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[MAP] Bloody Run (remake for Blood Run)

(04-10-2020, 05:45 PM)SpiKe Wrote: Nice work with the decoration elements and the hurt triggers, players are less likely to hide outside now Smile

Suggestion: this room looks a bit bland compared to the other areas of the map, and could use different textures imo:

[Image: 1586562121.jpg]

Loving the map so far! That's really a map xonotic could brag with in terms of design and details. Want to see it go official.

I think in that room mentioned by SpiKe you added some water on the ground iirc. Last time I played the map the water needed waternodraw texture on the sides because it has water texture on the long sides which would clip through the wall containing the water. (like z-fighting but with water waves... I think you get it)

(04-14-2021, 07:58 AM)_para Wrote:
(04-10-2020, 05:45 PM)SpiKe Wrote: Nice work with the decoration elements and the hurt triggers, players are less likely to hide outside now Smile

Suggestion: this room looks a bit bland compared to the other areas of the map, and could use different textures imo:

[Image: 1586562121.jpg]

Loving the map so far! That's really a map xonotic could brag with in terms of design and details. Want to see it go official.

I think in that room mentioned by SpiKe you added some water on the ground iirc. Last time I played the map the water needed waternodraw texture on the sides because it has water texture on the long sides which would clip through the wall containing the water. (like z-fighting but with water waves... I think you get it)
Eh, I can't view picture above in SpiKe message (in case of "Secure connection failed"). If you can upload this picture somewhere else, will be good to check it.


Map updated to 1.08:
- Fix glitches with water and lava on map
- Add some decorative tubes in opened-air rooms
- Add more clips for disabling possibility to use map bugs

Next update may be just as some cosmetics, but I think, this is last update until players found some new bugs on this map

[Image: 6MWcV7A.jpg] [Image: In22iXF.jpg] [Image: Cs8aBlv.jpg]

Added link to google drive, if there is users which want to play, but haven't account to download via attachments.

Saw this map for the first time today watching the vod of yesterday's cup (yes yes, I know, living under a rock, yadda yadda yadda). It was so handsome I even resorted to DMing MusicGoat to find out what it was ?
Really nice job, thank you ?

Nice map!
Visit our clan website:

Map has been update with some fixes, which I can found when look at the ZS-RJZ Duel Cups:
- Change skybox to similar (because on ZS-RJZ Duel Cup it's just black)
- Add decorative hole at the exit of teleport from vortex room
- Increase width of passages at the top of central room
- Add clipping at the devast's room teleport (cuz player stuck there at the tourney)
Download updated on main post (with google drive link)

Great art work! But I think that quad room needs improvement. It feels like most tricks to quad balcony are quite hard and certain tricks aren't possible at all.

Here are the tricks to quad in QL:
[Image: pqrQVov.jpg]

On your map:
- Trick #1 isn't possible.
- Trick #2 is ok.
- Trick #3 is hard and it ends near the column where player will lose speed for sure.
- Trick #4 isn't possible at all.

The most problematic is that small column. Xonotic's version of Bloodrun doesn't have it:
[Image: Tg7Jran.jpg]

Here is a video, just for impression:

Update 1.1 Fixes
- Fix ramp jumping on quad room (add possibility to jump from bottom on balcony)
- Increase size of platform on arch in quad room to jump from teleporter corridor on quad balcony
- Make ladders working
- Make pillars smoother
- Replace some structures with curved ones
- Replace stairs on main room at the bottom near vortex
- In map editor make a lot of grouping items, it's a little bit easier to edit map

Update 1.11
- Make movements on map a lot smoother with more clips
- Place exit of teleporter from vortex room inside wall to have possibility to jumping twice
- Update floor in room with teleporter
- Move "window" with heavy armor higher

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