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First, glad to see the party didn't end. The list of changes and improvements over Nexuiz looks very appealing.

Second, I've loved open source gaming for quite some time but never really contributed. Can't really think of a reason other than my coding ability is pretty elementary. However, one of the bullets in your first announcement caught my attention.

Quote:# Better attention to marketing and public relations

So I'll take this opportunity to get involved in this way, if possible. In a previous life I was a marketing manager in Silicon Valley, USA. I've worked for Unisys, NetIQ, and (acquired by AOL in 2000). I've worked on both commercial hardware and software projects. I'd love to bring some of those skills here if they are needed/wanted.

Just let me know. I'd be happy to share my CV/resume privately, if desired. No harm if the answer is no thanks. I'll still play the game. Shy

Right now, the marketing/PR is being handled by -z- and myself. We're definitely planning on expanding that team.

If anyone else is interested in helping out with marketing, give me a PM and we'll go from there. Hopefully, you are comfortable with using IRC as well, since that is how we do a lot of our discussion. Just find me on in #xonotic.



BTW, we would especially be interested in anyone familiar with non-english social networking, gaming and news websites. I know -z- and I have little to no experience with those. There are plans to build up at least two new community regions (Latin America and Southeast Asia, and possibly Russia as another one).

There are, of course, also the various European countries. If there are any social networking websites, gaming websites or news sites that are popular in specific countries, that could be useful to us.

There's a wiki page giving a list of social networking sites here:

It seems like Friendster(Southeast Asia), hi5(Latin American and Southeast Asia, Mixi (Japan), Netlog (Europe and Arabian Peninsula), Hyves (Netherlands), Orkut (Brazil and India), Qzone (China), RenRen (China), Skyrock (French speakers), Sonico (Latin America), and Vkontakte (Russia) might suit your interests. hi5, Orkut, Qzone and Vkontakte are some of the largest websites by membership that cater to their specific regions (Vkontakte is the largest in Russia).
This is my laser, this is my gun,
This is for plinking, this is for FUN!

BrFJ: wtf with the jumpad
BrFJ: rofl
vael: oh, you'll wtf with the... a few more times don't worry

[Image: badge.png]

(04-04-2010, 11:25 AM)Dokujisan Wrote: Right now, the marketing/PR is being handled by -z- and myself. We're definitely planning on expanding that team.

If anyone else is interested in helping out with marketing, give me a PM and we'll go from there. Hopefully, you are comfortable with using IRC as well, since that is how we do a lot of our discussion. Just find me on in #xonotic.



Roger.. let me compile an IRC client and I'll be there some time this evening.

While I am not from here, I've been living in Eastern Europe for the last three years. I have a *limited* knowledge of some of the social networking sites here.. draugiem, for example. (Latvian social networking site.)

(04-04-2010, 11:30 AM)Dokujisan Wrote: BTW, we would especially be interested in anyone familiar with non-english social networking, gaming and news websites. I know -z- and I have little to no experience with those. There are plans to build up at least two new community regions (Latin America and Southeast Asia, and possibly Russia as another one).

There are, of course, also the various European countries. If there are any social networking websites, gaming websites or news sites that are popular in specific countries, that could be useful to us.

I could try to do PR things on - Finnish Gaming Community. But I'll look into it when the first public release is almost around the corner.

I'm french speaker...
If you need someone to make publicity, translate things or something for the french community...
I'll be happy to help where I can!
Thanks to the devs!
PM me if you need something... I'll be happy to help for any translation work needed...

Doku: Got onto quakenet this evening but didn't get a chance to chat with you. (Got kind of busy on my end.) I'll try again tomorrow. In the meantime I'll throw together my thoughts. I did see your page in the dev wiki, helped give me an idea of what you had in mind.

Everyone else: There's some good ideas here. Before we get too carried away, perhaps it would be an idea to get a strategy/plan down first. I have so many thoughts of my own but I'm a little leary to put them down right now as I don't want to cause any pain for the core team. aka.. they may have a totally different vision. I'll chat with Doku in the next few days and see if we can get rolling on this.

I can speak Russian, but I'm a piss-poor speller. I can check for logical writing, though.

@EagleSix: Totally agree lets wait a bit for the core team before moving... I mean getting everything organized, so everyone willing to help will be able to do with the same vision, the same strategy...

I'm on irc when I can! even if I don't speak a lot.
Thanks to the devs!
PM me if you need something... I'll be happy to help for any translation work needed...

Yes, we are definitely not having marketing planning done here. That's not the purpose of this thread. The planning discussions for marketing will be happening among those on the marketing team in IRC.

So just to be clear, we don't want anyone in the community trying to perform marketing activities on behalf of Xonotic unless they are involved in the marketing team. I'm emphasizing this because this has already happed once and I want to keep that from occurring again.

But, for those of you interested in officially getting involved, I certainly welcome the help! Especially those in countries outside of the US. I'll add you guys to my list of people to talk to. We can discuss a lot of ideas. Some of you could even help with some of the tasks involved in marketing campaigns. Make sure to PM me or contact me in IRC.

EagleSix, looking forward to chatting with you.

(04-04-2010, 04:12 PM)Roanoke Wrote: I can speak Russian, but I'm a piss-poor speller. I can check for logical writing, though.

Hey that can come in handy. I have started to outline a plan for starting up a Russian Xonotic community. Obviously, I don't speak Russian, so I'll need to talk to some people who do. I'll chat with you more in IRC about it.

@Taximus: Sounds good. My initial thought would be that a pool of translators could built not only for marketing communications but also for the game itself. Not sure what the dev team plans as far as (expanded) internationalization of the game. I should take another look at the roadmap. Again, just a thought.

Is it Monday again? Ugh.. off to work.

@EagleSix: For internationalization there was a thread about language packs here...
I voluntered

Also, back in the Nexuiz days, I had an idea about an Autorun/Launcher for it... I mean for the game getting distributed on cd's or something, for exemple in lan parties...
The basic idea was to make it in C, using the SDL (cross platform) and since SDL is used in darkplaces it would only take a few more ko's of disk space.

Anyway that was just an idea...
Thanks to the devs!
PM me if you need something... I'll be happy to help for any translation work needed...

(04-04-2010, 11:18 PM)Dokujisan Wrote: EagleSix, looking forward to chatting with you.

Spent a couple of hours in IRC tonight (off and on) and no one could seem to raise you. I'll try again tomorrow. Until then...

Well there were changes to the engine to potentially help with such a thing.. having different languages for all the used strings and such. but it will be a lot of work to really change all the hardcoded strings to fully use that system.
Real signature is still in production!

Sure... but once those change will be done, we will be happy of it.
Thats not a feature that should go in 1.0, because basicly the goal of 1.0 is to get the game working with it's branding, new weapon names and all (well i think, that's how I see it, correct me if I'm wrong...), but it would be nice to see such a system in future release, so that more people can easily play the game...
Thanks to the devs!
PM me if you need something... I'll be happy to help for any translation work needed...

The concept introduced here sounds great. The other things like community site features could be implemented here along with some new feature in it. All the above suggestions would prove here of great use here.

Will you guys start posting stuff?

I am sure the community want to see (and touch) the next (first?) Xonotic build. Give some early images or something . YO!

You can get the lastest git at your own risks, and follow the dev tracker at

Also you can come on the irc channel at quakenet
Lot of people there
Thanks to the devs!
PM me if you need something... I'll be happy to help for any translation work needed...

I would be glad to help with Russian. Also to become a part of marketing team and promote Xonotic in Russia? Do you need some Help there? I'm a native speaker.

Get in touch with Dokujisan on irc: #xonotic at

Btw I'm working on a french translation of the official announcement...
I did not have time to work on it this week, I was really busy (and may be for the few coming weeks)...
Maybe I'll I've time to finish it tomorrow...
Thanks to the devs!
PM me if you need something... I'll be happy to help for any translation work needed...

If you want some help for the french translation just ask me Wink
Here a french community website for Xonotic :

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