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Just HAVE to ask ...

I'd just like to clear up something, if the community would be so kind as to oblige me...

Where exactly do we stand with sparkling vampires?Big GrinTongue
How long is a piece of string?

Probably ONLY as community models.

I don't like that trilogy anyway.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

oh good! at least i'm not alone in this.

(02-12-2011, 08:54 AM)Minkovsky Wrote: Probably ONLY as community models.

Community models for what exactly? Target practice in-game, target practice in the game lobby (weird idea that one, but a great way to kill time while waiting for your server to fill up). You did mean as target practice, right?
How long is a piece of string?

vampires are having make overs and dressing up all metro like?




chooksta, i hear what you're saying, i really do...

i now fear for the humble zombie...
How long is a piece of string?

I want to dislike sparkling vampires.
But then, out of fairness, I try to imagine a sparkling vampiress with her shirt off as the lead character.

Now I understand.


They should make the female sparkling vampires. Also without shirts. Then I shall decide further, but for now, I just think it's plain silly.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.


How would you be able to make out any detail? this is just going on the basic physics of light refraction and the eyes' intolerance for high levels of light. just picture it, having to put on sunglasses every time ... ... i'll not finish that, but you get the idea.
How long is a piece of string?

But is it a refraction sparkle or a particle sparkle, and besides, is the light level controlled by the body of the vampire? Because if the sparkle levels were proportional to arousal levels, then, let's just say making out would be a bit bright.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

I thin it's refraction sparkle, seeing as they only sparkle in light. i find it suspicious that they don't sparkle under regular torchlight, or say, headlights.
How long is a piece of string?

I wonder if they sparkle if you light them up with a blowtorch. In the face.
Hey, want to learn to map? You might want to start here and here!

Actually, maybe the sparkling in the sun is an evolutionary trait? Assuming that the part of solar spectrum that's harmful to vampires is the UV radiation, maybe their skin produce certain chemicals which reflect/refract UV radiation into the sparkle and thus protect the vampire itself. So if you take an author who does fanfic-level works out of the equation, the outcome may be quite logical. That is, maybe it is going to be new evolution of vampires. But sparkle all they might, I still want a comeback to classic teeth-on-neck action.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

So in other words, a glorified plant and photosynthesis on steroids. or a fruit perhapsWink.
How long is a piece of string?

(02-16-2011, 03:11 AM)anark10n Wrote: So in other words, a glorified plant and photosynthesis on steroids. or a fruit perhapsWink.

Not really. I was talking about chemical produced by the skin that refracts UV radiation rendering it harmless. But, since the Twilight vampires most certainly don't run on blood, some level of photosynthesis must occur. In that case, maybe the protective chemical also rearranges certain proteins to match the blood's proteins, like haemoglobin or the plasma proteins. In any case, they probably would burn when treated with a blowtorch. Please, Mr Sepelio, don't destroy our probably only specimen of that species.

In the light of the current condition, I think I must report the find to the SCP Foundation itself.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

Chemical you say ... I assume you referring to something of a liquid nature, a secretion of some sort, in which case it would produce specularity, and not the refraction most commonly associated with a certain overrated carbon structure.

And the giving up of the ghost (death) goes hand in hand with a cessation of evolution, and so begs the question, how would the vampires have been able to develop this mechanism?

P.S. Minkovsky, you do realize we have given more reasons as to why the Twilight vampires are organically unfeasible, right? And perhaps a suggestion of a rewrite of the series, possibly on vampires reduced to little more than test subjects Wink.
How long is a piece of string?

(02-17-2011, 11:17 AM)anark10n Wrote: Chemical you say ... I assume you referring to something of a liquid nature, a secretion of some sort, in which case it would produce specularity, and not the refraction most commonly associated with a certain overrated carbon structure.

And the giving up of the ghost (death) goes hand in hand with a cessation of evolution, and so begs the question, how would the vampires have been able to develop this mechanism?

P.S. Minkovsky, you do realize we have given more reasons as to why the Twilight vampires are organically unfeasible, right? And perhaps a suggestion of a rewrite of the series, possibly on vampires reduced to little more than test subjects Wink.

Be it specularity or not, this chemical somehow protects the vampire from UV radiation and uses it for limited photosynthesis. However, the death seems to be out of the way, maybe because the vampire achieves immortality by a mutation caused by a retrovirus (thus it can be passed by either a bite or an intercourse). The question here is, does the virus rewrite the DNA and cause the cells to multiply more effectively? Since a human body has a remarkable ability of self-repair, it sure enough may be capable of achieving perfect homoeostasis, be it by vampirization or otherwise. Therefore, with the remarkable ability to repair itself and the possible way of surviving longer periods without food, the Twilight vampires would be perfect test subjects.

(The rewrite idea sounds interesting. Test subjects... And I assume Bella would be a D-class personnel?)
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

I notice a discrepancy in your argument. If the Twilight vampires did in fact photosynthesize as per your theory, they would not need to hunt local wildlife for sustenance. As for this chemical that protects them from uv radiation, it can be a plausible method allowing them to survive said radiation. My only problem with this theory is that it does not explain away the 'sparkling', as any trait, evolutionary or by other means, that is not of any use to an organism is usually written out of the DNA of successive descendants; significantly weakening if this trait is passed on through the methods of transmission you have described.

As for Bella's role in a rewrite, i am against the idea of placing her in a role where any form of knowledge is dependent on her competence, i would rather she be the unwitting bait for the weak-willed vampire. I can have a draft ready for review. Your thoughts, good sir.
How long is a piece of string?

(02-18-2011, 04:04 AM)anark10n Wrote: I notice a discrepancy in your argument. If the Twilight vampires did in fact photosynthesize as per your theory, they would not need to hunt local wildlife for sustenance. As for this chemical that protects them from uv radiation, it can be a plausible method allowing them to survive said radiation. My only problem with this theory is that it does not explain away the 'sparkling', as any trait, evolutionary or by other means, that is not of any use to an organism is usually written out of the DNA of successive descendants; significantly weakening if this trait is passed on through the methods of transmission you have described.
I still stand by the refraction hypothesis, simply because it must be that. Specularity alone wouldn't exactly produce said effects, and the photosynthesis wouldn't make it possible to survive completely without food, and that's why the vampire must drink blood - to replenish otherwise unobtainable substances, like iron or proteins (which is ineffective in vampires in general, since better source of proteins is meat). There is, in fact, an explanation for the photosynthesis trait: Partial photosynthesis is done by many organisms, be it photosynthesising glucose or producing certain vitamins. Maybe the Twilight vampires took it a step further, and only need protein, as a source, water, and mineral salts - and thus explaining blood being their primary sustenance.
Quote:As for Bella's role in a rewrite, i am against the idea of placing her in a role where any form of knowledge is dependent on her competence, i would rather she be the unwitting bait for the weak-willed vampire. I can have a draft ready for review. Your thoughts, good sir.
...Which is more or less exactly what D-class personnel does on a daily basis.

(bonus points to keep everything in a SCP-style scientific log fashion - hey, why not have SCP/Twilight crossover?)
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

Ah, but it is clearly not a form of gaining sustenance for them though, as they avoid light as much as sinner avoids church. This trait falls into further doubt as this sparkle only happens in direct sunlight, and is apparently absent even in weak sunlight; even diamonds retain some of their sparkle. They seem to be able to stand in firelight too, as seen when they kill the insignificant villain character of the first film. Does fire not emit a fair amount of uv light.

While true that some organisms may be able to synthesize certain nutrients, it is a well known fact that vampires cannot due to the slight, imperceptible fact that they are in fact dead.

My problem with the refractive quality of their skin and what purpose it serves. We have exhausted what possible theories we can think up within the realm of science (well ... high school science) and still i fail to see any practical use, ostentatious photosynthesis, mating display (this showed promise, but alas, still leaves the intended unable to see the suitor).

As for the rewrite: I am unfamiliar with what SCP exactly is (explanation would help, or direction), but that you made a suggestion at all means a draft will be in order soon, minus the SCP-style. Should i send it through PM or just post it here. (Say aye, if any out there would like to see it).
How long is a piece of string?

(02-18-2011, 12:24 PM)anark10n Wrote: While true that some organisms may be able to synthesize certain nutrients, it is a well known fact that vampires cannot due to the slight, imperceptible fact that they are in fact dead.
But what if the generic "Vampires = Undead" association doesn't apply, and the term 'vampire' was used because generic vampirism displayed by the specimens. Let's assume that "Vampires > Undead". Vampirism itself is a generic label describing traits like social desolation, stalking young women, urge/need to drink mammal blood, pale skin, preference of night over day, heightened senses and certain type of immortality (or possibly extremely long lifespan and retardation of ageing). This is, for all intents or purposes, a most generic template for a vampire. Note that it doesn't cover "being undead", and that's because there are certain vampires whose bodily functions and mental activity didn't stop at the point of becoming a vampire, and some are outright born vampires, therefore rendering 'undead' factor irrelevant. An example may be Bella herself, because while she did pass out after being administered the bite, it wasn't a death, and her mental continuity was intact (save for severe and temporarily-dumbing amazement at the heightened senses).
Quote:My problem with the refractive quality of their skin and what purpose it serves. We have exhausted what possible theories we can think up within the realm of science (well ... high school science) and still i fail to see any practical use, ostentatious photosynthesis, mating display (this showed promise, but alas, still leaves the intended unable to see the suitor).
After thinking about this, I'd settle for some degree of photosynthesis and mating display (which would confirm my hypothesis of Twilight vampires being, in fact, alive).
Quote:As for the rewrite: I am unfamiliar with what SCP exactly is (explanation would help, or direction), but that you made a suggestion at all means a draft will be in order soon, minus the SCP-style. Should i send it through PM or just post it here. (Say aye, if any out there would like to see it). - The SCP Foundation (or, Creepypasta Evolved).
I might help with the rewrite, however I now have a big project going on at school, so not so much for now. Confused
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

(02-18-2011, 02:32 PM)Minkovsky Wrote: But what if the generic "Vampires = Undead" association doesn't apply, and the term 'vampire' was used because generic vampirism displayed by the specimens. Let's assume that "Vampires > Undead". Vampirism itself is a generic label describing traits like social desolation, stalking young women, urge/need to drink mammal blood, pale skin, preference of night over day, heightened senses and certain type of immortality (or possibly extremely long lifespan and retardation of ageing). This is, for all intents or purposes, a most generic template for a vampire. Note that it doesn't cover "being undead", and that's because there are certain vampires whose bodily functions and mental activity didn't stop at the point of becoming a vampire, and some are outright born vampires, therefore rendering 'undead' factor irrelevant.

Firstly, congratulations on a well thought out hypothesis and accompanying argument.

Secondly. Upon further scrutiny of the specimen, one will come across a characteristic most commonly associated with the deceased. A heartbeat and its lack thereof. While an argument may be pressed that higher cerebral functions remain intact and would meet the requirements of evolution, i beg to differ in that evolution is more instinct than voluntary cognition. So, lacking the engine to drive this relationship between experience and body, the vampire is locked in a state most readily described as dead, minus the characteristics of immobility, decomposition and quietude.

Thirdly. The rewrite, i would appreciate the help. I've got a plan for two characters, with you writing the perspective of one while i write the other. The SCP idea would work, but as an insert, i do not see this style holding out for long; but it is a new style of writing and i am open to being proven wrong.Cool
How long is a piece of string?

You're right. After some research, I found a piece of information about the vital state of T-Vampires. Technically, the T-Vampires have no souls, and probably also no blood/heartbeat. This, however, begs a question of how an organism without blood circulation. Since they're mobile, organic, responsive to stimuli and intelligent, they're very much alive, no matter what evidence is shown to disprove this. More tests should be conducted, however the current records of any T-Vampires observed were written by somewhat incompetent person, that is, the author of the Twilight saga - which makes it hard to cross-examine the evidence, since much is to be demanded from the style of writing.

Secondly, Vampires in general, being somewhat fantastical creatures, may or may not be extremely different from each other. For instance, some vampires are high aristocrats, some of them are soldiers and some of them are kids' programmes stars. Therefore, we must assume that the T-Vampires are a species as opposed to breed. I propose new taxonomic classification, Vampirus Twilitus, or T-Vampires.

As for the rewrite, it might be done as a log written by two scientists working on the T-Vampires project, and possibly some additions from other points of view. It shouldn't be a narrative, though - because that would suck. With that said, I think that the story should go like this:
Acquisition of a specimen → Discussion on "what the hell is this?" → Preliminary testing → Some hypotheses → Later testing → specimen's escape (assisted by a Bella character) → Termination of specimen (and, hopefully, Bella character as well).
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

The T-Vamps as a species would satisfy the absence most of the expected characteristics of most other vampires.

Breaking new ground here ... interesting stuff.

An interesting proposition. I begin to see the merit of this approach, so back to the drawing board. Expect a preliminary draft soon. For any readers out there (... anyone? ... <echo> ...anyone at all? ... <echo>) of this somewhat drawn-out thread, watch this space.
How long is a piece of string?

So here's what i've come up with so far, hope y'all enjoy it.

Overcommand Classified File 13845

Re: Documents on the research carried out by rogue organization known Castlevania Initiative.

Following are compilation of notes on the research carried out by the rogue organization we have come to identify as the Castlvania Initiative. That we have little more intelligence than that on the matter is due in most part to the fact that the organization is made up of two members, a fact drawn from the research notes in which on;y two members are ever mentioned.

The names and any pertinent identities of these two persons have been purged from notes using algorithmic routines during their acquisition. The routines successfully managed to remove any information that may lead to their identities, and proceeded to destroy further research material and details, list includes but is not limited to, times and dates, locations, methodologies of research.

Their notes indicate also that their research technology is far more advanced than in any of our research facilities, having failed to recreate any of them from the what little description of them remains. Any of their technology from this point onward has been assumed to far exceed our own, including weapons development, this would explain how they have managed to remain secret in conjunction with their limited membership.

This also, is the reason for Overcommand deciding to place them as a Code Dread priority.

Reader discretion is prescribed.

Project Twilight: Recon

Location: ███████████

Time: █████

Following observed trends in the growth and decline of extramorphic organisms, deployment of the █████ network has located a cluster of specimens in a small town in Washington. Specimen adhere to the patterns of being established within the community, records further prove this in that they had not relocated in over two years.

Dr █████ and myself have concluded it a viable avenue for further research.

Location: [Forkes, WA]

Time: ████

The choice of town holds with the behavioral patterns of emerging extramorphic organisms. While it is indication that our observations have been close to accurate, it also assumes that the specimen is one we have encountered before. Possibility of research declines, may close down altogether if patterns should true.

Time: ████

Dr █████ has informed that the patterns for this case have followed the expected routine. Explaining that the population of the small town has remained largely unchanged, cases of persons missing or dead the usual cases to be expected in a small town. An interesting development, even so, benign extramorphic organisms have proven to be disappointing specimens for research. Dr █████ does not seem to hold the same view.
How long is a piece of string?

Right... But change the Castlevania Initiative. It's just too stupid. And this (█) is the unicode character you want to use.

Dr ███████'s Personal Log
04/██/20██: See, that's what happens if you decide to study "extramorphic creatures". There is a common theory that the multiverse is interconnected, and that information about various universes is leaking through as "fiction". During my (short) time with The Alucard Foundation for Extrauniversal Studies, or AFES, I've learned that nothing is fiction and that everything is possible in one of myriads of universes. Really, there's even one where planets are in fact living creatures. That was before the Quantum Imaging Unit reported a leak of █████████tium, which caused supposedly fictional creatures to appear. I, along with Dr █████████, have been assigned to track down and capture a specimen of a new kind of vampire. While I have no business of cleaning up AFES's mess, it got me interested, mainly because they were, in fact, the vampires seen in one of those overpopular young adults' franchises.

Project Twilight: Recon
Location: [Forkes, WA]
Time: ██:██:██
We have successfully established an observation nest, in which we deployed thermal imaging equipment, nightvision and high-speed cameras with strong lenses. Dr █████████ was sceptical at first, however we managed to verify the theory that the specimens are extremely predictable.

Time: ██:█2:██
After two hours of observation and discussing possibilities of what species the group might represent, it is clear that even as they seem to be extramorphic, they're of no interest.

Time: ██:█4:██
A male specimen has emerged from the woods. It seems to be vampiric in behaviour, however it is curious that he shows on thermal imaging. Furthermore, it seems that the nightvision is malfunctioning when pointed at the specimen. Contrary to Dr. █████████'s opinion, I'd like to continue the study. I'm going to file a request for zero-class capture personnel.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

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