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insult makes us look bad

So just as a follow-up to the discussion on "interestingly named servers" that cropped up here, I started playing this game pretty much solely because of that server. There was actually a guarantee that I wouldn't have to play instagib, and it wasn't always going to be duel. Oddly enough, I've found "mean" players in equal parts from the threads and from other servers, with the overall impact being quite minimal. The worst thing, to an outsider, is probably the vulgar speech, but taken in context it's just banter.

On the flip side, I myself have gone out of my way to give new players advice (that's new players to Xonotic as a whole and new players to non-instagib modes) using the skillsets I've learned from CPM and practiced in there and in Reflex. The thread itself links to Halogene's guide, and people try to give advice when applicable

I'd personally be more concerned about the idea of critiquing the pedigree of newcomers than a sudden wave of toxicity from what is, to my knowledge, a fairly insular server.

I also haven't run into anyone who I think needs to be silenced entirely, but easy to access local mute is always a good function to have

(07-17-2016, 08:49 AM)Fuzsion Wrote: I've been playing Xonotic for a while, mostly lurking on forums and playing occasionally, but I have noticed and influx of the toxicity in Xon, not necessarily in forums, but in game, such as the new interestingly named servers cropping up, and the influx of "kill yourself" comments in chat

And sadly, I think i know what the issue is.
There have been multiple threads on both 8chan /v/ and 4chan /v/, talking about Xonotic, all of which the threads have been quite popular,, which in a sense is good, but considering that both places are notorious for toxicity; it's not a very good thing.

The children should just leave their toxicity in those places, not in game.

I miss old AFPS communities dammit! And Xon is the only place where I can relive that!

You are right moonsister, the evil /v/ server is way too toxic it has 3 versions of Toxicity on its map list. I tried joining a match on there before, but suddenly all the green acid rose from the pools and flooded the map. I literally could not even.

There is truly an influx of "kill yourself". I tried playing CTS without shitlords telling me to kill myself, but it has happened anyways- he even wanted me to keybind it.


We need to seriously assess the ramifications of permitting such toxicity because it is truly hampering Xonotic's adoption as an arena shooter because only in the current year has this ever happened in this kind of video game. I recommend putting a server side mute, because client side mute obviously does not work, is impossible and a terrible idea. I need everyone to agree with me even on the most insignificant of quarrels between me and another player; otherwise I will quit the game and go back to my safe space. And we clearly can't afford to lose 5% of concurrent players in North America just like that.

Last night on the server was another great example of why players continue to.
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

Antares*, looks like you probably have a virus that's been sniffing around players lately. Weird things have been happening such as strange screen effects, binds all changed, and ect. If you have it, or want to look into it. You want to go over on this thread And by telling you to bind kill, I don't think it's an insult. When you play CTS, players bind one of their keys as "kill". The reason they do that is because if you screw up while playing CTS and you want to restart back to the spawnpoint, you would have to use the kill command.

(04-22-2016, 06:16 AM)dekrY Wrote: Btw, there is this neat thing my admin dictator friend sometimes does in these situations. Instead of banning or kicking a player, just mute his chat. That way you can still kill the offender and write "HAHA owned" in chat, without expecting any rude reply Wink

I'm with you. I love the relative maturity of the Xon crowd, and it would be nice to keep it that way with tactics like this.
[Image: 27242.png]

(09-08-2016, 10:02 PM)Beagle Wrote: When you play CTS, players bind one of their keys as "kill". The reason they do that is because if you screw up while playing CTS and you want to restart back to the spawnpoint, you would have to use the kill command.

This shows you how far it's come already. The kill yourself command is even part of the core game. It would be much better to change it to something like "forced_respawn_for_cts" or something. Preferrably with a Yes - No confirmation screen and a button to show a disclaimer.
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

bind mouse1 kill.... ahh, good times....
4m038105 - Be the change.

Bind wasd as disconnect Tongue

(09-09-2016, 08:21 AM)The mysterious Mr. 4m Wrote: bind mouse1 kill.... ahh, good times....
Well, that's an easy way to reach 100% accuracy (unless you got a server side kill delay). CHEATORRR
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(09-09-2016, 02:46 PM)Beagle Wrote: Bind wasd as disconnect Tongue
If you "bind wasd disconnect" you'll be fine tho.


This word is right. In game chat, insulting one's opponent should be done away with.

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