Heya people. I would like to announce that Finnish Xonotic community has been emerged. We're still at early stages, but we have serious plans what will happen in the future and therefore we would like to see as many Finnish players as possible joining that community.
Because this is for Finnish players, I will continue in Finnish:
Heipparallaa suomalaiset Xonoticin pelaajat!
Jos englanti ei alussa taipunut, niin tässä hiljattain ollaan pistetty tulille Xonoticin suomalainen yhteisö. Hommat on vielä aikalailla alkutekijöissä, mutta tarkoitus olisi pistää hommat täydellisesti tulille lähitulevaisuudessa. Toivottavasti mahdollisimman moni suomalainen pelaaja liityisi joukkoomme, jotta saisimme kehitettyä laajan suomalaisen Xonotic-scenen aikaiseksi!
Yhteisön tarkoituksena on tietysti tuoda suomalaiset Xonoticin pelaajat saman katon alle. Suunnitelmissa on yhteisiä kovatasoisia sekä casual-tason pickup-pelejä sekä mahdollisesti suomalaisen kilpapeliscenen muodostaminen. Suomalaiset servut lähtevät pyörimään tämän kesän aikana ja mahdollisesti jonkinmoisia yhteisön verkkosivuja tullaan näkemään. Kuitenkin TE olette niitä jotka päättävät millaiseksi yhteisö muodostuu.
Tällä hetkellä olemasa on vaatimattomasti vain irkkikannu, joten liittykääpä sinne niin pääsette mukaan suunnitelemaan millaista yhteisöä halautte olla rakentamassa!
#xonotic.fi @ QuakeNet
Ja mainostakaa toki myös muille!
Finnish part ends here. Perkele.
First things that will be under construction are own websites and couple of game servers.
Let's see what the future brings!
Quote:Heipparallaa Finnish Xonoticin players! If English is not bent at the start,
Google translate ftw!
I don't understand the post! How am I supposed to moderate this forum!
(07-10-2012, 12:59 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: I don't understand the post! How am I supposed to moderate this forum! 
Thanks xvIL, now I understand!
07-10-2012, 01:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-10-2012, 01:45 PM by Spaceman.)
Maybe this will work http://translate.google.com/translate?sl...23pid44701
I guess they could make use of a special Finnish Xonotic forum section!
Do you plan to launch website or forums?
(07-10-2012, 02:35 PM)Majki Wrote: Do you plan to launch website or forums?
Don't you think it would be nice if you put adress here?
(07-10-2012, 02:54 PM)Majki Wrote: Don't you think it would be nice if you put adress here? 
if you would read his post he said they are "planning" it
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s
Why not have a scandinavian site instead?
Ni finskar brukar ju kunna svenska så vi kan ju ha det some officelt språk, eller vad säger ni?
No, but seriously, I don't think the finnish Xonotic community is that big, if we make a Scandinavian instead we could have a couple of active members.
Code: if we make a Scandinavian instead we could have a couple of active members.
You can have webserver with auto-install scripts for CMS/forums for a couple of dollars monthly. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are for free. Gimp for graphics is free. Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress, phpBB, myBB, Vanilla Forums are for free.
What are you waiting for?
I'm waiting for more ppl from Scandinavia in Xonotic!
07-10-2012, 05:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-10-2012, 05:12 PM by Exitium.)
(07-10-2012, 03:50 PM)machine! Wrote: Why not have a scandinavian site instead?
Ni finskar brukar ju kunna svenska så vi kan ju ha det some officelt språk, eller vad säger ni? 
No, but seriously, I don't think the finnish Xonotic community is that big, if we make a Scandinavian instead we could have a couple of active members. 
I don't like the idea about Scandinavian community. It almost the same idea like european community or international community (like this) - it covers way too large playerbase. And think about this: we have for example Finnish and Swedish ice hockey teams, not Scandinavian ice hockey team. People want to join the community/team/whatever which represents its own self. "Scandinavian" is too large concept. We can, of course, arrange Finland VS. Sweden Xonotic matches or something like that.
Edit: And oh, yes. One important point of this community is to spread the word of Xonotic for Finns. For example, I'm rather active organizing different events and therefore I was thinking that I could talk, show or something about Xonotic in a rather big event in Finland (for example Assembly Computer Festival or different FOSS events). Of course, this is just my thought and I'm not doindg anything like this before actual community has actually started seriously.
Och samma på svenska.
09-17-2012, 03:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-17-2012, 03:53 PM by Exitium.)
There's been quite quiet lately, mostly because of my real life hurry. However, I got my "testing" server up and running so if you're looking for Finnish server then join us! More activity coming soon...
Sama suomeksi, eli kiireiden lomassa pistin viimein ton ensimmäisen julkisen public DM serverin rullamaaan melko perusasetuksilla, eli jos kaipaatte suomalaista peliseuraa niin mukaan pelailemaan! Lisää servuja tulossa ajan mittaan ja muuta mukavaa, mutta lähdetään tästä public DM setistä liikkeelle. Palautetta voi antaa millaisia servuja tekisi mieli käyttää ja mitä kaikkea tekisi muutenkin mieli nähdä tulevaisuudessa!
Cool, I'll try to stop by that server every now and then to help populating it.
what pops in my head when i think of finnish players...
Perkele sentään! Glad to know that Finnish Xonotic players let alone a community actually exists :p
Those who can't speak English so fluently and want to discuss about Xonotic can come to http://www.xonotic.tk
There is also couple Finnish servers and Tutorials
Hope to see as many Finns there as possible
Great! Hope to see the finnish player community grow!
BTW did you obtain the rights to use the image on the "servers" sub-page? I think I've seen this image before on the internet and unless it's released under a license allowing you to post it on your website you could run into troubles by just putting it there.
Quite a few Finnish players in the community
#deathmatchers @ irc.quakenet.org
They're not very good at CTS though.
They never finnish the races.
(03-03-2013, 03:57 PM)rocknroll237 Wrote: They're not very good at CTS though.
They never finnish the races.
When's your world tour?
#deathmatchers @ irc.quakenet.org