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[SOLVED] I can't create my server.

Game is Xonotic using base gamedir data
gamename for server filtering: Xonotic
Xonotic Linux 04:44:50 Feb 23 2019 - release
Current nice level is below the soft limit - cannot use niceness
Skeletal animation uses SSE code path
execing quake.rc
execing default.cfg
execing xonotic-common.cfg
execing xonotic-client.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $vid_width
Warning: Could not expand $vid_height
Warning: Could not expand $vid_pixelheight
Warning: Could not expand $vid_desktopfullscreen
execing sRGB-disable.cfg
execing weapons.cfg
execing binds-xonotic.cfg
execing effects-normal.cfg
execing crosshairs.cfg
execing gamemodes-client.cfg
execing notifications.cfg
execing _hud_common.cfg
execing _hud_descriptions.cfg
execing hud_luma.cfg
execing xonotic-server.cfg
execing testing.cfg
execing balance-xonotic.cfg
execing bal-wep-xonotic.cfg
execing physicsX.cfg
execing turrets.cfg
execing vehicles.cfg
execing gamemodes-server.cfg
execing ctfscoring-samual.cfg
execing mutators.cfg
execing randomitems-xonotic.cfg
execing monsters.cfg
execing minigames.cfg
execing physics.cfg
execing cdtracks.cfg
execing commands.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $qport in alias _if_dedicated
execing help.cfg
execing config.cfg
"maxplayers" set to "32"
execing data/campaign.cfg
execing config_update.cfg
execing font-xolonium.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $scr_loadingscreen_barheight
Warning: Could not expand $scr_infobar_height
This command only works on clients: cl_cmd hud scoreboard_columns_set
execing autoexec/empty.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
Loaded public key key_0.d0pk (fingerprint: Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=)
Loaded private ID key_0.d0si for key_0.d0pk (public key fingerprint: tUNP+Ilk6E/KfrimAcIESzixM+2OhxEenojOytmG5qk=)
there is already a signed private key for 0
execing post-config.cfg
Server using port 26000
Server listening on address
Server listening on address [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:26000
execing server.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $vivlt
maxplayers can not be changed while a server is running.
It will be changed on next server startup ("map" command).
"maxplayers" set to "50"
Warning: Could not expand $fivltg
execing help-xonotic.cfg
Changing "port" will not take effect until "map" command is executed.
Switching to map aggressorx
Server using port 50000
Server listening on address
Server listening on address [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:50000
ignore last post
server was created:Kotangens server [independent]
server.cfg is located in .xonotic / data.
I wrote the 'xonotic-dedicated' command to the terminal. Nothing works
My main maps: Trident_ctf, lastmanstanding remixKota-dooM4-2landinghedgemidairemlavaarena.
You can check out my other maps here.

Hi Kotangens, have you copied some maps into the data directory of the server?
I normally do a dum of my cache directory from the client from home/myuser/snap/xonotic/current/.xonotic/data/dlcache/* into Xontic/data on the server.

Best R
[Image: 188184.png]

g_maplist "g_maplist" "oasago2_oa daanstrafe07 vorix_jb_b2 fortsntowerassault bases3cl_oa warfare_race ce1m7_oa rpg3dm2_oa devilish_full_r1 zastavka_q3 bloodprison_xon_r2 medivalV2 lostspace2 aetime asda-dini2 ci lavactf_oa revdm1 evilspace_nex revdm5 sxb1race_v0r2 mxl_school mptourney4_q3 abandoned_b4 luminar baconandeggs_vehicles evadproject16 dm2_oa xonity_1 zastavka ctf_silvercity-reloaded_cloned-by-master pyconicarena1 crucible prodm6_q3 pyconicctf6 czest2ctf_oa nexballarena aggressorx_wz_03 mlctf1beta_oa xdwc2019-3 mpteam3 xdwc2019-1 roundel12 training101_q3 quark_v4 airwalk solarium dm6_q3 runningmanctf afterslime castle_slick minectf xoylent_ctf rocketarena_xon_v1r2 toxicity daanstrafe06 slimefac_oa red-planet pushme kool_quickgrass9 koth1_oa kool_aqua spaceapple-v2 eggandbacon dm4_q3 dance mlca1_oa wheresmucki glowplant shovq2dm1_cpm_q3 kool_speed6_slick minideck_v4r4 arboria ikzdm1 qzdm3_q3 SuperCrutonJanky tourney3_q3 aggressorx_wz bump kool_quickgrass3 runningman qzdm11_q3 dm4_oa revving minestrafe tourney4_q3 aggressor_xon mpteam7 ruinerx opium thor_oa littlemexico_v1r2 q2dm3 tourney2_q3 mpctf1 checkmate metro_r2 weirdcube_v2 toucan gasoline_4teams_02 grudge oa_minia wheresmucki-dry dm1_oa moko-il_est_jenty hal_palindrome silentsiege_2020 kool_speed3 bases7_oa matuka-jumpharder suspended_oa bases5_oa tourney1_q3 astralcity evil(space)ctf spmspmspmspmspmspmspmbkdbnsspmspmspmndspm gasoline_3teams_02 bloodrun_a3 dm7_oa cpit ctf_face_b1 daanstrafe04 czest1tourney_oa kolossus_sml catharsis thehighestground antares-dm1_b1 fan_oa boil hiddenfortress_full newtonian-nightmare eggandscrambled ariel minigrudge death51 dm6ish_oa gasoline_02 dm8_q3 rusty_r3 elevator sxb1 shdwdm1 tuhma squareb4 mpteam1 dm_castle ps9ctf_oa pvomit_oa leave_em_behind xdwc2018-2 ctf_gate1_oa ps37ctf2_oa stone_ocean_a3 tower_of_babel_a3 vortexportal_ql cube-assault implosion tarx tourney6_q3 asylum_full above assigang_hq deck16_1 bases3p3ta_oa daanstrafe02 aggressorx_wz_02 mars_v3 daanstrafe03 mpteam2 lab-610 arena evilspace_repack ctf_compromise_oa qztraining_ql mpteam4 nood-4_den arenaautomatica11 cubearena_sc_v1 mental-gap-beta4 cube-arena mpctf4 ctf2old_oa thornish_oa g-23 fuse dm6_oa deck16][ tomb silvercity-reloaded runningman_nex evilspace_deepsky_v1r2 nood-charon-remix castle_slick_noslick aggressor_remix metalmaze aggressorx_wz_04 req2dm3_q3 underworks2_oa dm5_q3 dis_fortress_v2 bezobrazie bloodrage_v2 geoplanetary phrantic xon_warpbox_v2 zastavka_eac1 protourney8_q3 trident ctf_ladder trance mptourney1 xon_planetoids dm19_q3 mpteam5 kaos2_oa pluvial techassault mpterra3 theedge_ql farewell_ctf sanctum_a8 runningman_1on1remix finalrage azalea hub3aeroq3a_nex_r4 lavactfxl_oa 19mai hh9_q3 reptctf11_oa dm12_q3 evilspace_r1 acid3dm5_q3 revdm8b1 bloodyrun demonkeep_ql 252aggressor daanstrafe01 kool_speed2_rl kool_speed3_rl ns_fogassault_q3 rush nood-squarefeet darkzone nood-4_den-rl chess apace cbctf1_oa aggressor labyrinth_v2 geo-core darkzone_2020 xdwc2018-5 mpteam6 Xtinyworld ctf_silvercity-reloaded_cloned-by-[uc]Master dna oa_dm5 bases3_oa checkmate_1.0 xoylent red-planet_xon lunatic vertical_map_suck qzdm7_q3 mpterra2 stormkeep pul1duel-oa_oa assispace_v6 vq4dm7_q3 farewell_laserfun_mod x-evilspaceremix railorfail farm_v1r2 mptourney3_q3 test_bigbox_q3 cubes-x03-r02 lavaarena_oa mpteam9 training_b1_ut hydronex2_oa desertfactory_v1 ons-reborn spirit3_oa overkill jumptraining_fixed_ut mpterra1 ctf_inyard_oa dubenigma downward_b3 aether_pre2 urbion douzetraining_a1_ut sanctum_a5 fe26 wrackdm17_oa spacecont_oa old-steel-complex warehouses_b1 q3dm17ish resist-desaturation mptourney6 bluez_vs_redz snafu-test delta_oa 79drgc2 dieselpower dm3_oa silvercity_xon kool_speed5_slick dustball solace_b6 disarray_v1r3 sketchyspacefloater forest2 vorix jasm shine_oa dissocia galmevish2_oa atelier 2d_wee silvercity-reloaded_r1 ftw-multiflag1-insta1 ctf4ish_oa deeper_underground qdolphin ctf2_oa aviation pipe_v1r2 islandctf_oa dm0_q3 Red 2d-space-attack_a1 aquanica lightspeed smg_mine_dm Mirio-trifluoperazine dm18_q3 mpctf2 qzdm17_q3 moonstone_nex_r3 kool_drk1 aggressor_oa sleekgrinder_oa darkzone_qw_b2 bio_labour evilfarewell oa_dm3 qztraining_q3 voll_aufs_maul_v4 pul1ctf_oa lethargy campgrounds_beta3 2d-greatwall_a2 silvercity apocalyptica terminatria_full_r1 aimcaboose aggressor-ctf_r3 soylent_ctf_v1r8 dm16_q3 onarail monstrosity_a6 soylent 252warfare heroskeep_q3 bases3plus3_oa industrial_nex_r1 warfare farewell revdm6_q3 pushchess checkmate_b1 anodm4 grimdungeons_q3 dismemberment_xon_a1 nexball_succer_socks_v1r3 q2dm1 bromine abyss kool_speed4_slick stormkeep_2020 qzdm2_q3 runningmanjb-v2 mineduel nr_aggressor lastmanstanding mpteam8 chess_xon aerial-match revdm3 dance_nex xdwc2018-4 aggressorx silentsiege space_garbage courtfun assault5 erbium daanstrafe05 8q2dm6 apcup2013-FleXz xdwc2018-3 concrete_space_xon_v2 bastille safe-district_v2 powerstation_r2 arenagate_ql koth2_oa madskillz_q3 shouse_oa gasoline_noteams_02 revctf2 crazyspace_mini_01 aneurysm_itemfix pushmectf kool_speed1_rl theedge_full_r1 xon_bouncebox space-elevator tomb_of_necrobiosis_klz camped blitzkrieg3_oa fisume_v2 epsilon-b4 The_Yard dm_jungo c-fun-v1r1 lostworld_q3 kool_speed5_rl oasago1_oa aggressorrace BlockScape dm5_oa dm10_q3 original_toxicity mint czest3ctf_oa nb_cybervolley_v1r2 almostlost_ql graphite_b2 atomforge duodecuple_v1r3 mpctf3 necchesu_v1 mptourney2_q3 czest1dm_oa tourney5_q3 kool_speed4_rl fuse_2020 minibromine mckinleyish2_oa minia_oa pxlfan_oa cucumber_v3r1 dm_lastmanstanding aurora" in .xonotic/data
My main maps: Trident_ctf, lastmanstanding remixKota-dooM4-2landinghedgemidairemlavaarena.
You can check out my other maps here.

I forgot to say that I have Gentoo Linux.
My main maps: Trident_ctf, lastmanstanding remixKota-dooM4-2landinghedgemidairemlavaarena.
You can check out my other maps here.

So, if the output you see in console is the one you pasted in the first post, the server is up and running on your computer and listening at the address
That is a process that you don't need to worry about, now you can try to launch your client and in the multiplayer tab, at the bottom, where it says address: type and then click on Join!
This is if you are trying to run your server on your home computer which seems the case, but be aware, whith this configuration no one else will be able to connect, just you from your local computer.
[Image: 188184.png]

(07-18-2020, 05:22 AM)Fiorentino Wrote: So, if the output you see in console is the one you pasted in the first post, the server is up and running on your computer and listening at the address
That is a process that you don't need to worry about, now you can try to launch your client and in the multiplayer tab, at the bottom, where it says address: type and then click on Join!
This is if you are trying to run your server on your home computer which seems the case, but be aware, whith this configuration no one else will be able to connect, just you from your local computer.
thanks for the answer. But the question arose - how to open it?
My main maps: Trident_ctf, lastmanstanding remixKota-dooM4-2landinghedgemidairemlavaarena.
You can check out my other maps here.

(07-18-2020, 05:46 AM)Kotangens Wrote: thanks for the answer. But the question arose - how to open it?

Have you tried with "connect" command? 
Moreover, you could add this as complement:
hostname "Kotangens server"
sv_adminnick "^1Reports^3"
sv_motd "Welcome to ${hostname}\n ^3Server owned by Kotangens \n^6HAVE FUN! ^4;)"

port 50000

alias Notif_Saying "say ^5WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK! ^3:)"
alias sv_hook_gamestart_all "defer 10 Notif_Saying"

Save it in xonotic/data as info-sv.cfg and add the line in autoexec.cfg : "exec info-sv.cfg"
Remember that this config is only for your server.

(07-18-2020, 11:55 AM)LegendGuard Wrote:
Quote:thanks for the answer. But the question arose - how to open it?
Have you tried with "connect" command? 
Moreover, you could add this as complement:
hostname "Kotangens server"
sv_adminnick "^1Reports^3"
sv_motd "Welcome to ${hostname}\n ^3Server owned by Kotangens \n^6HAVE FUN! ^4;)"

port 50000

alias Notif_Saying "say ^5WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK! ^3:)"
alias sv_hook_gamestart_all "defer 10 Notif_Saying"
Save it in xonotic/data as info-sv.cfg and add the line in autoexec.cfg : "exec info-sv.cfg"
Remember that this config is only for your server. 
About port, I hope that someone can answer you.

Attached Files
.cfg   server.cfg (Size: 10.39 KB / Downloads: 1)
My main maps: Trident_ctf, lastmanstanding remixKota-dooM4-2landinghedgemidairemlavaarena.
You can check out my other maps here.

The cfg file you sent is messy. You could have done it like this:
I would do this way. Look this example.

Make a file with name balance.cfg and put this:
g_balance_teams 1
g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 0

Make another file with name weapons.cfg and put:
g_new_toys_autoreplace 0
g_random_weapons "okhmg seeker okrpc rifle vaporizer arc tuba porto hook okshotgun okmachinegun oknex shotgun shockwave fireball machinegun blaster devastator hlac electro mortar minelayer crylink vortex hagar"

And in another as info-sv.cfg, this file will be the responsible to execute the other cfg files and it'll be the one which has "sv_" things, but don't put all things, put that:
exec balance.cfg //executes balance.cfg file
exec weapons.cfg //executes weapons.cfg file
hostname "Kotangens server"
sv_adminnick "^1Reports^3"
sv_motd "Welcome to ${hostname}\n ^3Server owned by Kotangens \n^6HAVE FUN! ^4;)"
sv_status_privacy 1

port 26000

alias Notif_Saying "say ^5WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK! ^3:)"
alias sv_hook_gamestart_all "defer 10 Notif_Saying"
Save this file in xonotic/data and if possible add the line in autoexec.cfg : "exec info-sv.cfg" It will execute this file in order to run the others.

Do you understand? This is a logical example for someone who wants to execute the scripts in the server. In this way it is more orderly and organized to do things.

About port, I hope that someone can answer you. If you target the port 26000, it means that you'll need to open this port, you will have to configure your router settings to search "Port Forwarding" and put these rules: 26000 - 27000. If you aren't using these rules, close the port which you're targeting.

What happens if I change my server address to, which is my personal address? Can the player connect to this address?but for some reason he writes, I did not specify it.
Game is Xonotic using base gamedir data
gamename for server filtering: Xonotic
Xonotic Linux 04:44:50 Feb 23 2019 - release
Current nice level is below the soft limit - cannot use niceness
Skeletal animation uses SSE code path
execing quake.rc
execing default.cfg
execing xonotic-common.cfg
execing xonotic-client.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $vid_width
Warning: Could not expand $vid_height
Warning: Could not expand $vid_pixelheight
Warning: Could not expand $vid_desktopfullscreen
execing sRGB-disable.cfg
execing weapons.cfg
execing binds-xonotic.cfg
execing effects-normal.cfg
execing crosshairs.cfg
execing gamemodes-client.cfg
execing notifications.cfg
execing _hud_common.cfg
execing _hud_descriptions.cfg
execing hud_luma.cfg
execing xonotic-server.cfg
execing testing.cfg
execing balance-xonotic.cfg
execing bal-wep-xonotic.cfg
execing physicsX.cfg
execing turrets.cfg
execing vehicles.cfg
execing gamemodes-server.cfg
execing ctfscoring-samual.cfg
execing mutators.cfg
execing randomitems-xonotic.cfg
execing monsters.cfg
execing minigames.cfg
execing physics.cfg
execing cdtracks.cfg
execing commands.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $qport in alias _if_dedicated
execing help.cfg
execing config.cfg
"maxplayers" set to "32"
execing data/campaign.cfg
execing config_update.cfg
execing font-xolonium.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $scr_loadingscreen_barheight
Warning: Could not expand $scr_infobar_height
This command only works on clients: cl_cmd hud scoreboard_columns_set
execing autoexec/empty.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
Loaded public key key_0.d0pk (fingerprint: Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=)
Loaded private ID key_0.d0si for key_0.d0pk (public key fingerprint: tUNP+Ilk6E/KfrimAcIESzixM+2OhxEenojOytmG5qk=)
there is already a signed private key for 0
execing post-config.cfg
Server using port 26000
Server listening on address
Server listening on address [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:26000
execing server.cfg
Game type successfully switched to dm
maxplayers can not be changed while a server is running.
It will be changed on next server startup ("map" command).
"maxplayers" set to "50"
execing help-xonotic.cfg
Changing "port" will not take effect until "map" command is executed.
Switching to map azalea
Server using port 26020
Server listening on address
Server listening on address [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:26020
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:607)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably azalea): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
<Help System> Big Admin is watching you, so please be friendly or feel their almighty ban-hammer!
If you help and you can join - reward --- admin panel
My main maps: Trident_ctf, lastmanstanding remixKota-dooM4-2landinghedgemidairemlavaarena.
You can check out my other maps here.

I figured out the port - 26000
My main maps: Trident_ctf, lastmanstanding remixKota-dooM4-2landinghedgemidairemlavaarena.
You can check out my other maps here.

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