with analogue recordings (because the software instruments are a bit bland).
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

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