12-14-2015, 02:20 AM
Well I'm new to the forums, but I've seen a lot of you guys in game. My name is Meteors, and I have been playing Xonotic for about three weeks or so. I used to play it about 9 months ago (I think?) and just recently picked it back up after seeing how many people played. It's nice to see new faces and new talent, I used to play Nexuiz back in the day, and when Xon came out both communities appeared to die down, but it doesn't look that way this moment, so it's been nice playing again and getting some elo (which by the way I love ranking systems in any game, so that was awesome to find). I pretty much only play instagib, however if there are other packed servers then I like to jump onto those too from time to time. Currently sitting at 1218 elo CTF because that's pretty much the only game mode I play LOL still climbing, hoping to get top ten. Anyway, nice to meet you, and hopefully I'll see you guys more in game