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insult makes us look bad

(06-30-2016, 11:02 PM)end user Wrote: If there are two users with the same name check the time each one was logged in and ban the newest one.

What about situations like this?

*Troll logs in*
15 minutes later
*PersonA logs in*
*Troll renames himself to PersonA*

Danfun64, right now the person is temporarily banned. As Mario said, if this continues to be a problem, we'll think of something to address it.

Xonotic developers have to prioritize what to spend our limited resource on. Any trolls that make the playing experience unpleasant, are hurting the life and health of Xonotic and its community. To make it more explicit -- if somebody trolls to the point that our developers have to spend time on improving the banning system, they are taking away the time that could've been spent on improving the game itself. In generally, we rely on human decency.

I've been playing Xonotic for a while, mostly lurking on forums and playing occasionally, but I have noticed and influx of the toxicity in Xon, not necessarily in forums, but in game, such as the new interestingly named servers cropping up, and the influx of "kill yourself" comments in chat

And sadly, I think i know what the issue is.
There have been multiple threads on both 8chan /v/ and 4chan /v/, talking about Xonotic, all of which the threads have been quite popular,, which in a sense is good, but considering that both places are notorious for toxicity; it's not a very good thing.

The children should just leave their toxicity in those places, not in game.

I miss old AFPS communities dammit! And Xon is the only place where I can relive that!

(07-05-2016, 12:06 AM)BuddyFriendGuy Wrote: Danfun64, right now the person is temporarily banned. As Mario said, if this continues to be a problem, we'll think of something to address it.

Xonotic developers have to prioritize what to spend our limited resource on. Any trolls that make the playing experience unpleasant, are hurting the life and health of Xonotic and its community. To make it more explicit -- if somebody trolls to the point that our developers have to spend time on improving the banning system, they are taking away the time that could've been spent on improving the game itself. In generally, we rely on human decency.

In my opinion the admins for each server can moderate whatever playing experience on their respective servers. The game developers are game developers, not the collective playerbase's mothers.

(07-17-2016, 08:49 AM)Fuzsion Wrote: I've been playing Xonotic for a while, mostly lurking on forums and playing occasionally, but I have noticed and influx of the toxicity in Xon, not necessarily in forums, but in game, such as the new interestingly named servers cropping up, and the influx of "kill yourself" comments in chat

And sadly, I think i know what the issue is.
There have been multiple threads on both 8chan /v/ and 4chan /v/, talking about Xonotic, all of which the threads have been quite popular,, which in a sense is good, but considering that both places are notorious for toxicity; it's not a very good thing.

You know, I've been playing on the /v/ server (rather active North American server), and for the entire time I've been playing there, or anywhere, I've not actually seen "kill yourself" in the chat. For a server so closely tied to said toxicity, it's rather tame and I wouldn't put 8chan /v/ or 4chan /v/ responsible for random trolls.

As far as I can tell, they just put on a green and purple color theme and "gg" at the end of the game like any other.

This thread is going too far now and being ignorant now. Why can't you people just ignore those fools?

(07-17-2016, 07:20 PM)Kotaku Wrote: This thread is going too far now and being ignorant now. Why can't you people just ignore those fools?

Because some people actually want to see chat, regardless of "mental filtering" of comments.

(07-17-2016, 01:26 PM)Iokast Wrote:
(07-05-2016, 12:06 AM)BuddyFriendGuy Wrote: Danfun64, right now the person is temporarily banned. As Mario said, if this continues to be a problem, we'll think of something to address it.

Xonotic developers have to prioritize what to spend our limited resource on. Any trolls that make the playing experience unpleasant, are hurting the life and health of Xonotic and its community. To make it more explicit -- if somebody trolls to the point that our developers have to spend time on improving the banning system, they are taking away the time that could've been spent on improving the game itself. In generally, we rely on human decency.

In my opinion the admins for each server can moderate whatever playing experience on their respective servers. The game developers are game developers, not the collective playerbase's mothers.

(07-17-2016, 08:49 AM)Fuzsion Wrote: I've been playing Xonotic for a while, mostly lurking on forums and playing occasionally, but I have noticed and influx of the toxicity in Xon, not necessarily in forums, but in game, such as the new interestingly named servers cropping up, and the influx of "kill yourself" comments in chat

And sadly, I think i know what the issue is.
There have been multiple threads on both 8chan /v/ and 4chan /v/, talking about Xonotic, all of which the threads have been quite popular,, which in a sense is good, but considering that both places are notorious for toxicity; it's not a very good thing.

You know, I've been playing on the /v/ server (rather active North American server), and for the entire time I've been playing there, or anywhere, I've not actually seen "kill yourself" in the chat. For a server so closely tied to said toxicity, it's rather tame and I wouldn't put 8chan /v/ or 4chan /v/ responsible for random trolls.

As far as I can tell, they just put on a green and purple color theme and "gg" at the end of the game like any other.

As someone who has ran successful Xon servers with 20+ players believe it or not 99% of players don't really want to see vulgar language/behavior in game. Taunting the enemy with some descent taunts in one thing swearing and being vulgar to others is another.

You also never know who is playing. A few years back on my vehicle server I had two people playing and it looked like they were just friends it turned out to be a younger kid and his dad. So after that I really cracked down on any bad language/behaviour.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

(07-17-2016, 11:05 PM)end user Wrote: As someone who has ran successful Xon servers with 20+ players believe it or not 99% of players don't really want to see vulgar language/behavior in game. Taunting the enemy with some descent taunts in one thing swearing and being vulgar to others is another.

You also never know who is playing. A few years back on my vehicle server I had two people playing and it looked like they were just friends it turned out to be a younger kid and his dad. So after that I really cracked down on any bad language/behaviour.

I didn't mention there being vulgarity on the /v/ server, and honestly it's something I expect anyways if there's going to be a lot of adults. Most games on a server so alleged related to a "toxic" website people are silent, and say "gg" at the end. So it doesn't seem right to pin the blame just like that.

Personally I find it quite ridiculous to need to moderate bad language. You have characters in game that say "pussy" and "retard" as part of their vocal lines, then some GUI's I recall having "dumbass". And to take offense to "kill yourself", you can also literally kill yourself in game. I don't buy in the obviously pulled-out-of-the-ass stat either, however you can really manage your server the way you want. Other server owners have that right too, though you may personally disagree.

If there's any toxicity in Xonotic, it definitely comes from Instagib's side. It's a simple mod and playing it doesn't require decision making or brains, naturally there's gonna be more goofies and drama in there. In vanilla (duel) if someone tells you to kill yourself, that just means you've won because the opponent has given up on thinking and wasting time typing. Additionally, in most servers you can't even hear spectators talk when your game is going on.

Blaming instagib is typical, but not correct. In fact, by that logic, anything but your over-competitive duel mode would be a harbor for "toxic" brainless goofies.
As someone who comes mostly from the American instagib side of things, I know first hand that the only major drama and goofing that happens on such servers is when a bored dueler shows up to troll.

What we're seeing here is a taste of what's to come when Xonotic is finally advertised... A large influx of not-so-friendly people from other games and communities. Not something we're really prepared for, I suppose.
[Image: 230.jpg]

Play on competitive duel or pickup, you'll find your salty, goofy duelers all day. You'll find them on every arena fps by 90%.

(07-18-2016, 04:15 AM)Mario Wrote: Blaming instagib is typical, but not correct. In fact, by that logic, anything but your over-competitive duel mode would be a harbor for "toxic" brainless goofies.
Oh yeah, because brainless goofies totally get addicted to a game mode where they get nowhere due to lack of understanding and cognitive thinking. I'm not blaming just Instagib, I'd like to tag Overkill, CampingRifles and vanilla DM to that category as well. DM is a hectic mode where thinking is not often even rewarded as much as random luck is. IG, OK and CRA are simple by design, they are easy to master and as such you get bored faster.

The popularity of the mod has a lot to do with toxic behavior as well. The simpler the game is, the more players it sinks in to. When you don't have a shortage of players, individuals players simply has less value. The losses are minimal if you intimidate a player or two out.

(07-18-2016, 04:15 AM)Mario Wrote: I know first hand that the only major drama and goofing that happens on such servers is when a bored dueler shows up to troll.
Trolling is admittedly a part of aFPS culture. aFPS are very mindgame centric games and anyone who is dumb enough to get offended from a baseless accusation and suggestions just straight out deserves to be toxicated in my opinion. Iokast, if someone tells you to kill yourself - it doesn't mean that you have to kill yourself, you don't have to worry about the most painless method, you don't have to stress about not being able to do it, you don't have to be afraid of it as if it were an obligation... It's up to you as an intelligent person what you make out of an opinion of a person that doesn't even matter to you.

Also keep in mind. Trolling =/= shit talk. There's a huge difference between folks like Ch4mp and XSAX. One side tries to get under people's skin due to their shortcomings in tactics that actually matter. The other side is genuinely bored and deliberately non arguable. Ignoring them is WAAAY easier than taking them seriously. I have faith in people being able to choose the best way to spending their time, that's why I don't think either kind of behavior is really a problem.

The match is only as easy as the enemies you face, just like every mode in this game (including duel).

It's also pretty clear that you're against any sort of casual game play, and should probably stick your focus to duel, instead of bashing modes you never play.
[Image: 230.jpg]

(07-18-2016, 12:35 AM)Iokast Wrote: Personally I find it quite ridiculous to need to moderate bad language. You have characters in game that say "pussy" and "retard" as part of their vocal lines, then some GUI's I recall having "dumbass". And to take offense to "kill yourself", you can also literally kill yourself in game. I don't buy in the obviously pulled-out-of-the-ass stat either, however you can really manage your server the way you want. Other server owners have that right too, though you may personally disagree.

Some of the player model taunts language has been discussed here before. If vulgar and swearing language makes three players leave because of one then the one has to go. Happened on my vehicle server a few years back. There were several Russian players. One was a pretty good player but swore a lot and spammed votes. I asked him many times to stop. He thought he was all cool till I banned him. He came back so I changed the servers port back to 26000 which his school was blocking. Next thing you know he spend a few weeks begging me to reinstate him. When he came back into the game his language was toned down and was way more polite and the vote spam worked.

Creative taunting is one thing, being vulgar for no reason just to irritate people is another.

Personalty I don't care how you run your server but this is a community game and stuff like this needs to be talked about, whether to bring attention to others or just make the community communicate more.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Hey guys,

Before we start blaming each other here which game mode is smarter then others, lets solve this problem. I think we should make sure the ways to limit access to servers should be more powerful.

One other thing that helps, is to make it possible to call votes to "mute" players when they start spoiling the games with their insulting talks/spamming. This "muting" should be for long periods of time, without the player knowing it's still active. This will really spoil the effort, as it looks like no one is responding anymore, which takes away the whole idea behind these guys.


[Image: 39855.png]

(07-18-2016, 06:13 AM)Smilecythe Wrote: Trolling is admittedly a part of aFPS culture. aFPS are very mindgame centric games and anyone who is dumb enough to get offended from a baseless accusation and suggestions just straight out deserves to be toxicated in my opinion. Iokast, if someone tells you to kill yourself - it doesn't mean that you have to kill yourself, you don't have to worry about the most painless method, you don't have to stress about not being able to do it, you don't have to be afraid of it as if it were an obligation...
You must be mistaken. I've never actually seen "kill yourself" in-game, nor have I actually taken offense to it.

I've not said anything in this thread, but I think Kwakkie is on to the main thing here.

Make the tools to manage aberrant behaviour work/better (for users and admins), rather than pointing fingers.

I've seen lots of mute (and kick/ban) votes called on servers by new people and when they succeed they do nothing, which just upsets the victims even more. Might also be worth adding in local muting options as well, which is a nice fall-back if the rest of the server doesn't agree with you, and could easily be saved in a config so it's global, not just for a single server (block based on client ID?). Maybe even warnings if you're joining a server with someone already on it in your "block" list? Lots of options and possibilities that could be offered here.
[Image: 21975.jpg]

Quote:“To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.” - Douglas Adams

"muting" should then cut the player off voting rights and "tell" command. I think cutting off a troll's communication channels silently is a very effective way to starve him to death. Especially if you can tie it to player ID or IP. Good point there, Kwakkiezalf.
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Mute is pretty good. Server admins could put the instructions into the help loop file that will shows how to do it in game.

Actually can't that be build into the game as you can go into server info, see the current players. All we'd need is a button next to each players name or highlite and hit "Mute This Player"
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Why won't we just have Server Moderators then? I have the time to moderate Servers if you want me to.

(07-18-2016, 06:26 PM)Beagle Wrote: Why won't we just have Server Moderators then? I have the time to moderate Servers if you want me to.

Wouldn't it be easier client side?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

(07-18-2016, 07:11 AM)Mario Wrote: The match is only as easy as the enemies you face, just like every mode in this game (including duel).
Some modes have less deciding factors. In instagib that is primarily aim and positioning. It's easier to compete when there's less deciding factors in a game. It's also easier to understand what you did wrong and what you have to practice.

(07-18-2016, 07:11 AM)Mario Wrote: and should probably stick your focus to duel, instead of bashing modes you never play.
Lover is an instagib clan FYI, not a single clan member was recruited through vanilla or competitive play. I am bashing a mode which I played so much that it got boring and lacking of challenge. I bash things because I have the freedom to do so and I love bashing. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to speak my mind. Additionally, telling me that my opinion has no value is not going to convince me that I'm wrong.

(07-18-2016, 07:11 AM)Mario Wrote: It's also pretty clear that you're against any sort of casual game play
Not at all, I've explored and enjoyed every nook and cranny of Xonotic. Me being active as long as I've been should be more than enough evidence that I'm not against casual game play, there's nowhere near enough competitive tournaments or cups to cover the entirety of my playtime.

What I'm against though is the sideways logic where "casual/beginner" takes priority with methods that don't benefit either side even if you think it does. Blaster secondary being a very good example of that, you can read more from you know which thread.

(07-18-2016, 02:36 PM)Iokast Wrote: You must be mistaken. I've never actually seen "kill yourself" in-game, nor have I actually taken offense to it.
My bad. I was tagging along with your argument about why behavior moderation is silly. If you consider yourself as a hypothetical example, then my point should still come across just fine though.

In addition to be able to ban/kick/mute players locally on a server, there needs to be a centralized system that could enforce the sanction on every server that agrees to it. Similar to the update file for the client, the servers would download a file with a list of IPs or player IDs with the attributed sanction - ban or mute. Of course this might require some moderation form above to place the restraint order, but i think it will have a much bigger cooling effect on a troll that will not be able to get response to his trolling not only on one, but all servers.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

(07-19-2016, 07:47 AM)aa Wrote: In addition to be able to ban/kick/mute players locally on a server, there needs to be a centralized system that could enforce the sanction on every server that agrees to it. Similar to the update file for the client, the servers would download a file with a list of IPs or player IDs with the attributed sanction - ban or mute. Of course this might require some moderation form above to place the restraint order, but i think it will have a much bigger cooling effect on a troll that will not be able to get response to his trolling not only on one, but all servers.

There's already a synchronized ban list for servers. This thread is seriously overreacting to a perceived problem that might not actually exist, imho. To figure this entire discussion has been restarted by someone blaming a website (with an associated North American server with active players, that isn't instagib and you can play something other than dm/duel every once in a while). And even on that server, everything is civil.

(07-17-2016, 08:49 AM)Fuzsion Wrote: I've been playing Xonotic for a while, mostly lurking on forums and playing occasionally, but I have noticed and influx of the toxicity in Xon, not necessarily in forums, but in game, such as the new interestingly named servers cropping up, and the influx of "kill yourself" comments in chat

And sadly, I think i know what the issue is.
There have been multiple threads on both 8chan /v/ and 4chan /v/, talking about Xonotic, all of which the threads have been quite popular,, which in a sense is good, but considering that both places are notorious for toxicity; it's not a very good thing.

The children should just leave their toxicity in those places, not in game.

I miss old AFPS communities dammit! And Xon is the only place where I can relive that!

So exactly what are these interestingly named servers cropping up? And are they even still online at this point? Because there's only one I see that would be related to "/v/" is specifically this one:

Are you playing on European servers, North American ones, or what?

Edit: grammar


LMNT server now has a "mute" "player" vote. This will mute the player for others, without the spammer/abuser knowing. In my opinion, this will exhaust the spammer/abuser.

[Image: 39855.png]

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