Help... i tried to define a tail effect
i defined the it like EF_FLAME
i wrote the same in all QCs an QHs as EF_FLAME is 100% the same as EF_FLAME only other names and new effect in effectinfo.txt
compiled and compiled it again -nothing i tried the same what i want to try with EF_TAIL with EF_FLAME and it worked only with EF_FLAME
(now the strength mode is a berserker mode and the owner is burning)
here are my qcsrc files:
made 5 tail effects (white, red, blue, yellow and pink)
my original idea was to make every player have a tail indicated by his team
can you help me please?
here are the lines i added at the end of the effectinfo:
effect EF_TAIL
trailspacing 1
type smoke
color 0xffffff 0xffffff
tex 0 8
size 5 5
alpha 256 256 512
originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
airfriction 12
velocityjitter 20 20 20
velocitymultiplier 0.03
lightradius 200
lightradiusfade 2000
lightcolor 1 1 1
effect EF_TAIL
trailspacing 1
type spark
tex 40 40
color 0xffffff 0xffffff
size 3 3
alpha 0 128 1024
originjitter 1 1 1
velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 12
effect EF_TAIL_RED
trailspacing 1
type smoke
color 0xff0000 0xff0000
tex 0 8
size 5 5
alpha 256 256 512
originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
airfriction 12
velocityjitter 20 20 20
velocitymultiplier 0.03
lightradius 200
lightradiusfade 500
lightcolor 1 0.4 0
effect EF_TAIL_RED
trailspacing 1
type spark
tex 40 40
color 0xff0000 0xff0000
size 3 3
alpha 0 128 1024
originjitter 1 1 1
velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 12
trailspacing 1
type smoke
color 0x0000ff 0x0000ff
tex 0 8
size 5 5
alpha 256 256 512
originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
airfriction 12
velocityjitter 20 20 20
velocitymultiplier 0.03
lightradius 200
lightradiusfade 500
lightcolor 0 0.4 1
trailspacing 1
type spark
tex 40 40
color 0x0000ff 0x0000ff
size 3 3
alpha 0 128 1024
originjitter 1 1 1
velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 12
trailspacing 1
type smoke
color 0xffff00 0xffff00
tex 0 8
size 5 5
alpha 256 256 512
originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
airfriction 12
velocityjitter 20 20 20
velocitymultiplier 0.03
lightradius 200
lightradiusfade 500
lightcolor 0.9 0.9 0
trailspacing 1
type spark
tex 40 40
color 0xffff00 0xffff00
size 3 3
alpha 0 128 1024
originjitter 1 1 1
velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 12
trailspacing 1
type smoke
color 0xff00ff 0xff00ff
tex 0 8
size 5 5
alpha 256 256 512
originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
airfriction 12
velocityjitter 20 20 20
velocitymultiplier 0.03
lightradius 200
lightradiusfade 500
lightcolor 1 0.3 1
trailspacing 1
type spark
tex 40 40
color 0xff00ff 0xff00ff
size 3 3
alpha 0 128 1024
originjitter 1 1 1
velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 12
i defined the it like EF_FLAME
i wrote the same in all QCs an QHs as EF_FLAME is 100% the same as EF_FLAME only other names and new effect in effectinfo.txt
compiled and compiled it again -nothing i tried the same what i want to try with EF_TAIL with EF_FLAME and it worked only with EF_FLAME
(now the strength mode is a berserker mode and the owner is burning)
here are my qcsrc files:
made 5 tail effects (white, red, blue, yellow and pink)
my original idea was to make every player have a tail indicated by his team
can you help me please?
here are the lines i added at the end of the effectinfo:
effect EF_TAIL
trailspacing 1
type smoke
color 0xffffff 0xffffff
tex 0 8
size 5 5
alpha 256 256 512
originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
airfriction 12
velocityjitter 20 20 20
velocitymultiplier 0.03
lightradius 200
lightradiusfade 2000
lightcolor 1 1 1
effect EF_TAIL
trailspacing 1
type spark
tex 40 40
color 0xffffff 0xffffff
size 3 3
alpha 0 128 1024
originjitter 1 1 1
velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 12
effect EF_TAIL_RED
trailspacing 1
type smoke
color 0xff0000 0xff0000
tex 0 8
size 5 5
alpha 256 256 512
originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
airfriction 12
velocityjitter 20 20 20
velocitymultiplier 0.03
lightradius 200
lightradiusfade 500
lightcolor 1 0.4 0
effect EF_TAIL_RED
trailspacing 1
type spark
tex 40 40
color 0xff0000 0xff0000
size 3 3
alpha 0 128 1024
originjitter 1 1 1
velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 12
trailspacing 1
type smoke
color 0x0000ff 0x0000ff
tex 0 8
size 5 5
alpha 256 256 512
originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
airfriction 12
velocityjitter 20 20 20
velocitymultiplier 0.03
lightradius 200
lightradiusfade 500
lightcolor 0 0.4 1
trailspacing 1
type spark
tex 40 40
color 0x0000ff 0x0000ff
size 3 3
alpha 0 128 1024
originjitter 1 1 1
velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 12
trailspacing 1
type smoke
color 0xffff00 0xffff00
tex 0 8
size 5 5
alpha 256 256 512
originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
airfriction 12
velocityjitter 20 20 20
velocitymultiplier 0.03
lightradius 200
lightradiusfade 500
lightcolor 0.9 0.9 0
trailspacing 1
type spark
tex 40 40
color 0xffff00 0xffff00
size 3 3
alpha 0 128 1024
originjitter 1 1 1
velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 12
trailspacing 1
type smoke
color 0xff00ff 0xff00ff
tex 0 8
size 5 5
alpha 256 256 512
originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
airfriction 12
velocityjitter 20 20 20
velocitymultiplier 0.03
lightradius 200
lightradiusfade 500
lightcolor 1 0.3 1
trailspacing 1
type spark
tex 40 40
color 0xff00ff 0xff00ff
size 3 3
alpha 0 128 1024
originjitter 1 1 1
velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 12