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Howdy everyone. Thought I'd make this introduction thread for my clan even though we've been around for over 3 months already. If you play the game then you've for sure seen our lovely tag and felt our never missing nex shots.

The team was put together in late 2012 and we've been playing clan matches on a pretty decent pace ever since, considering the size of the clan scene. We've got 5 members in total, and so we're not looking for any new members. Apart from me we have thimoshia, Kankipappa, Smilecythe and Foozy, all of which have been in it from the very start.

Anyway, enough of bullshit. The real reason for this late introduction is to advertise our new website Go check it out and let me know what you think, all suggestions and ideas are welcome. Now you have something to show to all your suspicious friends who think there are no real clans in Xonotic.


Add nex to website Smile
<machine> dude, i know i suck Smile
<OHSNAP! Mossepo> but you dont like finko-suck, u have potential to be good
Diomedes: Finko: You are the most intelligent guy in this community.

Best web site addressing a total of 5 people that I've seen so far!
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Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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Logo should be the flag of Finland with a nex as the flagpole.

erebus minstanex erebus Angel

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