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[NEED HELP] Texture problems in MD3 exported models (Quake 3)

Hi all,
I'm working on my first map (I've never created a map before).
Since this is a Quake 3 map, I don't know if it is ok to ask help here, but since quake3world doesn't accept new accounts anymore, I have really no choice Sad
The problem is: I can't create complex models by myself, so I'd like to use some free 3d models I've found on the net. Each of this model is composed of an obj file, a mtl file and a texture file.
I use blender with md3 export plugin (latest version from duke4 forum), but when I export these models and load them in netradiant, the textures are missing.
How should I correclty include the texture in the md3 file? 
Thanks for your help!

The md3 file itself does not contain a texture (if I'm wrong correct me). It finds the textures in the correct directory. The reason for the problem may be:

1) MD3 consists of quadrilaterals and not triangles.
2) the working folder in netradiant\radiant  is incorrectly set (I use it). Everything should be in its place. For example, maps in the directory C:/Xonotic/data/maps/, textures in C:/Xonotic/data/textures/, models in C:/Xonotic/data/models/
3) the model was exported Incorrectly. And she can't find the texture. Try exporting ASE models, for example, and see the result. If you don't find a problem ask for help on QuakeNet IRC , for xonotic maps ask on discord - . There are people who specialize in creating maps.
Heart Heart  С наилучшими пожеланиями! Heart Heart


(03-29-2020, 12:26 PM)DarkFox Wrote: The md3 file itself does not contain a texture. It finds the textures in the correct directory. The reason for the problem may be:

1) MD3 consists of quadrilaterals and not triangles.
2) the working folder in netradiant\radiant  is incorrectly set (I use it). Everything should be in its place. For example, maps in the directory C:/Xonotic/data/maps/, textures in C:/Xonotic/data/textures/, models in C:/Xonotic/data/models/
3) the model was exported Incorrectly. And she can't find the texture. Try exporting ASE models, for example, and see the result. If you don't find a problem ask for help on QuakeNet IRC , for xonotic maps ask on discord - . There are people who specialize in creating maps.

Hi DarkFox, thank you very much for your reply!
I was thinking that md3 files were containers that stores both the model and the texture. It looks like I was wrong.
I'm sure that my MD3 consists of triangles because I manually used the triangulate modifier prior to the export.
I have the same issue with ASE format anyway.
I think, at this point, that the issue is the texture path. 
If for example I have my model in this path: baseq3\models\mapobjects\my_model\my_model.md3, what should be the correct path for the texture? 
maybe: baseq3\textures\my_model\ ?


For example, you have the model  barell01.md3
Putting the model here

We put the textures next to the model:

Netradiant should write:

Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/barrels/barrel01.md3"

Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/barrels/barrel01"

In the textures folder, we put the textures that the map itself uses. For example - baseq3\textures\earth\earth.tga
When you compile the bsp format , the model should be inside the bsp. But when importing BSPs to radiant, they will be lost.
Heart Heart  С наилучшими пожеланиями! Heart Heart


(03-29-2020, 02:22 PM)DarkFox Wrote: For example, you have the model  barell01.md3
Putting the model here

We put the textures next to the model:

Netradiant should write:

Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/barrels/barrel01.md3"

Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/barrels/barrel01"

In the textures folder, we put the textures that the map itself uses. For example - baseq3\textures\earth\earth.tga
When you compile the bsp format , the model should be inside the bsp. But when importing BSPs to radiant, they will be lost.

Ah, no, then my setup is correct and the problem is elsewhere... :/
I already use custom textures in my map and they are working correctly.
Maybe I'm using a too recent version of blender. I don't know.

Thanks anyway for your help Fox!

Have you tried this?

Have you tried noesis?

Maybe it's for ase models

PS: I'm surprised. Why does everything work well with weapon textures but not with models in radiant? If you find a way to do this, please let us know.
Heart Heart  С наилучшими пожеланиями! Heart Heart


I tried it in version 2.78c and it works for me. (
I think I understand your problem.
1) You did not do a UV scan(unwrap) of the model. If the model consists of many parts and each has its own texture, the combine them and create a whole model and a single UV texture.(this is much better for me)
2) On the "Object" that of the Properties window panel, find "Custom Properties".In the "Property Name" write - md3shader. Try clearly specifying the texture in "Property Value" (for example models/mapobjects/barrels/barrel01 ) for the texture barrel01.tga

I don't know why anymore. If it still doesn't work, try other methods. 
Good luck to you !
Heart Heart  С наилучшими пожеланиями! Heart Heart


(03-29-2020, 05:49 PM)DarkFox Wrote: I tried it in version 2.78c and it works for me. (
I think I understand your problem.
1) You did not do a UV scan(unwrap) of the model. If the model consists of many parts and each has its own texture, the combine them and create a whole model and a single UV texture.(this is much better for me)
2) On the "Object" that of the Properties window panel, find "Custom Properties".In the "Property Name" write - md3shader. Try clearly specifying the texture in "Property Value" (for example models/mapobjects/barrels/barrel01 ) for the texture barrel01.tga

I don't know why anymore. If it still doesn't work, try other methods. 
Good luck to you !

Hello, I've just tried this. I also tried the custom property but it still doesn't work for me  Undecided
I'll try the mino-git guide now.
In the meantime, can you do me a favour please? Just to be sure that the problem is on my side, can you try to convert this model in md3?

Thank you a lot.

I've also tried with noesis without luck Sad  (GREAT TOOL anyway!!) 
Another try that you can do is to download this free model: and with noesis convert it to md3. I can load it in radiant, but still no texture. I got this error from the console: Texture load failed: "01___Default"

EPIC EDIT: Got it to work!!!
When it said "Texture load failed: "01___Default"" I had to put the texture in "\Quake III\baseq3" and not in "Quake III\baseq3\models\mapobjects\dolphin".
Is there a way to edit the path of the texture anyway?

Thanks for all your help so far!

Apparently, radiant is looking for material, not texture. Try using the blender to make the material name the same as the loaded texture. For example, the texture chair.jpg then the material will be called - chair.
I downloaded your files and looked them up.
In General as. I write in as much detail as possible:
1 I unpacked the Dolphin model.
2 Since I have an old computer and can't work correctly in the newest versions of the blender, I took version 2.78 c and imported the obj model.
3 I removed the cube. Rotated the Dolphin model by -90 degrees on the x-axis.
4 Texture 10014_dolphin_v1_Diffuse.jpg copied and renamed to dolphin.jpg.I put it in the folder c:\baseq3\models\mapobjects\  
5 Opened "Custom Properties"(On the "Object" that of the Properties window panel {where the cube is drawn}) and clicked "add".In property name I wrote md3shader, in" property value " I wrote models/mapobjects/dolphin .
6 On the "Material" that of the Properties window panel , renamed the material 01_ _ Default .Named it as well as the texture - dolphin .
7 Since in this version triangulation works when exporting, I go directly to export .(When exporting to the left, there is a window "Export MD3", so That the word Triangulate has a check mark.)
8 I saved it as dolphin.md3 in a folder c:\baseq3\\models\mapobjects\ (where I saved the texture)
 to see how the model works on the map.
Launched netradiant and opened the map . Netradiant wrote
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/dolphin.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/dolphin"
On the map I found our Dolphin and the textures were in place.

Can I edit the texture path? - Yes . You can put it in the textures folder along with the map textures.(for example, to write then in the "property value"  - textures/mapobjects/delfin ). You can call an md3 model by one name and a texture by another. The main thing is that all folders: textures, models, maps ... We were in the same place . I have this c:\Xonotic\data .So that radiant can easily find them. Follow the order so as not to get confused. Otherwise, it can be bad when you play and see squares on the map instead of textures.

Well. Creating models for games is different from creating models for cartoons. The fact is that for games you need to process the image in real time. For this purpose, low-poly models are created. Thanks to high-quality textures, normal map, they make the appearance of a highly polygonal object. Therefore, when choosing models for games, be careful.
Heart Heart  С наилучшими пожеланиями! Heart Heart


(03-31-2020, 11:56 AM)DarkFox Wrote: Apparently, radiant is looking for material, not texture. Try using the blender to make the material name the same as the loaded texture. For example, the texture chair.jpg then the material will be called - chair.
I downloaded your files and looked them up.
In General as. I write in as much detail as possible:
1 I unpacked the Dolphin model.
2 Since I have an old computer and can't work correctly in the newest versions of the blender, I took version 2.78 c and imported the obj model.
3 I removed the cube. Rotated the Dolphin model by -90 degrees on the x-axis.
4 Texture 10014_dolphin_v1_Diffuse.jpg copied and renamed to dolphin.jpg.I put it in the folder c:\baseq3\models\mapobjects\  
5 Opened "Custom Properties"(On the "Object" that of the Properties window panel {where the cube is drawn}) and clicked "add".In property name I wrote md3shader, in" property value " I wrote models/mapobjects/dolphin .
6 On the "Material" that of the Properties window panel , renamed the material 01_ _ Default .Named it as well as the texture - dolphin .
7 Since in this version triangulation works when exporting, I go directly to export .(When exporting to the left, there is a window "Export MD3", so That the word Triangulate has a check mark.)
8 I saved it as dolphin.md3 in a folder c:\baseq3\\models\mapobjects\ (where I saved the texture)
 to see how the model works on the map.
Launched netradiant and opened the map . Netradiant wrote
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/dolphin.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/dolphin"
On the map I found our Dolphin and the textures were in place.

Can I edit the texture path? - Yes . You can put it in the textures folder along with the map textures.(for example, to write then in the "property value"  - textures/mapobjects/delfin ). You can call an md3 model by one name and a texture by another. The main thing is that all folders: textures, models, maps ... We were in the same place . I have this c:\Xonotic\data .So that radiant can easily find them. Follow the order so as not to get confused. Otherwise, it can be bad when you play and see squares on the map instead of textures.

Well. Creating models for games is different from creating models for cartoons. The fact is that for games you need to process the image in real time. For this purpose, low-poly models are created. Thanks to high-quality textures, normal map, they make the appearance of a highly polygonal object. Therefore, when choosing models for games, be careful.

Yeah it worked! Thank you very much!   Big Grin
Extra thanks for all your time and patience.


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