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[split] Music submission: Archer - Dark Horizon

(10-08-2012, 11:18 AM)Archer Wrote: Submission for my track Dark Horizon, it was finished for a long time, but I forgot to optimize some bits and pieces here and there, now it's done and ready for ingame usage.

This one is best suited for dark maps, think of graveyards, cemeteries, dark fortresses, or some modern ruins!

Track name: Dark Horizon (Click for SoundCloud preview)
OGG file: Dark Horizon.ogg
Source file: x4_8.als

I'll just repeat what I said for my previous tracks, because the same applies to this one:

This track has been made with Ableton Live 8.0.1.

Some of the drum samples are once again part of public soundfonts, but there's a great deal of home-sampled ones as well, mostly playing on the background (you can hear them somewhere in the intro).

All the other instruments are fully synthesized (By me, custom settings), entirely with the Analog synthesizer in Live and a lot of effects.

I hope it's good enough to be included somewhere in a map :]

This is an awsome song. It's like straight out of original Unreal! Can/will this go into master? These songs need to be available!

(10-08-2012, 11:18 AM)Archer Wrote: Track name: Dark Horizon (Click for SoundCloud preview)
OGG file: Dark Horizon.ogg
Source file: x4_8.als

I'm amazed, how did you develop such a sound? It really reminds me of the style of music from original Unreal!
I'm impressed and I'd love to hear this in-game!
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

(11-26-2012, 10:28 AM)unfa Wrote:
(10-08-2012, 11:18 AM)Archer Wrote: Track name: Dark Horizon (Click for SoundCloud preview)
OGG file: Dark Horizon.ogg
Source file: x4_8.als

I'm amazed, how did you develop such a sound? It really reminds me of the style of music from original Unreal!
I'm impressed and I'd love to hear this in-game!

Thanks mate Smile

I'm very much inspired by Unreal, Ut, and UT2004's soundtracks, also heard some other people say this track sort of reminded them of Unreal, I'm glad it does Big Grin

I would need to make it fully GPL compatible before being able to put it in-game.

The big problem coming with this is the fact that I used samples for the low bell and the drums that are actually not made by me.

What I could do however, is render all of the sample-based tracks and put them in as one big sample, and then claim it as my own. Since the original samples are somehow modified anyway, nobody can accuse me of anything if I do this, it's pretty much untraceable.

But to avoid these difficulties, I sort of made my own sample-kit which I'll restrict myself to in the future. It contains samples that are 100% made by me, so Erebus and Space Jumper (my last submissions) have no trouble with this Tongue
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

Archer! You are a composer with plenty of inspiration and talent! Listening to your music I see you are really an expert in electronic music! Your tunes are unique, and great to listen (Im a classical musician and I'm gonna show your tunes to my friends in the music school - no doubts they will like it!) Do you make soundtracks for games apart for Xonotic?

(11-27-2012, 03:03 PM)Justin Wrote: Archer! You are a composer with plenty of inspiration and talent! Listening to your music I see you are really an expert in electronic music! Your tunes are unique, and great to listen (Im a classical musician and I'm gonna show your tunes to my friends in the music school - no doubts they will like it!) Do you make soundtracks for games apart for Xonotic?

Thanks for the motivation, Justin!

I did some other stuff for games and people yeah, electronic music is not the only thing I produce though, but it's the only thing I can produce for games due to copyright and stuff :]

I did this soundtrack for my project-group's game (actually I did 90% of the work :\ ) for a school competition:

This one I made for a video project from one of my friend:

And this one is my largest project so far:

Check em out if you're interested Smile
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

(11-27-2012, 03:56 PM)Archer Wrote: I did some other stuff for games and people yeah, electronic music is not the only thing I produce though, but it's the only thing I can produce for games due to copyright and stuff :]

Why so?

(11-27-2012, 04:03 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote:
(11-27-2012, 03:56 PM)Archer Wrote: I did some other stuff for games and people yeah, electronic music is not the only thing I produce though, but it's the only thing I can produce for games due to copyright and stuff :]

Why so?

I got tons of high quality soundfonts that deliver near orchestral quality for real instruments and stuff, not legally though Tongue

And I got no way of gathering high quality samples like those myself, so I have to use synthesizers for everything (I don't want to use the free sample stuff because it mostly sounds cheap and still has some kind of license).

There are synthesizers that can produce pretty realistic sounds these days, but they are mostly very complicated so I need to sit down and study them once before I start messing around with that kinda stuff, I hate doing stuff I don't understand :>

The track "Memories" above was produced with one of those soundfont packs, since it was no commercial project anyway it was possible to use em for that.

EDIT: Another one using those soundfonts:
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

Oh okay, I figured you meant you could not do anything acoustic and I did not understand that.

(11-27-2012, 05:40 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Oh okay, I figured you meant you could not do anything acoustic and I did not understand that.

Ah well, slight misunderstanding then Tongue
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

I split this discussion off the submission topic, I tend to forget that it's made for submission only.

Holyshit! This track is amazing! Sounds very reminiscent of the Unreal titles, but fits Xonotic's gamplay pacing better.

Oh wait.

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