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xmm - Xonotic Map Manager

I've spent the past 2-3 days putting together a vision I've had for a while.

[Image: xmm.gif]

example shows searching for a map, installing a package, the listing my locally installed packages.

It works with the map repository and enables you to search through the same json that powers that front-end via the command line.

I won't repeat the details of what capabilities are involved, as they are available with the source code found here:

Again, this is only a few days work, so expect some changes. I believe it's solid enough to start using, however.

I'm open to feature requests, but there is also a plugin system, so you can extend it yourself!

A stable 0.7.0 release is available, see the release notes here:

[Image: xmm.gif]

I'm happy to announce that today Xonotic Map Manager 0.8.0 has been tagged and released.

This release brings a complete overhaul of the underlying code, exposing an underlying API and all sorts of other goodies detailed in the readthedocs - documentation.

xmm is also on pypi, making it my first package I've released there, which is a milestone I've had in my backlog for a few months now.

This targets Linux based systems, code and issue tracker maintained on with a gitlab mirror.

I'm happy to support other system through contributions. Thanks for checking it out!

Awesome! This is mostly for server admins, I assume?

It could be used by end-users who enjoy command-line interfaces, and want to get a better sense of their map collection.

Using the command "discover" for example, one could setup their "target_dir" in "~/.xmm/xmm.ini" to point to "~/.xonotic/data/dlcache" instead of "~/.xonotic/data/". xmm will analyze all the maps in your library and give you more information about them at a glance. With the "--add" flag they would be added to your "~/.xmm/library.json" file which tracks your collection.

To rephrase, "xmm discover --add" finds and inserts any new maps that are known by the repository to a "~/.xmm/library.json" that is referenced and analyzed by other commands.

The discover command works by getting a shasum locally for a pk3 name, and comparing it with the shasum in the repository.

Another handy feature for end users is search.

xmm search -h
usage: xmm search [-h] [--gametype [GAMETYPE]] [--pk3 [PK3]] [--title [TITLE]]
                  [--author [AUTHOR]] [--shasum [SHASUM]] [--long] [--short]

positional arguments:
  string                bsp name found in a package, works on packages with
                        many bsps

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gametype [GAMETYPE]
                        filter by gametype
  --pk3 [PK3]           filter by pk3 name
  --title [TITLE]       filter by title
  --author [AUTHOR]     filter by author
  --shasum [SHASUM]     filter by shasum
  --long, -l            show long format
  --short, -s           show short format
  --color, -c           highlight search term in results

You can do a "deep search" on repositories from the command line and install anything you want to test. If it doesn't work out, it's a simple "xmm remove mapididnotlike.pk3".

Good job. It's not something I personally would have a lot of use for but it looks very well made. Nice work!
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