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Target Practice mode

I made this last month to host on my server, but then my wifi on my laptop died, so my server was down. But, it's back up again, so I'm going to host this target practice mode I made(it will be on a server called "Target Practice" lol).

The sole purpose was to have a moving target that people could shoot at to work on aim and weapon switching OUTSIDE of battling. It's probably useless to experienced players, but it's not bad for people learning the weapon basics or just honing their aim/switching a bit.

Basically, it's a tdm, bots vs humans. The bots won't fight, and starting health/armor is 199/199. The bot AI has been tweaked so that they will bunny hop constantly(see in instructions below), and it uses a different bots.txt called targetBots.txt that gives the bots goofy names that are fitting of the game mode. The "most weapons" weaponarena mutator is on, and all team and self damage are off.

Stat tracking SHOULD be off. If someone that knows how that works could double check for me I'd appreciate it, but as far as I can tell, it's off.

Here are the instructions(can be found in the readme.txt as well):

readme.txt Wrote:To execute target practice, type "exec targetpractice.cfg" into the console.
To revert back to stock Xonotic play, type "exec balanceXonotic.cfg" into the console, then "exec targetpracticeoff.cfg".
(Some parameters may need to be adjusted based on personal preference, such as the server messages and bot prefix)

If you want the bots to bunny hop more frequently, type "exec botTweaks.cfg". Bot AI will be restored to the regular setting upon server restart.

Here's the download link. Simply place in Xonotic/data folder and follow the instructions. Anyone who wants to use this in a server should feel free to do so.

I'll also attach the targetpractice.cfg(or rather targetpractice.txt since I can't attach a cfg file here)so anyone can review it without downloading.

Update: I've added a new game mode made specifically for practicing juggling and weapon combos named Combo Practice. The bots do not move and have 999/999 health/armor. Otherwise, it's the same settings as target practice.

It is already included in the TargetPractice.pk3, and the link has been updated with the new version. To execute type "exec combopractice.cfg", and to disable type "exec combopracticeoff.cfg" and then "exec balanceXonotic.cfg" (this info can also be found in the readme file). It's available on my server through voting. The server is currently configured to only allow votes for target practice and combo practice.

Attached Files
.txt   targetpractice.txt (Size: 1.38 KB / Downloads: 13)

haha nice bot abuse Big Grin

Quote:set g_playerstats_uri ""
should turn stats tracing off (assuming you mean

(05-19-2012, 03:19 AM)tZork Wrote: haha nice bot abuse Big Grin

Quote:set g_playerstats_uri ""
should turn stats tracing off (assuming you mean

Ok thanks, I actually had it spelled wrong Blush. I had "url" instead of "uri". I read it wrong when I was copying it last night. It's fixed now. Big Grin

Can you tell me what sv_weaponstats_file is for?

Also, I was wondering something else. I originally had "exec balanceXonotic.cfg" in the targetpracticeoff.cfg, so that when I exec targetpracticeoff.cfg, it would restore all balance to default. For some reason though, this does not happen and I would have to exec balanceXonotic.cfg. Why is that?

xonotic console Wrote:^71 possible variable:
^7^3sv_weaponstats_file^7 is "" [""] when set to a file name, per-weapon stats get written to that file

(05-20-2012, 06:28 AM)tZork Wrote:
xonotic console Wrote:^71 possible variable:
^7^3sv_weaponstats_file^7 is "" [""] when set to a file name, per-weapon stats get written to that file

DOH!!! Blush I should have looked in the console Undecided

Some files inside the pk3 seem corrupted, like targetpractice.cfg, here it's the beginning of it:
{\f0\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Courier New;}
{\f1\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype DejaVu Sans;}
{\f2\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Dingbats;}
{\f3\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Symbol;}
{\f4\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Nimbus Roman No9 L;}}

However, I tried to execute targetpractice.txt and console warned me about the inexistent command timitlimit

(05-22-2012, 11:17 AM)terencehill Wrote: Some files inside the pk3 seem corrupted, like targetpractice.cfg, here it's the beginning of it:
{\f0\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Courier New;}
{\f1\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype DejaVu Sans;}
{\f2\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Dingbats;}
{\f3\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Symbol;}
{\f4\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Nimbus Roman No9 L;}}

However, I tried to execute targetpractice.txt and console warned me about the inexistent command timitlimit

It's not corrupted, it's a rtf file. That's silly.

I don't know what you saved those configs with, but they have styling tags in them, which means you're going to have to fix that (save as plain txt) and repackage.

TargetPractice.cfg Wrote:{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0
{\f0\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Courier New;}
{\f1\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype DejaVu Sans;}
{\f2\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Dingbats;}
{\f3\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Symbol;}
{\f4\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Nimbus Roman No9 L;}}
{\s1\fi-431\li720\sbasedon28\snext28Contents 1;}
{\s2\fi-431\li1440\sbasedon28\snext28Contents 2;}
{\s3\fi-431\li2160\sbasedon28\snext28Contents 3;}
{\s8\fi-431\li720\sbasedon28Lower Roman List;}
{\s5\tx431\sbasedon24\snext28Numbered Heading 1;}
{\s6\tx431\sbasedon25\snext28Numbered Heading 2;}
{\s7\fi-431\li720Square List;}
{\*\cs11\sbasedon28Endnote Text;}
{\s4\fi-431\li2880\sbasedon28\snext28Contents 4;}
{\s9\fi-431\li720Diamond List;}
{\s10\fi-431\li720Numbered List;}
{\*\cs12\fs20\superEndnote Reference;}
{\s13\fi-431\li720Triangle List;}
{\s14\tx431\sbasedon26\snext28Numbered Heading 3;}
{\s15\fi-431\li720Dashed List;}
{\s16\fi-431\li720\sbasedon10Upper Roman List;}
{\s17\sb440\sa60\f1\fs24\b\sbasedon28\snext28Heading 4;}
{\s18\fi-431\li720Heart List;}
{\s34\fi-431\li720Box List;}
{\s20\fi-431\li720\sbasedon10Upper Case List;}
{\s21\fi-431\li720Bullet List;}
{\s22\fi-431\li720Hand List;}
{\*\cs23\fs20\sbasedon28Footnote Text;}
{\s24\sb440\sa60\f1\fs34\b\sbasedon28\snext28Heading 1;}
{\s25\sb440\sa60\f1\fs28\b\sbasedon28\snext28Heading 2;}
{\s19\qc\sb240\sa120\f1\fs32\b\sbasedon28\snext28Contents Header;}
{\s27\fi-431\li720Tick List;}
{\s26\sb440\sa60\f1\fs24\b\sbasedon28\snext28Heading 3;}
{\s29\fi-431\li720\sbasedon10Lower Case List;}
{\s30\li1440\ri1440\sa120\sbasedon28Block Text;}
{\s36\f0\sbasedon28Plain Text;}
{\s32\tx1584\sbasedon5\snext28Section Heading;}
{\s33\fi-431\li720Implies List;}
{\s35\fi-431\li720Star List;}
{\*\cs31\fs20\superFootnote Reference;}
{\s37\tx1584\sbasedon5\snext28Chapter Heading;}}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "hostname" "Target Practice! (moving targets)$g_xonoticversion server"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "sv_motd" "This is not an accurate representation of Xonotic | Use the bots for target practice, they won't fight back! | Take this opportunity to work on your aim and weapon combos. "}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "sv_join_notices" "Welcome to target practice. | This is not an accurate representation of Xonotic. | Use the bots for target practice, they won't fight back! | Take this opportunity to work on your aim and weapon combos. | Enjoy!"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "sv_join_notices_time" "10"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch g_tdm 1}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "skill" "8"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "bot_nofire" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "bot_vs_human" "-4"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "bot_config_file" "targetBots.txt"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "bot_prefix" " =( "}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_armor_start" "199"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_armor_limit" "199"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_armor_rot" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_armor_rotlinear" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_health_start" "199"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_health_limit" "199"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_health_rot" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_health_rotlinear" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_weaponarena" "most"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "teamplay_mode" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch fraglimit_override -1}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch fraglimit 50}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch timitlimit_override 15}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_maplist_check_waypoints" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "minplayers" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_fullbrightplayers" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_fullbrightitems" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_norecoil" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_minstagib" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_grappling_hook" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch //set "g_maplist" "afterslime atelier atomforge azalea glowplant stormkeep xoylent"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_playerstats_uri" ""}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "sv_weaponstats_file" ""}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}}

Nevermind. Fixed it for you.

Download HERE
[Image: optsig.png]

(05-22-2012, 02:17 PM)Chryyz Wrote: I don't know what you saved those configs with, but they have styling tags in them, which means you're going to have to fix that (save as plain txt) and repackage.

TargetPractice.cfg Wrote:{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0
{\f0\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Courier New;}
{\f1\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype DejaVu Sans;}
{\f2\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Dingbats;}
{\f3\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Symbol;}
{\f4\fnil\fcharset0\fprq0\fttruetype Nimbus Roman No9 L;}}
{\s1\fi-431\li720\sbasedon28\snext28Contents 1;}
{\s2\fi-431\li1440\sbasedon28\snext28Contents 2;}
{\s3\fi-431\li2160\sbasedon28\snext28Contents 3;}
{\s8\fi-431\li720\sbasedon28Lower Roman List;}
{\s5\tx431\sbasedon24\snext28Numbered Heading 1;}
{\s6\tx431\sbasedon25\snext28Numbered Heading 2;}
{\s7\fi-431\li720Square List;}
{\*\cs11\sbasedon28Endnote Text;}
{\s4\fi-431\li2880\sbasedon28\snext28Contents 4;}
{\s9\fi-431\li720Diamond List;}
{\s10\fi-431\li720Numbered List;}
{\*\cs12\fs20\superEndnote Reference;}
{\s13\fi-431\li720Triangle List;}
{\s14\tx431\sbasedon26\snext28Numbered Heading 3;}
{\s15\fi-431\li720Dashed List;}
{\s16\fi-431\li720\sbasedon10Upper Roman List;}
{\s17\sb440\sa60\f1\fs24\b\sbasedon28\snext28Heading 4;}
{\s18\fi-431\li720Heart List;}
{\s34\fi-431\li720Box List;}
{\s20\fi-431\li720\sbasedon10Upper Case List;}
{\s21\fi-431\li720Bullet List;}
{\s22\fi-431\li720Hand List;}
{\*\cs23\fs20\sbasedon28Footnote Text;}
{\s24\sb440\sa60\f1\fs34\b\sbasedon28\snext28Heading 1;}
{\s25\sb440\sa60\f1\fs28\b\sbasedon28\snext28Heading 2;}
{\s19\qc\sb240\sa120\f1\fs32\b\sbasedon28\snext28Contents Header;}
{\s27\fi-431\li720Tick List;}
{\s26\sb440\sa60\f1\fs24\b\sbasedon28\snext28Heading 3;}
{\s29\fi-431\li720\sbasedon10Lower Case List;}
{\s30\li1440\ri1440\sa120\sbasedon28Block Text;}
{\s36\f0\sbasedon28Plain Text;}
{\s32\tx1584\sbasedon5\snext28Section Heading;}
{\s33\fi-431\li720Implies List;}
{\s35\fi-431\li720Star List;}
{\*\cs31\fs20\superFootnote Reference;}
{\s37\tx1584\sbasedon5\snext28Chapter Heading;}}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "hostname" "Target Practice! (moving targets)$g_xonoticversion server"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "sv_motd" "This is not an accurate representation of Xonotic | Use the bots for target practice, they won't fight back! | Take this opportunity to work on your aim and weapon combos. "}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "sv_join_notices" "Welcome to target practice. | This is not an accurate representation of Xonotic. | Use the bots for target practice, they won't fight back! | Take this opportunity to work on your aim and weapon combos. | Enjoy!"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "sv_join_notices_time" "10"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch g_tdm 1}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "skill" "8"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "bot_nofire" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "bot_vs_human" "-4"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "bot_config_file" "targetBots.txt"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "bot_prefix" " =( "}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_armor_start" "199"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_armor_limit" "199"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_armor_rot" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_armor_rotlinear" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_health_start" "199"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_health_limit" "199"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_health_rot" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_balance_health_rotlinear" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_weaponarena" "most"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "teamplay_mode" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch fraglimit_override -1}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch fraglimit 50}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch timitlimit_override 15}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_maplist_check_waypoints" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "minplayers" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_fullbrightplayers" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_fullbrightitems" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_norecoil" "1"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_minstagib" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_grappling_hook" "0"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch //set "g_maplist" "afterslime atelier atomforge azalea glowplant stormkeep xoylent"}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "g_playerstats_uri" ""}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}
\pard\plain\ltrpar\ql\sl240\slmult1\itap0{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\abinodiroverride\ltrch set "sv_weaponstats_file" ""}{\f0\fs20\lang1033{\*\listtag0}\par}}

Nevermind. Fixed it for you.

Download HERE
Ok, I'm confused. it works just fine in wordpad and abiword for me. I saved these cfgs with wordpad. Can someone explain what's going on here?

(05-22-2012, 02:36 PM)W4RP1G Wrote: Ok, I'm confused. it works just fine in wordpad and abiword for me. I saved these cfgs with wordpad. Can someone explain what's going on here?

Wordpad is what's going on. Tongue

Use notepad next time. No styling.

I had to use OpenOffice to open these and copy/paste them into my terminal to remove the styling.

Also, nice work. Helped me polish up some of my combos, primarily with the electro and shotgun. It's a hell of a lot easier to practice shooting something that doesn't immediately run for the nearest jump pad and bounce around for five hours.
[Image: optsig.png]

(05-22-2012, 02:48 PM)Chryyz Wrote:
(05-22-2012, 02:36 PM)W4RP1G Wrote: Ok, I'm confused. it works just fine in wordpad and abiword for me. I saved these cfgs with wordpad. Can someone explain what's going on here?

Wordpad is what's going on. Tongue

Use notepad next time. No styling.

I had to use OpenOffice to open these and copy/paste them into my terminal to remove the styling.
Oh ok. I downloaded the updated version you made and added it to my dropbox in place of the original. The original is still there, but at this link here. Thanks for fixing that for me.

(05-22-2012, 02:48 PM)Chryyz Wrote: Also, nice work. Helped me polish up some of my combos, primarily with the electro and shotgun. It's a hell of a lot easier to practice shooting something that doesn't immediately run for the nearest jump pad and bounce around for five hours.
Thanks! It seems to help me out, but I've never heard anyone else say it helped them, so I was starting to wonder. It seems like a lot of people join the server and either quit immediately, or ask me if I can change to a regular game mode. I really don't know what they could possibly expect from a server called "Target Practice (moving targets)", but they always act like it wasn't what they expected Undecided

Abiword and wordpad are word processors, not plaintext editors. Well, wordpad can do plaintext but that's not its point.

Get a real plaintext editor. I suggest notepad++ if you're on windows (or gedit or geany on linux, but linux distros often have a text editor in the default install)

Yes, Notepad++ is a very good text editor. Though I replaced it with jEdit, which is even better IMO (but I had to add some plugins for my needs).
Avoid word processor when possible.

Well, thanks for the suggestions! I'm gonna install notepad++ then.

I've added a new game mode called "combo practice". See original post update for details.

Also, if anyone knows of a way to display enemy names on screen through walls, that would be helpful. Sometimes finding the combo bots on large maps is a pain.

Edit: I think I retarded the bot AI too much and it was messing up the bot respawns for some reason. I had it to -10, but now it's at -3 and seems to be working. i also made the maplist only contain azalea for the time being, because it works very well for this.

You can also play with clones:
You can create a bot that constantly generates clones at which players can shot. It's possible to launch them in the air, so they are like flying targets Smile
I don't know how to do it, I hope you can figure it out, if you're interested.

WTF are you serious!! I'm gonna have to mess with this!


Ok, nvm. I have no idea how to use that.

deofel and I were messing around on the combo/juggling server and discovered a new favorite past time...

Bot stacking!!

[Image: botstacking2.jpg]

[Image: Botstacking1.jpg]

[Image: botstacking3.jpg]


You invented nothing!


Great server W4RP1G. My aiming has improved Big Grin!

Quote:Get a real plaintext editor. I suggest notepad++ if you're on windows (or gedit or geany on linux, but linux distros often have a text editor in the default install)

I suggest Geany ( on Windows too. Lightweight, stable, good markup colouring for a lot of scripting and programming languages. Auto completion if you use HTML or other XML based languages. I could not work without it.
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

I preferred notepad++ over geany, actually. Can't remember why, though.

(05-31-2012, 01:56 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: awesome video

Ok ok, your bot stacking was first and is better.

Now that you bested me, could you tell me how to use the bot clone thing? Confused

Also, I used both geany and notepad++ on those cfgs. I can't say i really prefer one over the other at this point though.

Use impulse 140 (moving clone) and 142 (static clone) while sv_cheats is 1.

(impulse 140 and impulse 142 are xonotic console commands)

EDIT: one thing I remember liking in NP++ is that you can insert a sequence of numbers in a given column across several lines.

Ah thx I'm gonna have to mess with clones now. And thx for the NP++ tip, that should come in handy.

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