so if you were camping for more then like 1 min or so a tent should pop up around you.
this will allow everyone to know who is camping.
and if we shoot the tent, the camper will take damage aswell.
How do you classify camping?
He can talk the talk, but can he caulk the caulk?
some one that stay still or hiden. or takes less that 20< steps a min ??
12-30-2010, 08:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-30-2010, 08:55 PM by theShadow.)
camping is already punished, and it's annoying as ****. basically, if you stop moving for a short time you take damage.
honestly, camping should be dealt with by intelligent players and intelligent mappers. mappers to always make it so there is more than one path to camping spots and players to take advantage of them.
EDIT: i guess this is something that can be location specific but it's still annoying.
maybe it could be coded so if ya do stand there with the nex , then after a time , ya gun starts to wobble a bit , effecting accuracy.
or we embrace more campers and encourage them to do it more (maybe even give them an aimbot)
or we make camping only maps 4 fun....
imo its to hard to stop campin.....
booo to campers!
I always thought that in an ego shooter anything goes.. That's why it always amazes me to see people getting exited about campers, rocket whores, etc.. Use everything there is to beat the crap out of the enemies  I still like to have a camping indicator just for the lulz..
He can talk the talk, but can he caulk the caulk?
*laughing my ass off at the mental image of a small tent with a huge weapon sticking out of it*
This would be a good mutator to add. Instead of taking damage or whatever, pitch a tent near the camper and maybe a big message that says CAMPER! or BONUS! or something like that.
Oh wait.
This would be a very entertaining mutator to add to the game. As long as an auto kick for no player movement isn't introduced (like in AssaultCube), I'm all for the idea.
As a funny mutator, sure. but as lda17h pointed out its hard to define camping. Is standing in place while defending your flag in ctf camping? Some think so, some dont. What if your simply setting up an ambush on some large dm map? Valid tactics to some, and again others frown on it. Personally i think the term camping (in a negative sense) is only valid in ffa dm and similar; modes like ctf or dom has a natural need to defend one or more spots. I sorta agree with "Its not the defenders job to make the enemy flag runners feel less crappy"
Anyway, back on track, even if we can find a mutually acceptable definition, making the game code reliably detect it is not trivial (just see the fail camp detect in lms)
Well, i guess a rather good way to detect staying in one spot would be: Sample from the player's trajectory for e.g. 10 seconds (take one sample e.g each half second).. Calculate the variance (in the strict statistical sense) of the samples. If variance is less than a threshold, classify as camping..
He can talk the talk, but can he caulk the caulk?
and two weeks later ppl learnt to move just enough to counter that.
yeah, but then they aren't camping anymore
He can talk the talk, but can he caulk the caulk?
I think people that talk too much should have their guns fire tins of spam instead of rockets etc.
Hey, want to learn to map? You might want to start here and here!
i like the idea with the tent. i also like the idea that the player's character starts moving by itself after a short while without movement, like in a sidescroller. And i can't say it often enough; say There should be servers dedicated to strict rules and there should be servers dedicated to less-strict rules. Where all of the guns fire tins of spam.
4m038105 - Be the change.
I like this idea, but IMO it shouldn't count time that you are typing. That way people could talk and go into messagemode to alt-tab and fiddle with their music player without being tent'd.
(Idea stolen from Mr. Bougo. Hehehehe)
Can't you already tell if a camper is standing still without putting a tent model around him? >.>
Oh well -- if it's implemented I suppose it would be funny, but I hope I never see it on any serious servers like HOCTF
How exactly are campers annoying?
If a map calls for camping, then it's the most effective strategy to camp, if that bothers you, blame the map creator.
Sometimes it's OK to quit manically bunny-hopping all over the place and take a breather, IMHO.
Tents! Yay! Tins of spam! Or maybe, even go with a little propeller in a butt of a player who constantly bunnyhops (or give them bunny ears)!
And call it "Trippy" modifier.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.
(12-30-2010, 08:16 PM)mr green Wrote: some one that stay still or hiden. or takes less that 20< steps a min ??
yer this is a great definition imo.
Have tent deploy over your character and have the gun stick out of it lol can't get rid of that mental image. Funny stuff, picture like a big huge nex or hagar sticking out of a tent hehehe.
Oh wait.
My thought of what "pitching a tent" implied is much more amusing than the reality of this thread
Oh wait.
(01-04-2011, 09:07 PM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: ![[Image: j8gvolw2dzqrhj1pvwh1_thumb.jpg]](http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/j8gvolw2dzqrhj1pvwh1_thumb.jpg)
perfect! i love it. do you think we could get this into the game?
Just change the player model into a tent... as an "easy" realization. He'd also then be assigned with a huge hitbox!!
(01-05-2011, 03:37 AM)GreEn`mArine Wrote: Just change the player model into a tent... as an "easy" realization. He'd also then be assigned with a huge hitbox!! 
yer thats a really good idea. cause then the gun would change aswell awesome! now does anyone know how to make a tent model?